Ah~ That Child

At the waiting lounge.

A solemn mood engulfed the stifling air in the spacious room.

Elder Madam Lu, Francis Lu, Lu Shanshan and Lu Jinan were waiting with disconcerted hearts. There was nothing pleasant about their expressions either.

They were literally on edge waiting for Sera to come to.

Around five in the evening, the elders of the family were enjoying their evening cuppa of tea. Even father Lu was back early from office when Lu Jinan's phonecall disrupted their peace.

Panicked, they rushed to the hospital.

It's been more than four hours, and Sera has yet to regain consciousness.

"Jinan.. Go take a look. We've been waiting here for hours now and my precious, my Sera.."

Glancing at the empty hallways of the hospital, Lu Shanshan's heart was in her mouth. She tugged Jinan's sleeve as she said woefully.

"Mom, relax.. I spoke to the doctor in charge of the medical examination.. Sera's fine, she's just overworked.. And needs rest"

Clasping Lu Shanshan's shivering hand on his sleeve, Lu Jinan reassured his mother. His dark eyes glinting with an impalpable light.

"Shanshan, you need to be patient.."

Anna Lu, who has been silent the entire time spoke up abruptly. Her stern eyes held a hint of concern.

"I know mom.. I'm just worried! This is the first time in these five years that Sera has been hospitalized"

Feeling aggrieved by her mother-in-law's silent admonishing, Lu Shanshan warily shot another glance at the hallway before softly lamenting.


"Lu Shanshan!!"


As the words of a family taboo rolled down Lu Shanshan's tongue, the three people in the lounge - Anna Lu, Francis Lu and Lu Jinan - almost shrieked out in a tandem.

"I'm sorry.."

Closing her eyes out of fright, Lu Shanshan shrank back into her seat as she mumbled appearing downtrodden.

"Alright, don't feel bad now.. Just be careful next time, OK?"

Sighing to himself, Francis Lu hugged Lu Shanshan's shoulders as he tried to ease her mind. He could feel his mother's burning glare that was enough to stiffen his back.

Gulping his spit, Francis Lu smiled wryly at Anna Lu who was glaring daggers at the couple.

"Hmph! There shouldn't be a next time!"

Without waiting for any response, Anna Lu left the waiting lounge in a huff.

Leaving his parents inside, Lu Jinan rushed after his angry grandmother to mollify her ire.

"Grandmother, I'll talk to mom.."

Grabbing the elderly ladies well maintained fair hands, Lu Jinan smiled gently like the understanding grandson that he was.

"Jinan.. Thank you!"

Having quieten down her fury, Anna Lu was a lot calmer now as she gazed at Lu Jinan with a tender smile. She softly thanked him reaching out to cup his cheek, and turned to the opposite side of the waiting lounge.

"Don't worry grandmother.. I won't let anything happen to Sera!"

Intently watching the receding back of his grandmother, Lu Jinan's gaze darkened as a hint of malice flitted through.

- - -

Few hours ago

After patiently examining Sera and briefly informing about her condition to Lucifer and Ethan Lee, Dr Mu made his way towards his chamber. His palms sweating as he approached the handle of the tinted glass door.

"Dr Mu? How's Sera doing? What's her status?"

As soon as Dr Mu entered his chambers, a deep voice resounded catching him by surprise. He turned to find a towering figure standing with a cigarette pinched in between his lips, taking a puff, he tossed it into the dustbin.

"Oh! Mr Lu.. It's all good"

Wiping away the non-existent sweat on his forehead, Dr Mu smiled stiffly as he greeted Lu Jinan. His head bobbing up and down.

"I did just as you said.. Mr Lee didn't suspect anything when I told him about Miss Lu's weak disposition and lack of rest"

Seeing how nefarious Lu Jinan looked as he raised his brow questioningly. All while he maintained his grim silence. Dr Mu went on to add, retracting his weird looking smile.

Somewhat satisfied by Dr Mu's explanation as he shook in noticeable fear, Lu Jinan scoffed in his head as he sat on the couch.

What an idiot of a doctor, that's what Lu Jinan thought.

"Hmm.. What about the other things?"

Crossing his long pair of legs, and propping it lazily on the table in front the man questioned irritably. Impatience clear on his good looking face that was cold and ruthless.

"Yes! I've conducted all the required tests inconspicuously, and the results will be out before midnight.. No body knows about this matter, not even my teammates. Mr Lu can rest assured.. You can collect them immediately. If you want we can keep Miss Lu under observation, we've already injected her with sedatives. She'll be asleep for some time.."

With a nod of his head, Dr Mu plopped himself across Lu Jinan as he expounded clearly like an obedient student reporting to his teacher.

Lu Jinan stood up with a start, frightening Dr Mu as he straightened himself while dusting his clothes.

"Hmm.. That's good. Do not breath a word to anyone, especially that Ethan Lee!"

Walking past the man clad in white, Lu Jinan retrieved a thick packet out of his pocket and threw it on the glass table.

"Th.. Thank you so much, Mr Lu!"

Scrambling to his feet, Dr Mu bowed his head and seized the packet on the table with both hands.

In a flash, Lu Jinan was out of the door.

- - -

Itching to see her precious granddaughter, Anna Lu's inquisitiveness was on peak as she ambled towards Sera's private ward.

The hallway was almost empty with only a few nurses strolling with files and medicines.

The coast was completely clear.

There was no sign of Ethan Lee or any other personnel to stop Anna Lu from entering inside.

Delighted, Anna Lu was about to turn the door knob when she saw a dark silhouette embracing her granddaughter, Sera.

Squinting her eyes, she observed the discreet man who was holding her granddaughter in his arms like a perfect knight.

Like a detective on a hunt, Anna Lu's gears in her head were running on top speed. Her hazel eyes lit up instantly, her aged face brightened up as well.

"Ah~ That child! Ethan Lee.. Hah! He's sure fast, I didn't expect my girl to fall so quickly too.. Haha, I should share my happiness with Sophia!"

Smiling to herself, Anna Lu turned around to give the young couple some privacy. With a wide stretched smile on her face she was as happy as a clam.

So much so, that the old lady could even imagine her great-grandchildren wobbling around her, calling her grandma in a childlike voice. Her heart throbbing in anticipation of the blissful future she's dreamed of.