A Life For A Life

Jade Manor

A troubled Liu Chenmin couldn't stomach his food in peace after witnessing the spoiled princess, Liu Li's outburst. Gulping down the rest of the tea, he stood up and walked out of the dining hall.

The middle-aged man had a permanent frown as he perched himself on the couch.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Liu Chenmin dialed Mr Bai's number.

"Bai.. It's been more than a month, is that Doctor Brooks going to treat our Liu Li or not? Get someone else if he's not interested.. Liu Li's condition is getting worse. I don't want my only daughter to get crazy!"

The stern tone in Liu Chenmin's voice plummeted to a helpless, worry laced one. His fist clenched tightly, his eyes blurred with unshed tears.

On the other side of the speaker, Mr Bai's lips curved into a mocking smirk. His sharp brown eyes had an evil glint, his face icy cold.

"Sir, I'm sorry for the delay.. But Dr Brooks is currently in S Country for a research. I called his assistant yesterday.."

The business like and polite tone of Mr Bai didn't didn't betray his venomous expression, and his hatred filled emotions. His lips unhurriedly curled into a cold smile.

"Enough! Find that lady, what's her name? Doctor Su.. Yes, Doctor Su! Liu Li was in perfect shape while getting treated by that young doctor. Her condition had stabilized too.."

Impatiently interjecting Mr Bai, the furious Liu Chenmin's commanding words were heard.

"Okay, I'll do as you say.."

After a beat, Liu Chenmin's dark eyes gleamed as he was reminded of Big Boss's orders.

"I want to see you regarding Zhang Lili, it's time.."

With a shake of his head, Mr Bai listened to Liu Chenmin and answered in a polite manner.

"Yes sir, I'll be there in ten.."

Throwing his phone on the couch, Mr Bai took a puff from the burning cigarette in his hand. His expression unreadable.

Blowing out smoke, Mr Bai walked towards the curtains in the room. He extended his hand and pulled the curtains open to reveal a concealed wall.

A small photo frame was hanging on the clean wall. It looked quite old.

In the old looking photograph, a pair stood smiling brightly while facing the camera.

The young girl in the photograph, probably fifteen years old, dressed in a school uniform was clinging to an older boy in a high school uniform. He was probably eighteen or nineteen years old.

The girls plump face was blushing, her slender hands wrapped around the boy's arm.

The girl had straight long hair that reached her shoulders, her pale pink lips were small and cute. Her nose straight. Her fair skin, glowing bright akin to luminescent pearls.

The boy had a charming smile, his brown eyes were bright and the distinct mole under his eye was eye-catching. His whole being emanating a warm, relaxed feeling.

"Yueyue.. Brother is going to avenge you!"

"That monster! He'll surely pay for his misdeeds.."

"Fifteen years! More than fifteen years have passed since then.. I'll avenge all your grievances. I'll take back whatever he owes you.. I promise!"

"A life for a life.."

Mr Bai - Bai Yong's younger sister, Bai Yue was a brilliant student and an aspiring singer.

She had participated in a number of cultural events and won lots of school, inter-school and other singing small-scale competitions.

Bai Yue's biggest and only dream was to become a world renowned singer.

Born in a working-class, not well-to-do family, Bai Yue and Bai Yong were brought up in a fairly lacking manner.

The Bai siblings' mother was a nursery school teacher, and their father was a factory worker. He became crippled after meeting with an unfortunate accident in the factory.

Their household was humble, and they lived in harmony until one day.

At Bai Yue's all girls school, the young businessman, Liu Chenmin was invited as a guest for the cultural festival. Back then he was in his early thirties.

Watching Bai Yue's performance as she sang in her mellifluous voice, Liu Chenmin was mesmerized. His heart started racing, the deep buried dead chords of his heart stirred uncontrollably.

Completely captivated by Bai Yue's beauty and her docile appearance, Liu Chenmin's paedophile nature swallowed his rationality as lust flooded through his veins. His burning gaze was locked on the young girl's petite figure.

After the performance, the eager Liu Chenmin handed his business card to Bai Yue as he raised her hopes. He promised her that he'd make her a star, he also asked her to meet him after school.

The naive Bai Yue fell right into Liu Chenmin's trap.

The dashing man in his thirties was like a movie star, his refined appearance and suave style was extremely attractive. Especially to a young and naive girl in her teens. Liu Chenmin's gentle demeanor and warm attitude was enough to melt Bai Yue's heart.

As promised, Bai Yue appeared at the designated spot to meet Liu Chenmin, which was a high end club. A number of young girls were singing on the stage, dancing seductively to the mellow music.

In awe, Bai Yue was rooted to the spot as she observed the girls in long dresses with exquisite makeup. Her eyes glittering, she imagined herself in their place. It was thrilling.

Studying the inexperienced and fresh Bai Yue's cute reactions from afar, Liu Chenmin felt an inexplicable desire. Her fair skin wrapped in a tight fit white Jean's and pink top was a beautiful sight. Her silky black hair tied into a pony were swaying akin to sea weed. His gaze darkened, he downed the drink in one gulp and stood up.