All In The Past

The man's entire aura emanated a chill that could freeze the entire nation's water bodies into solid blocks of ice. It was frightening.

In one swift motion, Ethan Lee easily held both of Xia Ruo Lan's hands. Her slender wrists turned red under his vice like grip as he pulled her closer, tugging onto her hands.

"Stop lying to me! Stop acting dumb! Stop hiding things from me, Xia Ruo Lan!"

The man's fury filled red eyes stared straight into Xia Ruo Lan's shaky ones, his tone slightly higher than usual was piercingly cold.

His emotions all over the place.

Xia Ruo Lan was as pale as a sheet of paper faced with Ethan Lee's high intensity filled reaction. She was petrified by his behavior.

Scrunching her brows into a tight frown, a painful expression laced Xia Ruo Lan small face. Her large black eyes turned misty, big fat tears rimmed the edges of her now blurry eyes.

"Et.. Ethan! You're.. Hurting me!"

Almost choking, Xia Ruo Lan cried out in pain. Her voice filled with tremors of apprehension.

The initial foreboding feeling that shrouded Xia Ruo Lan when she first entered the room came true. Just like that, the moment a very furious Ethan Lee pointed towards the painting as he posed a question, the uncertain Xia Ruo Lan felt herself being gripped by dread.

No matter how Xia Ruo Lan winced or cried, Ethan Lee didn't budge. His grasp on her didn't loosen, nor did his expression toned down.

Instead his voice turned gravely louder than it already was.

"Answer me! Answer me Ruo Lan.."

Choking on her words, Xia Ruo Lan avoided Ethan's gaze that was scaring her to the point she couldn't breathe.

She felt her chest constricting as incoherent, choked words tumbled out of her mouth.

"Five years ago.. I.. I was the bidder for this painting, you were searching for.. It was supposed to be a surprise.. Surprise gift for Mia's.. Mia's coming of age ceremony.. That's all, that's all I have to say!"

Five years ago, on Mia Chung's coming of age ceremony, that is her 18th birthday, Ethan Lee wanted to gift this painting by ROSE to her - his girlfriend.

Apart from his heartfelt, romantic proposal, and the sapphire diamond ring.

Unfortunately, Ethan lost the bid for the painting as it was bid higher by another person, whose identity was unknown till date. He had no idea that it was Xia Ruo Lan.

The shock rendered the man speechless.

At that point of time - Five years ago, lots of things happened in their lives.

The four friends - Ethan, Lucifer, Mia and Xia Ruo Lan's lives changed completely.

As Xia Ruo Lan left them to study abroad after breaking up with Ethan's good friend, and Mia's brother, Lucifer for no apparent reason. It broke their hearts. Her departure.

The color on Ethan's face drained completely, his dark, charcoal like pupils constricted.

He stood resembling a lifeless rock staring hard at the little head of the petite woman who was cowering like a kitten.

His throat felt parched.

"You.. You, then why didn't you..?"

Lowering her head, Xia Ruo Lan rested her chin on the man's chest, almost hiding in his embrace as she mumbled, still choking.

"I had no idea what, why, please.. Please don't ask me, Ethan! I beg you.. Please, I had no idea that Mia, something like that would happen to her.. I didn't get to see her for the last time.. I really, really regret not going to the birthday party.. I really regret.."

Large, dewy tears streamed down Xia Ruo Lan's plump cheeks like a broken string of precious pearls, breaking Ethan's heart. His enraged expression transformed into one filled with affliction. His gaze turned soft, and gentle hid a number of complicated emotions.

Cradling Xia Ruo Lan's petite figure, Ethan hugged her closer almost crushing her body.

His hands, large and warm, gently patting her shuddering back coaxingly.

"Sshh.. It's okay, it's okay Ruo Lan. Stop crying, stop crying.."

The effect of Ethan's soothingly warm tone and soft pats brought forth Xia Ruo Lan's vulnerable self. She broke down without restraint, clinging onto his body and crying harder. Longing for his body's warmth and comfort.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Ethan! Mia.. I really love her, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. I don't want Mia to hate me! Ethan.. I don't want her to hate me!"

Subconsciously, or consciously, one had no exact idea. But Xia Ruo Lan mumbled continuous words of apology, like a broken record. As though she had committed a serious crime, or betrayed someone with their trust.

Even Ethan felt that it was weird, still, he placated the crying Xia Ruo Lan with all he could.

On second thoughts, she might be feeling remorse for not being beside Mia at her last moments. It was possible, that's what he percieved.

Understanding her plight, the man felt guilty for shouting at Xia Ruo Lan. His heart wrenching at the sight of her crying like a baby.

"She doesn't hate you.. Sshhh! Don't cry.. It's alright, it's all in the past now. Don't cry, please.."

After crying her heart out, Xia Ruo Lan sniffled and raised her head to meet Ethan's gaze.

Ethan's warmth filled gaze striking to his previous ice cold stare, tickled Xia Ruo Lan's heart into a mush. However, her gaze was earnest as she expressed her gratitude.

"Thank you.. I really needed someone to tell me this, thank you Ethan! I'm really.."

All of a sudden, Ethan retracted his hand from Xia Ruo Lan's back to cup her cheek, startling her.

It happened to soon, nobody had the chance to react.

The calloused thumb of the man who was raging mad at Xia Ruo, was now caressing her smooth skin. Slowly, and gently wiping away the tears off her wet face as though she was a preciously guarded emperor's treasure.

Under Ethan's teasing ministrations, Xia Ruo Lan could feel her face getting heated up. Her plump cheeks red resembled fresh apples, ready to be plucked.

She held her breath, waiting for him to say something and clear the awkwardness in the air.

Just when Xia Ruo Lan was about to avert her gaze in embarrassment, Ethan Lee's cool but soft lips landed firmly on her rosy ones.