A Dense Idiot

Finally it was the launch of Sera's art gallery. The long awaited launch after full three months of planning and hard work had arrived.

Everyone had worked really hard, from Sera to Xia Ruo Lan to Ethan Lee, even Wang Fang and Assistant Chen did their best to make this event a big, big hit. So, that it can be ingrained in people's mind, leaving a greater impact and compelling them to visit the gallery.

Everything was planned and executed with utter perfection, however there was just one catch. And that was the gallery's name!

Nobody knew the name of the art gallery except for Seraphina Lu herself, not even the Lu family was aware of the gallery's name.

To add an element of surprise, Sera had intentionally kept the art gallery's name under wraps until the day of the inauguration.

So everyone were eagerly waiting for the big reveal.

Strutting inside Sera's bedroom came Su Yin, dressed in a lime green color off-shoulder silk asymmetrical long dress. Perfect for an early brunch. Her jet black hair were tied into a stylish updo, with thin strands framing her small face to perfection.

With her hands on her hips, Su Yin glared at Sera who was still in her bathrobe, her hair damp. Her cheeks were flushed from the hot shower, her eyes as bright as ever.

"Hey Seraaa.. What's this ha? Why are you keeping it a secret?!"

Followed by Xia Ruo Lan in a royal purple qipao style dress with silver and white thread work, and gemstones. Her dark hair were styled in an elegant bun, some thin strands falling freely on the sides of her face.

"I know right! She doesn't even tell me, even though I worked my ass of these few months for her.."

Clearly siding with Su Yin, Xia Ruo Lan's black and beautiful eyes, shining brightly were on Sera.

A busy Sera was seen going through her phone before raising her head to glance at the two women who had barged into her bedroom.

Ignoring the look Sera was giving her, Su Yin clicked her tongue. Her tone unkind.

"Tsk! That's mean.."

On the side, Xia Ruo Lan nodded her head silently agreeing with Su Yin. Her mobile phone in her purse was buzzing without making any noise.

Throwing her mobile phone irritably on the bed, which had not one message or call from the love of her life, Sera snapped at them.

"Enough you guys! I know what y'all trying to do.. FYI it's not gonna work on me so, buzz off and let me get ready.."

When Sera huffingly walked to Su Yin's side, attempting to push her out, Su Yin exclaimed loudly. Feigning hurt.

"Ah! How cruel.."

Rolling her eyes, Sera immediately called out Su Yin's bluff which made Xia Ruo Lan crack up.

"Exaggeration much!!"

She stifled her laugh at once when Su Yin warningly glared at her.

Hooking her arm around Xia Ruo Lan's slender hand, Su Yin pouted dejectedly before dragging her out. She paused in her steps and inquired, glimpsing at Sera who was looking for something in her drawers.

"Whatever! C'mon Ruo Lan, let's go check up on other things. By the way, where's Ethan Lee?"

Pausing in her search, Sera answered. Without sparing the duo any glance, she returned back to her drawer.

"Uh? Yeah, his assistant called. He'll be reaching the venue directly.. Must be on his way now"

With a derisive tone, Su Yin spat her words shocking both Sera and Xia Ruo Lan. Their eyes rounded with question marks flying out of them.

"Oh! That's okay, it's not like he's obligated to spend each second supervising things himself.."

Turning around, Sera darted a stern glance at Su Yin as she questioned, trying to read her friend's thoughts. Her tone highly inquisitive.

"Yinyin! Why are you so against Ethan? I see, you've been mocking him a lot recently.."

Unbothered by Sera's keen eyes locked on her, Su Yin drawdled while unhooking herself from Xia Ruo Lan and shrugged unaffectedly.

"Because.. He's a dense idiot!!"

Working together with Sera, Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee, the quick-witted Su Yin's keen senses awakened.

Su Yin's hawk eyes easily spotted the brewing tension between Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan which intrigued her, increasing her interest in the awkward couple.

Especially when Sera wasn't around them, Ethan Lee would feel flustered in Xia Ruo Lan's presence.

As though for Ethan Lee, Sera's existence was a great distraction from Xia Ruo Lan. It was undeniably interesting for Su Yin to witness such a rarity.

As soon as Su Yin's words ceased, Xia Ruo Lan broke into a fit of dry coughs, her face red.

*ahem* *ahem*

A worried expression formed on Sera's face as she rushed to Xia Ruo Lan. On the side, Su Yin smiled furtively, stealing glances at her.

"Are you okay, Ruo Lan? Do you need some water?"

Shaking her head, Xia Ruo Lan hastily left the room, leaving a staggered Sera and an amused Su Yin.

"No, I'm fine.. I have a phonecall to attend. I'll see you guys downstairs"

Chortling wickedly, Su Yin rubbed her hands together with an impish glint in her eyes.


Shifting her gaze to Su Yin's creepy face, Sera had an ominous feeling as she eyed her. Suspicion clear in her onyx like eyes.

"What are you chuckling for? You look crazy.."

Recomposing herself, Su Yin was all normal as she met the concerned Sera's gaze. Her expression flawless.

"Nothing much.. Why don't you change first, I'll go downstairs and keep Ruo Lan company.."

As though recalling something important, Su Yin asked with a stiff smile.

"Yeah, Sera.. Where's Lu Jinan?"

Feeling anxious, Su Yin was afraid that Adrian might see Lu Jinan. The man said that he'd drop by later. She was so not ready for them to meet, not after their last encounter.

Scrutinizing Su Yin's stiffly smiling face, Sera quizzed. Not find anything wrong with the her flawless face, she slowly divulged appearing anxious.

"Brother? He's with mom and dad.. They're already overseeing things at the gallery. It's just me and you guys, we're running a little late.."

Hugging Sera's shoulders in a firm grasp, Su Yin assured her. Her lips, alluringly red were curled into a beatific and encouraging smile.

"Don't stress out! You're gonna do fine.."

Nodding her head, Sera pounced on Su Yin as she mumbled in a soft voice.

"Thank you Yinyin! Love you.."

Patting Sera's back comfortingly, Su Yin peeled herself away from the hug and smiled with a small nod.

"Love you too! I'll see you downstairs.."