Gasping For Air

Two dark silhouettes, one after the other were seen ambling along the dimly lit corridors.

Pacing briskly to catch up with Sera who was secretly smiling as she strode forward, Lucifer called out to her.

"My love! Seraa.. Listen to me my love, it's not what you're thinking it is.."

Hastily grabbing onto Sera's elbow from behind, Lucifer made her turn around as he said. Her back pushed against the cold wall.

"Then tell me what it is!"

Glaring into Lucifer's sparkling gray orbs that reflected her small face as well as his endless love for her, Sera abruptly cut him off. Her expression that of feigned hurt and anger.

Tongue-tied, Lucifer tried hard to form legit words that could describe the situation fittingly but failed. In fact he had no idea what he wanted to say.

"Uhm.. I.. It's just not what you're thinking.."

A helpless expression streaked Lucifer's face as he weakly reasoned, holding onto her palm tightly afraid to let go. She could feel his hand clammy, her own heart was hurting for tormenting him.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

Deliberately ignoring Lucifer's agitation for a while, Sera posed a question building a firm resolve within herself. She cannot waver now.

"I can't.. I can't tell but I can feel your distress!"

Stroking the length of Sera's fair arms with his fingers, Lucifer stared deeply into her eyes.

"Then why don't you try and resolve it? Talk to me.. You know that's what I want, I want us to talk about it.."

Leaning forward with a faint smile gracing her ruby lips, Sera reflexively reached to cup Lucifer's right cheek as she said.

The glistening pair of beautiful black orbs staring at Lucifer compelled him to hug Sera to death. His desire to crush her soft body and never let go was stronger than ever.

"I.. I can't tell you! I've promised someone so I can't reveal anything to you. I'm sorry!"

Sighing heavily, Lucifer painfully closed his eyes before opening them. His tone heavy as he apologized staring down at her face.

"It's Xia Ruo Lan, right? You've promised her.."

Returning Lucifer's profound gaze that never ceased to stir the deepest of her heart's chords, Sera asked deftly. In fact she was sure of it.

The certainty in her words startling the man.

"Yes.. You have to trust me, okay?"

Not avoiding her question nor turning away from her gaze, Lucifer honestly answered. Yet he couldn't feel the assurance from her as he quizzed to make himself feel better.

"I trust you Lucifer.. It's just that, I feel this distant feeling between us.."

Pressing her rose petal like lips into a half smile, Sera pulled him closer as she softly voiced out. Lucifer parted his lips, wanting to say something when she stopped him. Her thumb gently stroking his lower lip tingling sensations.

She continued, he pursed his thin lips into a tight line. His chest burning with a deep sense of guilt and shame. A tumult of emotions pirouetting inside him as he was absorbed in self-reproach listening to her.

"You know, I don't want to conceal our relationship, and I don't want to hide our love.. It's not like we're wrong! I understand your concern, it's for my and my family's safety.. But I love you.. I really do!"

Almost leaping into his sturdy arms, Sera hugged Lucifer tightly, delicately pressing kisses on his cheek.

"Fine! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for being a jerk.."

Wrapping his arm around Sera's tiny waist, Lucifer returned her embrace. His large hand patting her small back affectionately.

Gaily giggling, she rubbed his cheek and adoringly kissed him when she heard the man call himself a 'jerk'.

"I'm serious.. Let's meet your parents this weekend, hmm?"

Listening to Sera's bell like laughter, Lucifer feigned a stern expression and pinched her nose. He further added after softening his tone. His magnetic gaze flickered with light

"Yayy! Thank you so much.. I love you!"

As soon as Lucifer's words fell into her ears, Sera's face brightened up and she jumped in joy.

Staring down at Sera's glowing face akin to a high quality luminescent pearl in the dark, Lucifer couldn't help but be drawn to her innate beauty and elegance. His gaze darkened visibly bringing a knowing smile on plump lips. And her cheeks reddened.

Stimulated by Sera's meek demeanor and shy expressions that created a ripple in the sea of his heart that was filled with his never dying love for her, Lucifer dipped his neck to meet her ruby lips.

Lucifer eagerly licked Sera's lips that were as soft as satin, savoring the sweet tasting nectar with his eyes closed. Drowning in pleasure, he let Sera experience the same exciting sensations with his expert kissing skills and slick snake like tongue invading her insides.

The pair shared a hot, lingering kiss that didn't fail to illustrate their of passion and desire for each other.

In her ecstasy, Sera involuntarily snaked her fair arms around Lucifer's neck, pulling the man closer and closer to her. Their hot bodies melting against each other's, trying to mold them into one.

Panting, Lucifer's lips curled into the rarest of smiles as he tugged Sera closer when she peeled back making her blush profusely. She raised her gaze inquisitively. He simply smirked playfully.

The pair leaned against the wall gasping for air after their intense makeout.

"I love you too.."

With their foreheads touching intimately, Sera could feel his breath and the heat of their faces together. Lucifer replied hoarsely before bending down to capture her mouth once again, stealing her sweetness.

Kissing, pecking, nibbling, licking and sucking, he didn't let her off easily as the heat rose within them, wanting for more. Their warm and moist tongues entwined in a heated battle where nobody won and nobody lost.

Somewhere in a corner, under the dim lights Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan stood rooted to the ground. Their faces ghastly pale after listening to Sera and Lucifer's conversation.

'Sera and Lucifer?!!'

The stupefied duo stared at Sera and Lucifer entangled together as though they'd seen a ghost walking in daylight.