Don't Like Sweets

The woman's helpless and clingy voice laced with sleepiness made Lucifer's heart melt. He was about to climb into the bed when he remembered something and turned on his heel.

Just in time the door bell also rang, much to Sera's surprise. She watched Lucifer's figure casually walking to the door casually to open it. She cast a questioning look at him.

With a silver cloche covered tray in his hand, Lucifer approached the bed and sat beside the confused Sera.

"Take this, it's a herbal medicine and this is brown sugar soup. It'll help reduce the pain.. Finish this quickly, and let's sleep! I have an early meeting tomorrow morning.."

Taking off the cloche, Lucifer revealed the contents - a couple greenish pills, water and a bowl of broth - Sera gawped at his face incredulously.


Laughing heartily, Sera reached to drink the saccharine concoction that was warm and soothing to her throat, and tummy. She felt blissful, and kept smiling throughout the ordeal, forgetting about the pain that was killing her moments ago!

After Sera finished drinking the medicine, Lucifer climbed back into the bed, next to her and turned off the light.

As Sera peacefully closed her tired eyes, Lucifer's scorching body pressed against hers. She kept quiet, feigning sleep to observe his further actions.

The man's slightly rough and warm, big hand snuck under her pink pajama shirt and slowly snaked up from behind. She was stunned speechless to find that big hand stop on her lower abdomen and gently massage it.

Suddenly, a warm heat penetrated through her skin, easing the slight sore feeling she was experiencing. She was overwhelmed by warmth and love.

Under Lucifer's skillful ministrations Sera immediately fell sound asleep, a wide smile on her small face.

Wide awake, Lucifer felt the steady sound of breathing coming from the fragile figure in his arms and smiled faintly. His gaze melancholic.

"Ah! Stupid brother.. It hurts! Get me a painkiller!!"

Clutching her lower abdomen, a golden haired frail beauty shrank back on her princess style bed.

"Nope! No painkillers!! They are harmful for you.. Drink this, it's good for your body.."

Staring at the painfully curled girl on the bed with his gray orbs, Lucifer sat beside her with a bowl in his hands. His long hair spread messily.

"No! No! No! I don't like it, it's super sweet and unpalatable.."

Puffing out her cheeks, she shook her head vehemently even if her complexion was starting to turn pale.

"Mia Chung! You have to listen to your brother.."

Infuriated, Lucifer growled in a low voice that sounded threatening and enough to frighten her.

"Yes Mia, listen to Lucifer.. Can't you see that he's worried for you!"

A clear voice intercepted the brother-sister duo, it was Ethan Lee who'd barged inside the bedroom. His dark gaze locked on the pale looking Mia dressed in her cute frilly pajamas. Her golden hair were tied into two separate braids.

Mia Chung's green eyes lit up at the sight of Ethan Lee. If she could, she would've already jumped out of the bed and into his arms.

"Ethan! I.. You know, I don't like sweets!!"

Troubled by Ethan Lee's words, Mia Chung blinked her eyes appearing pitiful and spluttered. She even threw an unhappy glance at the silent Lucifer as he watched her act.

"It's okay, you can drink this.. I'll grant you a wish if you listen to Lucifer!"

Taking the bowl from Lucifer, Ethan Lee crouched in front of Mia Chung and offered the bowl to her. Like a knight bowing down to the queen!


Delighted, Mia Chung asked with her gaze twinkling like stars in the sky. She looked mesmerizing.

"Yup! Now finish this, fast.."

Nodding her head, Ethan Lee passed Mia Chung the bowl as he prodded her to drink it. Lucifer smiled on the side watching her finish it in two big gulps.

- - -

Next morning.

When a groggy but refreshed Sera woke up looking rosy from her sleep, it was already bright outside.

The sun was brightly shining up the blue sky. Their was a pleasant sunlight falling through the open windows and the curtains swaying lightly with the fresh breeze that came in.

It was the first time in years that Sera had peacefully slept through the night while she was having period cramps. Without staying up late alone, drinking hot water and warming her tummy with a thermal water bag.

It was really a miracle.

The last time she'd had a painful period was when she was eighteen, nearly five years back. Lu Jinan was prohibited from entering her room and Aunt Zhou was accompanying her through the night. Her mother Lu Shanshan was worried sick for her daughter.

As Sera was daydreaming, with her gaze fixed on the spot where Lucifer was lying on the bed, her mobile phone rang.

*ring* *ring*

She groped her way to the phone placed on the cabinet and swiped the answer button, without casting a glance at the caller's name. Her voice slightly raspy, she eyed the empty jug of water on the table and frowned.


A cheerful greeting in an all too familiar vibrato chimed in Sera's ears, lifting her mood higher. She smiled, turning around she found a glass of water on the other side of the bed with a pink smiley note.

"Good morning! How are you feeling?"

Picking up the glass, Sera replied with a sweet smile that she couldn't hide no matter what, it reached the depths of her beautiful eyes.

"Better, thanks to you.."

As she took a sip, Lucifer's low chuckle brushed past her small ears that perked up sensitively. It was evident from his tone that he was super busy and had no time to spare, yet he'd taken a few seconds for her.

"I didn't do anything.. Okay, I have another important meeting in five. I'll talk to you later.."

She couldn't feel happier, her blushing face was like a freshly bloomed flower, pink and glowing.

"Um.. Bye!"

Browsing through her messages, Sera stupidly wondered with an irritated frown before jumping out of the bed.

"Why didn't brother reply.. Ah! There are three missed calls from brother! And Su Yin too.."

Throwing a hasty glance at the clock, a frantic Sera rushed to the bathroom, even forgetting to slam the door shut.

"Oh no! I'm late.. I'd better hurry!"