Ms Lu's Brother


Wiping the foolish grin off his handsome face, Adrian addressed Lucifer in his usual calm manner.

"Adrian, come in.. No need to act so formal, it's just Ethan!"

Flicking his indolent gaze from Ethan Lee to Adrian, Lucifer lazily voiced out before settling back on his chair.

"Yup, brother Ad! How are you doing?"

Chuckling at Lucifer's teasing words, Ethan Lee turned to glance at Adrian who was striding towards them. His lips curved into a small smile after being called as brother.

"Great! Happy, content, whatever you can think of.."

Instead of Adrian, it was Lucifer who jumped into their conversation, rolling his eyes as he said.


The nonsense spewed by Lucifer's mouth left Ethan Lee at a loss. He pingponged his gaze from the devil who was smirking to a stunned Adrian.

"The man's in love!"

Widening his devilish smile, Lucifer darted his gaze to Adrian as he shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal to him and he didn't care at all. Whereas Ethan Lee's face was streaked with utter shock.

"Seriously?! Wow.. I never thought.."

Raising his brows, Ethan Lee turned to a silent Adrian for confirmation, the latter bit back a smile while nodding his head.

"Haha.. My man's not as stiff as he looks.. His love story is an intense one!"

Laughing heartily, Lucifer commented from the side. His expression extremely playful eliciting a smile on their faces.

"Man! I'd love to listen to your story alas I have some things to attend.. You guys carry on, I'll take my leave.."

Patting on Adrian's shoulder, Ethan Lee smiled as he said while subtly avoiding their gaze.

"Okay, bye.."

Noticing the momentary discomfort that flashed through Ethan Lee's face, Lucifer came to his rescue. He waved his large hand with a hint of understanding in his gray orbs.

Dazed, Ethan Lee was stunned by the look meaningful given by Lucifer. It made his heart jump. Giving a brief nod, the man left the two men alone.

Stepping out of Lucifer's office, Ethan Lee grazed his calloused thumb on the scar at the corner of his mouth. It was a bite mark from last night. Suddenly his expression turned morose.

After Ethan Lee's departure, Adrian's face turned cold with a hint of sharpness in his blue eyes.


Taking a seat across Lucifer, Adrian tried to call his attention.


Unlike the sharpness in Adrian's eyes, Lucifer's gaze abstracted in the direction where Ethan Lee's figure disappeared as he hummed in response.

"Is everything alright?"

Scanning the austere look of concern in Lucifer's face, Adrian quizzed with a raise of his brow.

"Uh? Yeah, what are you here for?"

Taking back his gaze from the closed door, Lucifer regarded Adrian with a small smile as he questioned him back.

From the way Lucifer dodged his question, Adrian understood his reluctance and recovered himself as he began to apprise his findings.

"It's about that old couple from K Country at the X City auction, the one's associated with that man.. They are back in K Country and they haven't been in contact with him since then.."

Gauging Lucifer's reaction keenly, Adrian cleared his throat before speaking.

"Also, that bidder from last time, he was hired by a certain Mr Lu Jinan.. He's Ms Lu's brother"

By the time Lucifer registered the words spoken by Adrian his eyes widened in disbelief. He was befuddled by this brand-new information.

"Ms Lu? You mean.. Sera?"

Lifting his gray irises doubtfully to regard Adrian, Lucifer reiterated.


Slowly nodding his head, Adrian replied in affirmation. He could clearly sense the doubts clouding the usually perceptive and astute Lucifer's mind.

When it comes to 'ROSE' and Yang Deming, the man had his own thoughts and calculations.

"What else..?"

Refusing to delve deeper into the matter in question, Lucifer smoothly changed the topic.

"Uncle Bert, he's going to attend the event this weekend.."

At the abrupt change of topic, Adrian gave a nod before smiling, and reported the other important things.

"Oh! That's.. Expected"

Twirling the shiny Visconti pen in his hand, Lucifer dawdled. Recalling something, he looked at Adrian while instructing with a big hearty smile.

"If there's nothing substantial, you can take a day off.. And yes, we're having a brunch party this weekend, Su Yin's gonna be there too. Don't be late!"

Elated, the blue eyed man's gaze filled with a surprise that soon transitioned into that of gratitude.


It was close to 6 in the evening and the fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon as threads of light lingered in the sky.

The wind wasn't strong, but it was enough to blow the white papers of design stacked on the table. The windows were open wide, the curtains dancing along the direction of the breeze.

Leaning weakly against the lounger on the left side of her office's lounge, Xia Ruo Lan's watery gaze was transfixed on the door. She closed her eyes, and the salty liquid streamed down her wan and sallow face.

- - -


A young girl with a chubby face and round body sat crying on the muddy ground, her fair face covered with dirt. Even her pink frock was completely stained. She must be 13-14 years old.

"Look at her dirty face.. She looks like an ugly duckling! Haha.."

"Have you ever seen a fat duckling like here? She looks like a pig rolling in dirt! Haha.."

A group of girls and boys donning school uniforms with their beautiful faces and slender figures stood encircling her. Their eyes held the ridicule they felt against her as they jeered.

Snickering, and laughing at the girl's sorry appearance with hatred.

All of a sudden, a young boy with jet black eyes emerged out of nowhere. His nose was sharp and lips thin with a hint of coldness that exuded his whole being. He was dressed in the same uniform as the other children. Frightened by the boy's sudden arrival, the group of boys and girls hastily scattered like ants on a hot pan leaving the wretched looking fat girl alone in the pool of muddy water.