Blotch Of Crimson


The wan and sallow looking figure blinked the stream of tears gushing like a broken string of pearls down her pale cheeks as she reminisced her miserable past.

In her dazed state, Xia Ruo Lan clenched her fists tightly, until her nails dug into the fair flesh of her palms, but she barely noticed. The pain didn't come, in fact Xia Ruo Lan didn't feel anything beside the prick in her chest that was suffocating her to no end.

The only thing Xia Ruo Lan's aware of, is the tumultuous, and painful throbbing of her heart against the cage of her chest. It's not until Xia Ruo Lan casts a dull look into the crystal encrusted mirror on the wall, that she realizes that she's been biting her lip, so hard that it's bleeding.

The red on her dry and pale lips eye-catching!

"I've loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you! You were like a prince to me, the prince charming of my dreams.. I've only loved you all my life, Ethan! Even when I saw you laughing and playing with Mia, I loved you even when I saw you hug her and kiss her, I've always loved you and only you..

I never stopped loving you! I've loved you with all my heart, my body, my soul..

You're my first love! First love!! I couldn't stop myself from not loving you, not even when I saw you slip the engagement ring you specifically designed on her pretty finger.. When you kissed her under the golden chandeliers amidst the crowd of hundreds.. I was still madly in love with you, I love you Ethan Lee!! I love you idiot Lee.."

Powerless in front of God's will, Xia Ruo Lan vented herself and weakly lay back on the lounger after crying in agony, feigning sleep.

A flummoxed Ethan Lee was in a quandry as he stood at the doorstep, glaring at the feeble figure of Xia Ruo Lan.

The man's heart breaking at the unforeseen sight.

'What have you done to yourself Xia Ruo Lan!'

An agitated Ethan Lee clenched his fists into tight balls as he thought inwardly, his jaw tight as he saw red. He was furious!

The reason for Ethan Lee's frustration was the outright fondness and unconditional love that Xia Ruo Lan had had for him for so long. He didn't feel worthy of her deep affection.

In fact, Ethan Lee found it laughable!

Standing by the entrance, Ethan Lee was dumbfounded after having heard every word that left Xia Ruo Lan's mouth moments ago. It felt like a dream, as though he'd walked right into a fantasy or a storybook. It was dreamlike. Something Ethan Lee couldn't believe, even if he wanted to.

Shell-shocked, Ethan Lee couldn't believe that the snobby and arrogant Xia Ruo Lan has been carrying a torch for him that long!

Xia Ruo Lan looked quite frail. She wasn't wearing any makeup today, her originally straight black hair were slightly wavy and pulled into a loose, messy bun. She was leaning against the lounger with her eyes closed. There was a vibrant red blood on her lips, parched and colorless.

The black frilled skirt wrapped around Xia Ruo Lan's curves perfectly accentuated her long legs, the simple high-neck blouse in white had similar flare patterned sleeves that reached upto her pale wrists. Only her small palms were visible.

The hickeys planted on Xia Ruo Lan's neck and chest were also tactfully covered by her designer lace blouse.

Attired in a thin white shirt with visible creases and black pants, a dithering Ethan Lee entered through the door taking long strides towards Xia Ruo Lan.

The man stopped short just a couple of steps away from Xia Ruo Lan, at a loss of what to do!


Suddenly sitting up straight, Xia Ruo Lan mumbled in disbelief as she stared at his panicked face. His eyes darting around awkwardly unable to meet her barren yet surprised gaze. The faint flicker of hope in her dark orbs wasn't missed by him.

Alarmed by Ethan Lee's presence, Xia Ruo Lan stood up with a start, almost tripping on her injured feet and falling face down on the cold floor. Her ankle still had a white bandaid.

Just in time, Ethan Lee dashed towards Xia Ruo Lan's to support her petite self. His left arm wrapped firmly around her tiny waist while he glowered into her timid gaze. His expression dark, eliciting a sense of danger and fear in her, and goose flesh erupted on her skin. She could feel her heart pound in anticipation.

The man's familiar, and calming scent wafted up Xia Ruo Lan's nose, making it itch as a sourness rose inside and tears gathered in her glistening pools.

Gaping at the man with fading dubiety in her gaze, Xia Ruo Lan tentatively raised her hand to feel his five features. She wanted to establish that Ethan Lee's presence isn't a figment of her imagination but reality.

Xia Ruo Lan's slender fingers trembled like shriveling yellow leaves on a dried up twig as they neared the side of Ethan Lee's handsomely crafted face. However, the strong stench of copper from her injured palms made Ethan Lee furrow his brows in distaste.

The rapier-like Ethan Lee immediately sighted the evident traces of blood on Xia Ruo Lan's palm. An ice cold gleam flashed through his dark gaze as he caught her hand in time, and he was inadvertently reminded of the large blotch of crimson on the bed, last night. His vice like grip making her small face scrunch tightly as she winced in misery.

"Ethan.. You're hurting me, ah!"

Provoked by the afflicted expression on Xia Ruo Lan, the maddened Ethan Lee toughened his grip on her hand instead of slackening his hold. His incensed gaze flitted to the distinctly colored blood oozing from Xia Ruo Lan's parched, and lifeless lips. His eyes were bloodshot.

Leaning forward to a dangerously close distance from her, Ethan Lee deftly lowered his head and captured Xia Ruo Lan's blood stained lips. His mouth hungrily sucked her lower lip, eagerly cleaning the traces of red on her softness. His slick tongue licked her dry lips, moistening them in the process as he kissed her senseless before increasing the intensity.