Invisible To Their Eyes


The inky backdrop immersed in a malaise placidity, not a single din, or sonance in the air. Still quietness.

Trembling, and sweating buckets was a petite figure on the bed, her ebony eyelashes fluttering and rosy lips quivering. The signs of a slight frown resting in the middle of her straight, dark brows eminent.

A larger side of a very tall, and luxurious hotel's building was ablaze in orange, red flames. People were going berserk as they scattered around, crying and wailing akin to ants on a hotplate.

Chaos! There was chaos everywhere..

Suddenly there was darkness, everything was engulfed in pitch blackness.

Slowly there was a flicker of light that gradually spread itself from a tiny dot, lightning the whole place. An old carved door in grade quality wood was seen, it was abruptly pushed open by a towering figure in black. Soon he vanished inside.

A girl, weak and unconscious was being carried out by the man in his sturdy arms. h

Her face obscured from view as a veil of her long, disheveled black hair fell softly on the side, her neck dropped at a slant angle.

With a frantic speed, the man dressed in black carried the feeble looking girl along the long corridors, burning red with a foggy smoke. His identity unknown, his long unruly strands of black hair covered his face.

Flying in air, with feet planted firmly on a white cloud, amidst the fiery upheaval was Sera in her pajamas. Her bright eyes tinged with confusion, her face clear in the smoke as she witnessed the muddled scene in a daze.

Not able to hear anything, no painful wails or cries, like a silent film, Sera watched the scene unfurling in front of her hazy eyes riddled with confusion.

As Sera attempted to fly closer to gain a clearer view, the dark hair camouflaging the man's face swayed due to his hustling movements. To her bewilderment, a pair of cold irises, the color of icy steel gray were revealed.

Shell-shocked, Sera's face turned as pale as a white sheet, and the fluffy cloud under her feet disappeared magically. Her eyes widened, she couldn't scream as no sound came out of her mouth. Her parched throat tightened.

Raising her hand in the air, Sera tried to call the unfamiliar man with familiar looking eyes for help, alas to no avail. She was invisible to their eyes.

Frightened silly, Sera's frail heart trembled, her heartbeat ricocheting incredulously as she felt herself fall into a pit of endless darkness.

In her bedroom, Sera frowned in misery as she lay on her bed with her tightly shut eyes that were twitching uncomfortably. Her dense eyelashes were rimmed with a string of tears, even Sera's plump cheeks were wet and her body was bathed in a cold sweat.

The sheets under Sera's body were twisted around her limbs, probably cause she was thrashing in her sleep due to her abrupt fall.

With her heart pounding against her chest, Sera trembled in sleep like a fearful little lamb.

- - -

Next morning.

Feeling uncomfortable all over, Sera tossed and turned on her bed as the bright rays of sun cascaded through the windows. She was sticky with sweat, her pajamas stuck to her body.

Scrunching her small face in discomfort, Sera threw the already flung comforter off her legs and sat up groggily. Her head was throbbing painfully, she rubbed her sleepy eyes with one hand while the other rested on her aching temples.

"Huh?! Wher.. Where am I?"

Faint flashes of the burning hotel, and fire jerked Sera's sleepiness away, her initially groggy eyes grew wider as she looked around her in panic.

"Oh! It was.. It was just a dream?!!"

After confirming that she was at her home, inside her bedroom, Sera finally relaxed and laughed lightly, in a wry way.

A soft sigh of relief escaped from Sera's pink lips, beads of cold sweat dripped down her temples to the side of her face. She was flushed, wiping the sweat on her face with her soft palms, she simply sat like a statue.

*knock* *knock*

While Sera was in a trance-like state, puzzled by the series of disturbing images that she'd seen in her dream, solid knocks reverberated followed by Aunt Zhou's voice.

"Young Miss? Young Master Lu is calling you for breakfast.."

Startled by the Aunt Zhou's intrusion, Sera answered absentmindedly.

"Ah! Aunt Zhou, yes.. I'm coming!"

Smiling warmly at the disoriented Sera as she mumbled, Aunt Zhou vocalized.

"Okay, I'll inform Young Master to wait for you.."

Getting up, and heading towards the door of the bathroom, Sera said before halting in her steps. She turned around, presumably in shock as she asked in a soft voice.

"Uh? No need, I'll.. Aunt Zhou, brother, he is still at home?"

Nodding her head, Aunt Zhou said with the same motherly, warm smile on her aged face. Her eyes looking like upturned crescents.

"Yes, Young Master said that his meeting is delayed, and he wanted to spend some time with you.."

Joyful at the piece of news, Sera almost jumped on her feet as she hastily strode towards the bathroom, her voice trailed after her.

"Oh! I'll be down in a jiffy then.."

At the dining table.

Dressed in a simple striped off-shoulder shirt in cool green and matching white shorts, Sera arrived downstairs looking fresh. Her dark brown tint hair were tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon. Her face wasn't bare, yet a little signs of tiredness could be seen.

"Good morning, Brother!"

Taking a seat adjacent to Lu Jinan's, Sera greeted him with a wide smile that didn't fail to reach her beautiful pair of raven eyes.

"Good morning! Sera.. Did you sleep well?"

Leisurely sipping on his his tea, Lu Jinan vocalized raising his gaze as he saw the noticeable signs of fatigue on Sera's face.

"Uh? Heh.. You always ask the same thing, brother.. Of course, I slept well. I've been sleeping in my bed for so long, nearly a year now, so yeah, why will I not be able to sleep well.."

Appearing flustered by Lu Jinan's harmless interrogation, Sera put away the waffles in her hand and chuckled wryly. She chugged the glass of fresh orange juice, almost choking herself as she rambled on and on.

"Enough, eat first.. You shouldn't talk so much while eating, or else you'll choke!"

Worried sick, Lu Jinan glared at Sera as she continuously spoke while eating like an eager little child. He couldn't help but chide her.

"Umm.. Okay!"

Heaving a sigh inwardly, Sera nodded her head and buried herself in the plate of piping hot savory waffles, in front of her.