Was He Jealous?

Shivering like the brittle yellow leaf on a freezing winter day that's ready to fall any second, Assistant Chen held his gaze on his boss, Ethan Lee. The man was burning with rage.

"CEO Lee, Mr.. Mr Lucifer is unable to see you and he's requested to not disturb him unless it's really important. Mr Adrian said that Mr Lucifer is really busy.. And cannot come see you!"

Clearing his throat nervously, Assistant Chen apprised his findings in a calm voice that didn't betray his feelings, not one bit. The bespectacled man's heart drumming against his cage like a crazy woodpecker pecking against the dried up bark of a thousand year old tree in the Amazons.

"However, Mr Adrian said that Mr Lucifer will be free after 4 in the evening and you can call him up.. He's currently in a meeting.."

Impatience was streaked all over Ethan Lee's stiff face as he interrupted Assistant Chen.

"Got it.. You can go out!"

The last thread of Assistant Chen's faux calmness was shred by Ethan Lee's yelling akin to a hungry tiger's roar. Stuttering, he scurried away with his back drenched in cold sweat.

"Ye.. Yes, CEO Lee!!"

The moment the door clicked close Ethan Lee's irate expression changed to that of concern as he mumbled to himself, tiredly rubbing his face with his palms.

"Just what the hell is wrong with my brother? Why is he acting.."

The hand massaging Ethan Lee's brows stopped short, his obsidian eyes widened as waves of realization hit him. Following the epiphany, Ethan Lee put down his limbs and heaved a big sigh in relief, relaxing immediately.

"Acting?!! Yes, that must be it.. He's definitely putting up an act..!"

Nodding his head in slow-mo, Ethan Lee felt his body get lighter and lighter as though a boulder had been lifted off his chest. It felt good.

"I should have known! How silly, this thing with Xia Ruo Lan and Sera has messed up my brain! I'm no longer the old Ethan Lee who was known as cold and ruthless with sharp insights.. I was blaming my brother without any proof just now!! Shit.."

The man was basking in the realization that had dawned on him when suddenly Ethan Lee started feeling remorseful for doubting Lucifer. Especially after knowing the man and his methods of beating the enemy at their own game tactics, Ethan Lee felt ashamed.

"Damn! What's wrong with me?!"

Muttering curses, Ethan Lee almost ripped the hair off his head in frustration. He took out his cellphone, cast a glance at the time, it was half past three.

Supposedly, Lucifer was still in meeting that lasted till four, heck! Ethan Lee didn't care, he immediately pressed on dial and the call was connected.

"Hello, Lucifer..?"

When there was no sound from the other side, Ethan Lee tentatively called out in a raspy voice.

"Hey bro! Wsup.. Don't tell me that you were suddenly missing me or something. That's gross!"

After a beat, Lucifer's energetic voice was heard that was in stark contrast to Ethan Lee's as he laughed throatily. The man was practically brimming with all the positive energy in the universe!

"Gross your ass! What the hell's up with you? Why aren't you talking ahead about your plans with me.. You scared me just now!!"

Irritated beyond words, Ethan Lee snapped back nastily before toning down gradually as he spoke. His emotions all over the place.

"My bad bro! I was.. Busy, and you were also entangled with a lot of stuff. With so much going on.. I couldn't possibly burden you!"

Sticking his tongue out, Lucifer expounded in a slightly heavy tone that ached Ethan Lee's heart.

"Damn! Look at your tongue, so humble.. Love certainly does change a lot of things!"

Shaking his head, Ethan Lee jested to clear the tense air which made Lucifer laugh out loud. His face blushing.

"It does.. I never knew you were a coward!"

After a beat, Lucifer's gaze turned sharp as he jibed earning an awkward laugh which was rather sorrowful.

"Heh! Nothing could be hidden from you, eh?.." Yet you couldn't read my feelings for Sera..

Ceasing his dry chuckle, Ethan Lee asked in a teasing manner and trailed after as he couldn't say the rest. His gaze grew heavy with certain emotions.

"Xia Ruo Lan didn't call me.. She's probably too depressed or too busy!"

Not taking unkindly to Ethan Lee's obvious sarcasm, Lucifer explained with a shrug as though it didn't concern him at all.

"Oh! You guys, you sure are close.."

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Ethan Lee remarked.

Flashes of a drunk Xia Ruo Lan calling out Lucifer's name surfaced through and Ethan Lee's expression grew dull.

"Hey! Don't misunderstand.. That girl is like the purest first snow of December and I haven't even kissed her.."

Not sensing the strange silence and the change in Ethan Lee's disposition, Lucifer went on to explain as a good friend of Xia Ruo Lan making Ethan Lee frown in embarrassment. It irked him how Lucifer was praising Xia Ruo Lan like that.

Was he jealous? Hah! No chance.. Ethan Lee immediately shook of this thought without even considering it further.

"..And I know that Xia Ruo Lan wouldn't just let any jerk kiss her.. So don't go around spouting nonsense! I, Lucifer can vouch for Xia Ruo Lan's innocence.."

Scoffing, Ethan Lee deemed himself as the 'jerk' that hurt Xia Ruo Lan, his mood took for the worse. He was reminded of the scene where he had manhandled Xia Ruo Lan, making her sob and wince as she raspily cried his name, her breathy moans of pain and pleasure. He felt miserable.

"Jerk ha?! Okay, you carry on.. I'll see you later"

Agitated, Ethan Lee hurriedly bid farewell intending to hang up when Lucifer's voice interrupted him.

"Hey! Bro.. Don't forget the brunch this weekend at Xia Ruo Lan's place!"

Thinking back, Ethan Lee wanted to see Xia Ruo Lan yet his cowardice was greater than his desire.

Seeing that this brunch was a good chance to meet up with Xia Ruo Lan without any feelings of conflict or awkwardness, Ethan Lee agreed.

"Ok.. Okay!"