Seen A Ghost

Next Morning.

Fighting the rebellious sun rays that were casting a blinding light on her face, Sera groggily rubbed her eyes as she sat up on her bed. Her dark hair were tousled akin to a bird's nest.

With her eyes half-closed, Sera habitually groped for her mobile phone and picked it up. She squinted her gaze to glance at the brightly lit screen and smiled. There were two messages from Lucifer.

'Don't go out on your own.. Bring a driver or ask your friend's to pick and drop you, if necessary. Take care of yourself.. For me!'

'I love you! See you at Xia Ruo Lan's place this weekend..

Ps. Wear something in red. That color is made only for you!'

With a big smile rivaling the glow of the golden sun in the blue sky, Sera blushed a beautiful pink imagining Lucifer's face and his smile. Her heart soaring with unbridled happiness first thing in the morning!

Like a freshly bloomed flower, Sera gushed at the thought of Lucifer as well as his heartwarming words.

"Ah~ What a pleasant way to wake up!"

Biting her lips, Sera contained her smile while her fingers danced on the keypad as she replied.

Giggling like a child, Sera sprang out of her bed and slipped in through the bathroom doors. Her steps light as though walking on air. Her whole being emanated joy and happiness.

After taking a shower, Sera walked out clad in a white robe with her hair wet and her complexion pink akin to a beautiful piece of beet.

Almost stumbling on her feet, Sera was shocked to see Su Yin sitting on her bed with an extremely bored expression on her pale face. She looked thinner than the last time she'd had seen her.

"Yinyin?! When did you come?"

Grabbing the pillow from Sera's bedside, Su Yin held it in between her arms as she mumbled in a dejected voice and shrugged her shoulders.

"Just now! I couldn't sleep and I was really hungry but not in the mood to cook... So, here I am!"

Gobsmacked by the words that tumbled out of Su Yin's mouth, Sera quizzed with her eyes larger than globes. The towel in her hand dropped too.

"Are you serious?! YOU were not in the MOOD to cook FOOD?! Am I dreaming.."

Puffing out her cheeks, Su Yin hit the fluffy pillow on her laps as she whined, throwing tantrums like a fussy toddler.

"Hey! Stop that.. I'm really hungry!!"

Shaking her head, Sera entered the walk-in closet connected to her room while her voice echoed.

"Give me two minutes.. I'll quickly change and join you for breakfast!"

Cocking her head to the side, Su Yin yelled in the direction Sera had disappeared.

"You better be quick, Sera.. I don't want to die from hunger!!"

Clad in a simple white shirt and blue jeans, Sera skipped out with a contagious smile on her face, still basking in the warmth relayed by her man's messages. Her dark hair were tied into a half pony with a blue ribbon, her face bare with no specks of makeup.

"I'm done.. Let's go!"

Fixing her hair, Sera turned to Su Yin who was almost sleeping on the bed with her eyes half-closed and legs planted on the floor.

"Thank God! I thought I'd faint waiting for you here.."

As though struck with lightning, Su Yin sat up straight. Heaving a sigh, she got out of the bed.

Cackling at the sight, Sera shook her head and hooked her hand with Su Yin's as they descended the staircase.

Walking around the dining table, Sera cast a mischievous glance at Aunt Zhou who was serving the dishes.

"Aunt Zhou! Su Yin is on the verge of dying from hunger.. What's for breakfast?!"

Already plopped on the chair comfortably, Su Yin glowered at Sera who was smiling impishly while she poured herself a glass of juice.

"Stop making fun of me!!"

Taking a seat beside Su Yin, Sera laughed out loud, amused by her best friend's angry bird expression.

"Sorry! Haha.."

Smiling warmly, Aunt Zhou listed the items on the menu. She stopped midsentence when Su Yin stood up with a start, covering her mouth.

"We have bread, plum jam, fish cakes and.."

Stupefied, Sera turned her gaze to the pale faced Su Yin who was sprinting to the nearest basin.

"Shit! Yinyin?! What's wrong.."


Soon, sounds of retching and puking were heard coming from the bathroom. Worried sick, Sera and Aunt Zhou were pacing back and forth outside the closed door.

"Yuck! My shorts.. Eew my top!!"

Staring at her haggard reflection in the mirror, Su Yin cried out loud.

When the door opened, Su Yin stood feebly staring at Sera and Aunt Zhou with a few wet patches on her outfit. She looked horrible.

"Oh dear! Miss Su.. Drink this you'll feel better!"

Helping Su Yin to the dining table, Sera passed her a napkin while Aunt Zhou rushed to her with a cup of warm tea to soothe her insides. And wash the bitter taste off her palate.

"Tha.. Thank you Aunt Zhou.."

Wiping her damp face with the napkin, Su Yin threw it aside before muttering softly.

Finishing the drink, Su Yin burped out loud making Sers scrunch her face. She glared at Su Yin, almost dragging her bestfriend to her room.

"Let's get you changed.. You look like a mess right now!"

Once inside, Sera clicked her tongue as she shook her head criticizing the way Su Yin appeared at the moment. And pushed her inside the closet room.

"Yeah.. I feel so crappy!!!"

Sniffling, Su Yin rubbed her eyes as she yelled in frustration. Her pale face slowly gaining it's color.

"If you weren't feeling well then why didn't you tell me so.. Stupid!"

Browsing through her phone, Sera spat in irritation. She was feeling like a toddler's mom. It gave her creeps to think of Su Yin as a cute child with an overgrown face and body.

"I don't know, stop nagging!"

Rummaging through Sera's closet, Su Yin once again yelled at her. She was feeling cold with the wet fabric of her top clinging to her skin. She was weeping inside her head.

All of a sudden, Su Yin's gaze flickered with recognition as she slowly pulled onto the long blue dress peeking out. Her eyes as large as saucers.

"What the..!"

Following the commotion, Sera frowned as she stood up in panic. She strode inside the closet, thinking that Su Yin had fallen or something thanks to her loud screech that was deafening.

Rolling her eyes, Sera questioned with a hint of curiosity in her gaze. She couldn't help but jest looking at the comical expression on Su Yin.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.."

Before Sera could complete her sentence, Su Yin raised the long flowy blue dress with lace sleeves.

"This.. Where did you get this from?"

As though Su Yin was a crazy person who was asking an obvious question to her, Sera blurted in a dull manner.

"That?! Adrian.."

Not in the mood to entertain her bestfriend, Sera turned around, forgetting something very important!

"Adrian? You know Adrian?"

Just as Sera was about to turn, Su Yin's voice reached her and she froze. Her head buzzing.

Gulping, Sera mouthed in a guilty manner like a thief being caught in the act.
