Good-For-Nothing Boss

While Su Yin was gorging on the pineapple tarts without a care for the world, Xia Ruo Lan gave Sera a curious once-over. Hints of surprise flitting through her keen gaze.

Unable to withhold the spirit of inquiry that was flinging it's wings out of her, Xia Ruo Lan remarked. Her lips curled to reveal an intriguing smirk.

"Someone's looking gorgeous!"

Lowering her head, Sera smiled to herself with a deep blush threatening to plaster itself on her small face after hearing Xia Ruo Lan's remarks. She was about to compliment Xia Ruo Lan who was looking quite pretty herself when Su Yin's voice was heard.

"Where are the boys?"

Just in time to save the embarrassed Sera from Xia Ruo Lan's interrogation, Su Yin inadvertently asked diverting attention to herself.

Innocently, Su Yin raised her head to glance at Xia Ruo Lan and Sera with her brows pushed up, quizzically.

By boys, Su Yin was talking about Lu Jinan and Ethan Lee only!

"Sorry we are late!"

As Xia Ruo Lan parted her lips to answer she was interrupted, the voices in concert caught both her and Su Yin off guard. They turned in unison to see two handsome men smiling at them.

"Brother Ad! Lucifer.."

Xia Ruo Lan was the first to react as she rushed to Adrian and Lucifer with a big smile that couldn't hide her elation. She feeling extremely nostalgic at the moment.

Dressed in a stylish black jacket with a white tshirt underneath, and ripped jeans Adrian looked like a total hunk. The man's blue orbs were gently glaring at Xia Ruo Lan who stood across him and Lucifer. It was a different emotion that Su Yin had never seen in his gaze. It was a sisterly affection that she was oblivious to.

Meanwhile, the lovebirds - Lucifer and Sera were intently checking each other out as they exchanged flirty gazes.

Attired in a chic gray-white casual outfit, the gray eyed man looked as suave as a runway model, hot as hell. His slightly over grown dark locks framed his forehead adding a distinct charm. While his thin lips curled into a teasing smirk causing shivers to run through Sera's whole being.

Biting her lips, Sera stepped back to make her presence scarce in case Su Yin or Xia Ruo Lan could tease her.

The girl was elated beyond words. The warmth pooling in her heart as Sera stood among her close friends with Lucifer was something new and different. Something Sera urged to feel for long. She was happy to let her friends know of the man she's in love with. The man who loves her, and who makes her feel complete!

"Woah! What.. What are you doing here?!"

Dropping the half-eaten tart on the plate, Su Yin stood up with a start as she gawped at the blue eyed man in utter shock. Her sticky, and glazed fingers were trembling.

The exaggerated screams of Su Yin caught Sera's attention and her eyes went wide with cognizance. Her silly reaction evoked a soft smile from Lucifer. She looked cute.

"Hah! Did I forget to tell you something.."

Chuckling awkwardly, Sera turned to meet Su Yin's glares while Xia Ruo Lan, Adrian and Lucifer were trying hard to stifle their laughter.

"Sera!! How could you.. And you why didn't you inform me.. Who's that?"

Red-faced, Su Yin wiped her hands as she rushed to Adrian's side, her eyes glaring daggers at Sera and her man alternately.

Noticing an unfamiliar figure watching Sera intently with an amused grin, Su Yin asked.

The lightning fast shift of subject left Xia Ruo Lan, and Lucifer utterly astounded for they weren't abreast of Su Yin's quirks.

"My.. Bro.. Boss!"

Flustered, Adrian was at a loss for words as he couldn't come up with an appropriate form of address.

"He's your perverted good-for-nothing boss?! So.. Handsome.."

Su Yin's eyes lit up with recognition at Adrian's words, and she cocked her head to the side to confirm as she blurted out without sparing a thought to Adrian or Lucifer. Her burning gaze could bore a hole through Lucifer's strikingly handsome face.

In Su Yin's memory, Adrian's boss was a cruel perverted asshole, who always pestered him, giving him tasks which usually have breakneck success and high risks. The boss who orders Adrian to do random things like bringing dresses for his many girlfriends, and driving his many girlfriends around like a driver. The boss who was always interrupting their sexy time in F Country. The boss who is now Sera's boyfriend... Yup, she knows now!

Poor Adrian! His face turned ugly looking like he'd swallowed a fly. He couldn't stop cursing himself in his head.

Of course, Adrian was the one to blame as Su Yin was innocent and had no idea of most of the things. The most Su Yin knew of was Adrian's perilous job, his resident, the castle, and some of his subordinates like Xiao Bo!

The blunt words used by Su Yin to describe Lucifer stunned everyone into taciturnity. It was Sera who coughed out loud, her face hot and blushing. Her emotions all over the place.

*ahem* *ahem*

On the other hand, Xia Ruo Lan was having the time of her life seeing the speechless look on Lucifer. His face was hard. It was probably the most embarrassing moment of the man's life. You can call her petty but Xia Ruo Lan was still unhappy with Lucifer for threatening her with a gun.

"Oh! Sorry for my rudeness..."

Sticking her tongue out, Su Yin apologized half-heartedly, her gaze wandering to the gray eyed man.

"Why didn't you tell me that your boss is so handsome..?"

Leaning forward, Su Yin whispered not-so-softly in Adrian's ears which was heard by everyone making things all the more awkward. Especially for Sera and Lucifer!

"By the way.. Where is Ethan Lee?

In her bid to distract Su Yin, Sera blurted out loud and was indeed successful as all the eyes landed on her petite frame.

The smile on Xia Ruo Lan's face cracked. Lucifer's keen gaze captured the minute change as she wordlessly stared at Sera. The man felt at ease as a faint light flashed past his gaze. He knew that Ethan Lee will come today. His instincts would never go wrong.

"Yeah.. And what about 'Dumb Lu'? Why isn't he here?"

Completely oblivious to the weirdness in the air, Su Yin nodded her head as she asked, inadvertently rescuing Xia Ruo Lan from embarrassment this time.

She's so cute! That's the first thing that came into Adrian's mind while Lucifer felt that she was dumb.

"Ah! Brother.. He is on a business trip, that's what Aunt Zhou told me last night.."

Shaking her head disappointedly, Sera said without sensing the changes in Lucifer's gaze.

"Okay, let's head in.."

Observing the bone-chilling coldness flit through Lucifer's gray orbs, Xia Ruo Lan shuddered before hurrying everyone. She felt anxious.

"..Am I late?"

Before Xia Ruo Lan could complete her sentence she was unhurriedly interrupted by a deep and manly voice.