His Heart Fluttering

Feigning surprised, the man widened his mesmerizing pair of eyes as blue as the serene ocean reflecting Su Yin's face in them. His low and husky voice tickled her ears pink.


Furtively clenching her fists to mask the slight perturbation she was feeling, Su Yin earnestly nodded her head at Adrian's question.

Quirking his dark brow quizzically, Adrian gauged Su Yin's expression concealing a flicker of light in his blue orbs, expectantly.

"What will you give me if I can get you what you want.."

As eager as she could be Su Yin blurted out without a second thought, intercepting Adrian and catching him off-guard.


Almost salivating, Su Yin could feel the familiar bitter-sweet taste of chocolate on her tongue.

Secretly overjoyed by Su Yin's predictable answer Adrian kept his expression non-chalant, aptly hiding his emotions from appearing on his face. His tone unyielding.

"Fine then, close your eyes.."

Nonplussed by his unexpected words, Su Yin goggled Adrian questioningly, hints of suspicion in her gaze.


Keeping the same insouciant front, Adrian nodded his head urging Su Yin to concede to his request instead of dawdling.

Exasperated by the man's persistence, Su Yin reluctantly squeezed her eyes shut with a lingering frown.

"Quick! Close your eyes.."

Looking down at Su Yin's cutely scrunched up face Adrian reminded coldly, biting back a smile. His paws itching to pinch Su Yin's cheeks red from frustration akin to fresh apples.

"No cheating! 1.. 2.. 3.."

Adrian started to count while groping his pockets restlessly. His blue orbs fixated on Su Yin keenly.

"Now open your eyes.."

Retrieving the chocolate from his pocket, Adrian unfurled his palm in front of Su Yin to reveal the chunks of chocolate covered in a golden wrapper as he announced.

"Huh? How..?!"

At his words, Su Yin's shot her eyes open and spluttered with a silly look across her small face.

"You played me!"

Puffing her cheeks in faux anger that didn't reach her eyes, Su Yin growled, realizing that she's been tricked by Adrian.

"Heh! You want them or not.."

Laughing heartily, Adrian articulated with his brows raised teasingly to which Su Yin hurriedly nodded her head greedily.

"Open your mouth.."

Peeling the golden wrapper off the bite sized Hershey's kisses, Adrian demanded holding it in between his thumb and finger.

Obedient like never before, Su Yin opened her mouth tempted by the chocolate and not the man.

In anticipation, Su Yin waited for the sweet aroma to waft in her nostrils along with the chocolate's creamy sensation to swirl in her mouth. Alas, it didn't.

Instead Su Yin saw Adrian casually pop the chunk of chocolate in his own mouth. The man wasn't even sorry for lying to Su Yin.

"Huh?! I said I want.. Didn't you hear me? Why are you eating them yourself.."

Incensed by Adrian's audacity to trick her, twice that too, Su Yin went on a tirade but the man remained unperturbed.

She even saw him smiling without a care for the world much to her annoyance.

Feeling intimidated Su Yin blinked as she backed off, still putting on a brave front to scare him when Adrian suddenly closed in. Su Yin's heart jolting in her cage.

"Hey AdMmm..."

Dipping his neck, Adrian didn't waste any time to capture Su Yin's trembling lips halting her midsentence.

Pulling onto Su Yin's supple lips akin to pink rose petals covered in morning dew, Adrian gently transferred the chocolate in his mouth to hers.

The creamy milk confectionery melted painting the pair's lips and mouths a light muddy brown. The furore heightening Su Yin's senses to the point she was losing herself.

Little by little she was drowning in the pleasurable saccharine sensation filling her heart up with love.

In her stupor, Su Yin reached to encircle Adrian's neck while she kissed him back, agitatedly. Exhilarated, Adrian pulled Su Yin up from her chair and onto his lap while she clung onto the man's body like a baby. Her slender and delicate fingers teasing his luscious hair, tugging the strands painfully.

The sticky caramel rolled in between their pink tongues as the kiss deepened, spreading the sweetness.

*ahem* *ahem*

All of a sudden loud and deliberate coughs echoed, it didn't do much in distracting the couple yet Adrian hesitantly peeled himself away from Su Yin. His eyebrows furrowing in irritation. Befuddled, Su Yin creased her brows in discontent at losing the warmth of her man.

Displeased, Su Yin was about to lash out at Adrian when she caught sight of Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan standing behind them, awkwardly.

Embarrassed, Adrian was benumbed to silence while Su Yin's small face instantly reddened an unnatural shade.

On the other side of the lush garden, Sera unhurriedly strolled away from the gazebo to answer the call. Her mobile phone still ringing. Soon, Sera found herself standing in front of the pond where colorful koi fishes were swimming in the clear waters.

"Hmm.. Who is this?"

Seeing that the call was from an unknown number Sera pondered creasing her brows, unwilling to call back when the ringing had ceased. Sera was apprehensive for she's been recieving misleading photographs as well as threats these two days.


Staggered, a gasp escaped Sera's red lips when a pair of hands snaked themselves around her waist from behind.

Taken aback by a pleasant surprise, Sera didn't need to know the identity of the man for his unique fragrance filled her nose.

Smiling knowingly, Sera found her slender limbs clasping onto his, firmly. The man's chin resting on the crook of her neck was tickling. Sera giggled softly when she felt his thin lips press teasing kisses, nibbling lightly on the smoothness before moving to her shoulders and pepper feather-lite kisses.

"What.. Are you doing here?"

With her eyes half-closed in ecstasy, Sera breathily inquired reveling in the pleasure under the man's skillful ministrations. The intimate contact causing ripples in her already joyful heart.

Filled with impatience, the man's fingers gently carved their way upwards to Sera's well-endowed bosom all while sucking and nibbling onto her nape.

Dazed by the strangely foreign yet familiar sensations whirling inside her system, achingly, Sera let out a low breathy moan.

"Lucifer.. Stop it! What if.. What if someone sees us like this.."

Sera's muddled up brain cleared when she recognized her surroundings and returned back to reality. Feebly patting the back of Lucifer's hand, an agitated Sera vocalized.

Almost struggling to rearrange his raging emotions bubbling in his heart, Lucifer's hold shifted from Sera's bosom to her willowy waist. And he slowly turned her around.

The man's gray orbs flickering at the sight of Sera's alluring face colored crimson while she stared at him hazily with misty eyes.

Lucifer's heart fluttering.

The man didn't think twice before yanking Sera to him, embracing her tightly to calm his heart down. It was torturous.

"From the moment I saw you in this dress, I've been waiting to hold you.. You look ravishing! I knew red was your color.."

Taking a deep breath, Lucifer voiced out his honest feelings, baring his heart to Sera which had an impalpable effect on her and her heart madly in love with this brilliant man.