Out In The Open

There was a dead, unnerving silence in the air. It was shady, dark and grisly causing shivers to run down one's spine.

From the darkness came a horrendous shadow, emaciated and abominable. The man had dirt and grit all over his clothes, his body grimy. The dark grey shirt which was originally a pristine white was tattered and shredded mainly where his throbbing heart should be.

Scared out of her wits end, Su Yin's mouth opened in a silent scream, her unblinking eyes popped like an old fashioned doll as she trembled in her seat. Large beads of cold sweat dripped down Su Yin's back, her skin as pale as the white sheet.

Suddenly, the skeletal creature started to shuffle forward like a decrepit, decaying old man. As he got closer, you could see that his jaw was dislocated showing his torn tongue bleeding red and the man's blood-stained, razor sharp, savage teeth clattering. Unexpectedly, a flame of anger seemed to ignite within him. He let out a piercing screech and charged with ape-like fury.

Jumping out of her skin, Su Yin's shrill screams filled the space before Adrian's throaty laughter was heard. He burst out laughing hysterically that sounded grating to the petrified Su Yin's ears. She grit her teeth in anger.

Trembling like a brittle leaf on a cold autumn night, Su Yin whipped her head glaring daggers at the man shaking with laughter.

Few minutes ago.

As everyone occupied their respective seats, Aunt Yu, Xia Ruo Lan and another maid brought snacks and drinks to enjoy.

Soon, the lights of the room were flicked off, and the horror movie commenced on the large screen with staggering sound-effects.

On Adrian's insistence and Ethan Lee's childish mocking Su Yin reluctantly sat in the front row with her man. Her small face contorted dismally.

Just like that, Ethan Lee forcibly tugged Xia Ruo Lan with him to sit behind Adrian and Su Yin in the guise of giving the couple at the front some 'privacy'. Happy as a clam, her face almost splitting into two as Xia Ruo Lan kept smiling.

Lastly, Lucifer impatiently pulled Sera to the last row, farther away from everyoe. So, Sera had no choice but to follow her man's wishes.

As the vast space transformed to pitch blackness, a series of frighteningly eerie tunes echoed in the air making one's hair raise in fright.

With his lackluster gaze anywhere but the screen in front, Lucifer gradually shifted in his seat to lean closer to Sera who was engrossed in the movie. Dipping his neck lower, Lucifer softly whispered something in Sera's ears.

Surprised, Sera glanced at the man widely who simply nodded his head while his gray irises stared at her imploringly. Her heart skipped a beat gazing into his two pools shining like diamonds.

Smiling bashfully, Sera was all red in the dark space with just a part of light hitting her. She gave a small shake of her head in response to his hushed query, approvingly.

The man's handsome face lit up at Sera's small gesture, he pushed his feet up while his hand held hers in a tender but firm grip. Glimpsing at their intertwined hands, Sera's heart fluttered akin to a delicate butterfly's wings.

Mirroring his actions, Sera too rose up on her feet quickly under Lucifer's guidance, more than ready to follow her man to any place under the sun.

Crouching slightly, the pair slowly sneaked out of the room with impish grins plastered across their faces. Their gazes cautiously darting around.

Once out of the theater's premises, Lucifer almost jogged his way to the metal gate at the backyard, his claw grasping onto Sera's soft palm in a firm grip. She was brought to a spot at the back of the theater which was rather secluded.

Being the happy-go-lucky guy that Lucifer once was, he obviously loved this kind of an atmosphere where he's surrounded by the people he loves and cares about, that is his friends. Yet, the devil's selfish heart desired to have Sera for himself, only.

Catching her erratic breath, Sera leaned against the white walls of the secluded backyard with a smiling light in her gaze staring at Lucifer.

"What is it that you wanted to show me..?"

In a flash, Lucifer revealed a shiny antique that piqued Sera's interest to ten manifolds than it already was.

Proudly raising his chin, Lucifer started his grand introduction with a glint in his bright orbs but was unexpectedly beat by Sera.

"This! Mer.."

Almost leaping in joy, Sera's sparkling eyes were fixated on the object in Lucifer's hand. Her voice clear, laced with avidness to the dazzling baby.

"Mervin Hulbert Single Action Revolver.. 22K gold, rose engrossed with red diamonds!!"

"Omg! I love it.. Love it, love it so much..!!"

Lucifer's face turned rigidly pale as though ice cold water had been poured all over him. He was rethinking his decision in his head.

Clutching the revolver in a solid grip, the man pointed it's muzzle to Sera's fair swan neck, painstakingly moving it down to her bouncy bosom. With her eyes half-closed, Sera forgot all about her earlier avidity towards the one-off Mervin Hulbert akin to a priceless treasure.

Fully immersed in the exotic sensations of Lucifer's warm breath, his thin, pillowy lips on her cheeks, the corner of her mouth and neck along with the cold hard metal on her smooth skin, Sera shuddered sweetly in pleasure.

"I knew you'd like this.. But I didn't expect you to love this puny revolver more than you like me.."

Breathing words through clenched teeth in a low and husky tone, Lucifer held back his indignation.

"Ah.. Are you jealous now?"

With a jolt, Sera gasped raspily when the coldness of the metal seeped through the thin fabric of her dress to her hardened nub as raw electricity coursed through her veins.

Pressing the muzzle on Sera's sensitive nub teasingly, Lucifer chuckled darkly that sounded irresistible.

"Yes, I wonder why?! This thing cannot even please you the way I could.. If you let me do the honors!"

As Lucifer's words fell, his hand holding the revolver travelled downwards to her toned tummy, resting dangerously close to Sera's core.

"Eager much, aren't we?!"

Biting her lips seductively under the man's sweet torment, Sera's fingers smoothly wrapped themselves around the barrel of the revolver as she asked playfully. In the next second, Sera's red lips found Lucifer's chiseled chin and she smacked a pillowy kiss making the man go crazy.

The small gesture was enough to entrance Lucifer, his gaze rapt with desire darkened than a glistening rock of obsidian.

"Yes, very eager.."

Without a word of caution, Lucifer placed his lips on hers, opening up his soul to Sera while forcing her to open up her mouth to his invasion. His free paw was relentless as he explored her softness, the feel of her supple creamy skin under his calloused fingers was heavenly.

When the fresh breeze caressed Sera's shoulders and back, she realized that the sides of her off-shoulder dress were drawn half-way, almost exposing her strapless red bustier to Lucifer.

"Re.. Lax, This.. We are out.. In the.. Open.."

Flushed with shame, Sera's broken voice was heard as she panted for breath. Her ears and chest tinted a soft glow of pink that looked enticing and beautiful.

"That only serves as a thrill.. Don't you think so?"

Nibbling onto her ears, Lucifer articulated poking his moist tongue in the cavity as Sera writhed, protesting weakly. Shifting her face away to avoid his greedy kisses, she could feel her heart throbbing wildly against her cage.

"No.. No.. I.. I don't.."

Smiling from ear to ear, Lucifer continued to nibble onto the tender skin of Sera's frail shoulders. Her legs turned wobbly from his torturous ministrations, and her trembling fingers gripped his sleeves in strong grip.

"You pretty.. Little.. Liar!"

Tracing his rough fingers from Sera's nape to the hot wetness of her throbbing and aching core, Lucifer's thumb rubbed her gently over the red satin. Sera's breathing hitched, her moans and gasps filled the air.

"Aah! Wait.. Wa.. Wait.. Let me!"

Soon, Sera's brain exploded sending her into the sensory whirlpools of delirious intensity, streams of searing sap gushed through her. Her throat parched end itchy. She was completely blank for a good few seconds before returning back to lucidity.