It's A Pity

The big hand grabbing Zhang Lili's wrist tightened making her frown harder, and a prominent red mark appeared on her fair skin. It was awfully painful. Zhang Lili's heart thumping incessantly in her chest.

Before the girl could react, Mr Bai's other hand roughly grazed the smoothness of her skin. The sickening feeling making Zhang Lili feel repulsed.

Stuttering hoarsely, Zhang Lili turned her face away from the lunatic man feeling her up.

"Mr.. Mr Ba.. Bai..!"

Encircling his fingers around Zhang Lili's neck, Mr Bai almost choked her hard. His glassed over eyes behind the lens held a hair-raising madness in them. Frantically panting for breath, Zhang Lili started to struggle while being trapped by Mr Bai's hold on her.

Faced with the intense struggle that Zhang Lili was putting up, Mr Bai lost the very last shreds of his sanity. Dipping his neck, Mr Bai aggressively bit onto Zhang Lili's pale parched lips. Fresh blood oozed out, the strong taste of copper filling their mouths while Zhang Lili cried silently. Her sobs dying a soundless death inside the man's ravenous mouth.

Zhang Lili's nails dug into the back of his hand choking her. Her pitiful cries along with the faint pain brought back the man's sanity. Mr Bai pulled back with a jerk, his face paled ghastly at the sight of the pale Zhang Lili's tear-stricken face and bloodied broken lips, his heart throbbed with a dull ache. It spread all over, benumbing him to the core.

A crease formed on Mr Bai's forehead that didn't fail to reflect his inner turmoil and anguish. His hand around Zhang Lili's neck and wrist loosened.

Shook by his own monstrous actions, Mr Bai took a step back before storming away. The door slammed shut scaring Zhang Lili, and she slid down to the ground, petrified, and shaking like a leaf.

"..Why?! Why did I do that.. Why did I scare her, hurt her.. Shittt!"

Raking his long fingers through his neatly combed hair, Mr Bai packed a punch on the brick wall outside Jade Manor. The impact caused his clean knuckles to bruise red, one could see blood gushing through the small skin cracks.

Mr Bai couldn't bear to hurt Zhang Lili.

The word 'bastard child' triggered a sour memory in Mr Bai, he was reminded of his sister, Bai Yue and Liu Chenmin's unborn child that took Bai Yue's life. The cause of all of Mr Bai and his family's miseries was that unborn 'bastard' child.

This weakness of Mr Bai had negligently resulted in Zhang Lili's misery under his hands.

- - -

Xia Mansion.

Adrian and Su Yin left together in Adrian's blue Bentley without sighting the other two couples.

On the second floor, inside Xia Ruo Lan's bedroom, messy clothes in blue and white combination were strewn on the floor that were inadvertently matching. Looking like couple outfits. They belonged to Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee.

On the bed, Ethan Lee laid atop the panting and exhausted Xia Ruo Lan after rounds of strenuous exercise. Her flushed face damp from salty sweat was streaked with locks of her dark hair, like seaweed they covered the white fluffy pillows as well.

Brushing away Xia Ruo Lan's hair from her face and shoulders, Ethan Lee's calloused fingers traversed a path from Xia Ruo Lan's toned tummy to her lightly heaving bosom.

Dipping down, Ethan Lee pressed soft and tender kisses on Xia Ruo Lan's red apple like cheeks savoring the precious moment as he moved to Xia Ruo Lan's sweet lips akin to ripe figs, full of nectar. Breaking the long, passionate kiss that left Xia Ruo Lan breathless, Ethan Lee nuzzled his nose in the beautiful curve of her neck, her unique scent driving him crazy.

Ethan Lee truly couldn't get enough of Xia Ruo Lan.

*knock* *knock*

Soft pounding on the door interrupted the lovely couple followed by Aunt Yu's voice.

"Missy, the lunch is ready.. Do you want to eat together with Miss Lu and Mr Lucifer..?

Snapping back from their dreamland, Xia Ruo Lan's groggy eyes went round as she realized the situation and scrambled to her feet.

Flustured, Xia Ruo Lan quickly got up while hand was softly nudging Ethan Lee off of her naked self.

"Oh no! We forgot about them..!"

Tidying up Xia Ruo Lan's jet black locks, Ethan Lee unhurriedly responded in a low, hoarse tone.

"It's okay.. Don't worry, Lucifer wouldn't think much of this situation neither would Sera and others.."

Squinting, Xia Ruo Lan frowned lightly as she mumbled.


Smiling charmingly, Ethan Lee planted a chaste kiss on Xia Ruo Lan's forehead as he interrupted her. His starry gaze almost blinding her, her heart warming up oodles with love.

"Wash up! Let's fill ourselves with yummy food. Aunt Yu is a great cook.."

Nodding, Xia Ruo Lan cocked her head to the door as she yelled raspily, her throat as dry as the desert.

"Au.. Aunt Yu, we'll be down in a moment.. I mean, in some time! You can prepare for lunch.."

Outside, Aunt Yu smiled awkwardly after listening to Xia Ruo Lan's weak voice and smoothly intercepted.

"Yes, Missy.."

Striding halfway towards the bathroom, Ethan Lee turned to glance at the fidgety Xia Ruo Lan as she picked up their clothes from the floor.

"It's a pity that we cannot shower together today.. Next time!"

Tilting his head, Ethan Lee vocalized with his smothering gaze on Xia Ruo Lan. The man's tone seductively playful followed by a flirty wink made Xia Ruo Lan's heart race in anticipation.

Feeling her face flush hot picturing a naked Ethan Lee under the waters with her, Xia Ruo Lan fanned herself.

Lucifer and Sera hung out at the backyard for some time. The also pair clicked cute couple selfies by the pond and amidst the lush greenery, bright flowers in the garden. Engrossed in each other's company, Sera and Lucifer totally forgot about the others, blissed out in their own little world of pink love.