What If...

In high-spirits, Adrian drove all the way to Su Corporation straight after leaving his mother, Lillian's cafe. His handsome face beaming.

Whistling an uplifting tune, Adrian pushed open the door to get out of the striking blue car. He also carried the bag given by Lillian with him, planning to surprise Su Yin with her favorite comfort food.

Although, Su Yin loved to eat everything warm and sweet, she had cried the other night craving for a slice of Sticky Toffee Cake. Which Adrian did find a bit amusing and weird, still he didn't think much about it. After much difficulty, Adrian comforted Su Yin with a caramel toffee sold dime a dozen as it was late. And no stores would be selling cakes at three in the morning!

Adrian stopped short in his tracks when he suddenly spotted Su Yin walking out of the splendid building.

The man looked closely to confirm that it was Su Yin before darting a glance at his sparkling Vacheron Constantin gifted by Lucifer. It showed half past eleven, there was still an hour for lunch break.

"Hm? Where's Yinyin going?"

Scratching his forehead quizzically, Adrian mumbled to himself.

As Su Yin's white Mercedes drove out of the carpark, Adrian hurriedly got inside his own to follow her. The cars sped through the roads like wild snakes in a jungle.

Seeing the familiar route that Su Yin's car was heading to, Adrian's eyes flashed with light, confused. The addled man's heartrate ricocheting while his head was filled with a thousand wild thoughts. His knuckles went white clenching the steering in trepidation. His darkened gaze staring unblinkingly at the tall building where the white car came to a still stop.

"Ho.. Hospital?!"

Adrian's voice was filled with tremors as he murmured hoarsely due to the constriction in his throat.

As though he was being chased by ghosts, Adrian scrambled out of his seat to follow after the downcast Su Yin. Her soft hands wringing the hem of her checkered blazer nervously. Her steps slow, and filled with apprehension.

Striding towards the reception, Su Yin said a few words to the receptionist with a stiff smile. Her usually clear and bright pupils akin to black grapes lifeless.

"Excuse me. My name is Su Yin, and I have an appointment.."

Standing behind a white pillar, confusion was written all over Adrian as he tried to percieve the situation unfurling before his very own eyes. Unable to hear a thing of the conversation between Su Yin and the receptionist, his anxiousness shot up to a higher degree.

With his heart beating furiously against his cage, Adrian continued to follow closely till they reached the second floor. The corridor wasn't sparse. In fact, as far as one could see there was a majority of females, some strolling around while some waiting at the doors.

Shortly after, Su Yin was guided by a nurse into a room, after which she came back to sit on a chair with a sullen face. Her head lowered as she stared at her palm, it was shaking. Her legs shivering.

The mere sight of Su Yin on that cold metal chairs akin to a cat drenched in heavy rain was sore to Adrian's eyes as he couldn't bear to watch her suffering.

Adrian was riddled with puzzlement.

The nurse came back with a big smile on her oval face. She went to Su Yin who was sitting in a daze, her vacant gaze still fixed on her pale palms that were trembling ever so lightly.

"Miss Su..?"

Frowning slightly, the young nurse patted Su Yin gently on the shoulder when the latter did not respond.

Jerking at the faint touch, Su Yin raised her head groggily to meet the startled nurse's worried gaze. She forced a smile, pushed her feet up to follow the nurse inside the doctor's cabin.

Outside the curtains covered glass door, the label 'Gynaecologist/Obstetrician' was akin to a bolt of lightning that struck Adrian hard and brutally. His mouth hung open in sheer astonishment. He stumbled back a step or two, almost colliding into the white walls behind him.

"Preg.. Pregnant? Yin.. Yinyin is pregnant?!"

With a hand on his now sweaty forehead, Adrian was in awe as he muttered under his breathe.

The picture of incredulity and disbelief on Adrian gradually transformed into sheer jubilance. Exhilarated, an incredibly gentle smile formed on Adrian's face which soon turned to that of desperation as well as desolation. The light in his gaze went dim.

'Why? Why is she here at the hospital..?!'

'What's wrong with her expression.. Yinyin, she looks forlorn..'

'Does.. Does she not want the child?..'

'Our.. Our child?'

'Is she regretting..?!'

'Is.. Is she here to.. Ab.. Abort? Abort my child??!'

Gritting his teeth to contain the surging rush of anger and frustration inside him, Adrian balled his fists. Flashes of their beautiful past along with Su Yin's cold-heartedness and fierceness surfaced through. The man's heart growing cold, little by little.

"Why?! Why is my love not enough for you Yinyin? Why!!"

All of a sudden, the curled fist landed a hard blow on the wall horrifying the nurses and other patients around. Heaving in his anger and ignoring the others around him, Adrian turned around to leave, lest he lose control of himself and hurts Su Yin in one way or other.

- - -

"Hello? Dad.."

A weak voice called out as soon as the call was connected. The bleakness in it wasn't hard to miss.

"Su Yin? I have a meeting in five.. I'll call you later!"

The hurried voice of Su BoYing resounded making Su Yin's heart ache, she clutched the paper in her hand with a dull glint in her soft gaze.

"Dad!! I have something important to tell you. When are you.."

Before Su BoYing could hang up, Su Yin hastily interrupted him. Urgency clear in her tone.

"Oh! I'll be back next week.. I'll hang up now"

Glaring at the darkened phone screen with her reddened eyes filled with crystalline tears, Su Yin lowered her head in silence. Her gaze moved to the glaring words on the white paper.


Initially, Su Yin picked up her phone to dial Adrian's number to inform him about this seemingly delightful piece of news, but decided against it. Her brain was clouded with a million worries and questions.

From the time Adrian and Su Yin reconciled he hasn't mentioned a thing about having kids or marrying her. This thought alone was enough to raise suspicion in Su Yin's heart, she was feeling powerless and her heart was twisting. Albeit the happiness she was feeling deep inside there was also a lingering fear.

What if Adrian leaves her after finding out that she's pregnant?

What if they break up, again?

What if..

The horror of experiencing the agonizing feeling of loneliness amidst a horde of familiar faces, all over again, gnawed Su Yin's insides.