I'm Watching You

A bearded man with fine wrinkles and sparse gray hair approached the group of men - Lucifer, Adrian, Donal Wen and Alberto Chung. The eccentric Ronald Isaac was already out of the picture by then.

With a fawning smile, the old man opened his mouth to say something when his eyes went round. He was stunned speechless after seeing the metallic skull ring on the fat fingers of Alberto Chung. And his face paled.

The skull ring was a signet of the European Mafia, Donal Wen, Ronald Isaac and all of their important men had those skull rings with biometric information on their fingers.

Without any noise, the bearded man turned around to leave with his tail in between his legs.

Ignoring the prying eyes on them, Adrian asked with a smile in his sparkly blue eyes.

"Uncle Bert.. Are you going to stay at the old mansion?"

Taking a sip, Donal Wen intercepted before Alberto Chung could reply. His blunt words inciting different reactions.

"You think he'll want to stay there.."

Frowning, Alberto Chung gritted his words through his teeth in a low voice interrupting Donal Wen. While Lucifer was still smiling, Adrian felt awkward for asking such things.


Shrugging his shoulders, Donal Wen cast a droopy glance at Adrian before turning to Alberto Chung with a mysterious glint in his gaze.

"Oops! Sorry.. I won't say anything about the old Chung!"

Grinning at the eternally smiling and laid-back front of Lucifer, Alberto Chung said. He averted his sharp gaze at Donal Wen as he spoke, preparing to leave.

"My dear boy, I have other guests to attend so please excuse me. And Donal, follow me!"

Waving his hand, Donal Wen raised his brows animatedly as he bid his farewell. The boys waved back with a warm smile.

"Addy, Lucifer.. Uncle Don will see you guys soon!"

On the side, a young waitress in a skimpy dress appeared before Ronald Isaac whose indolent gaze was fixed on Lucifer, with a smile sweet as honey. Looking extremely seductive.

Sensing the waitress' presence, Ronald Isaac subtly furrowed his slant eyebrows.

"I don't drink.."

Glaring coldly, Ronal Isaac raised his hand to decline in his deep voice. Her seductive smile cracked.

The waitress froze after listening to Ronald Isaac's voice. Her beautiful eyes widened and she immediately dropped the tray full of drinks.

"Sorry.. Sorry..!"

Without turning back, the waitress scurried away like she was being chased by a huge vicious beast.

A pair of eyes from the dark were staring darkly at the waitress' receding figure and Ronald Isaac's unfathomable front.

Panic-stricken, the waitress dialed a string of numbers with her fingers shivering uncontrollably.

"Pick up the phone.. Please!"

Placing the phone on her ear, she mumbled hoarsely, almost on the verge of crying.

The waitress was the same girl who had bumped into Adrian at Old Wu's den the night of his murder.

"Mr.. Adrian? I'm.. I'm Sheila.. That man.. That man is here at the party.. Mr Adrian? You here me??!"

As soon as the call connected, she didn't wait for the other person to speak as she said in a haste. Her words coming out in a stutter but not entirely incomprehensible. Her legs wobbly.


A soft click resounded before the door to the staff's room was pushed open. Sheila turned around with a start, calling out in a low voice.

"Mr.. Ad.."

Startled, Sheila's shaky pupils studied the unfamiliar man who had entered the room. Her throat tightened, no voice came out of her widely open mouth.

"You.. You.."

The man's lips curved derisively as his cold gaze scanned Sheila slowly backing away in fright. Her body shaking like a brittle leaf.

Yanking hard at Sheila's neatly tied hair, the man forcefully pushed her body down onto the chair.

"Aaaah!! Don't.. Don't kill me.. Please!! Please.. I promise.. I won't, I won't tell anything.. Really "

The cold metal of the polished gun in his hand caressed Sheila's forehead bathed in cold sweat. She screamed loudly at the pain in her scalp coupled with the fear of losing her life. Tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she sobbed, gritting her teeth as she pleaded.

"Loose lips, Sink ships!!"

Tracing a path to Sheila's bosom with the muzzle of the gun, the man bent down to reach her. He whispered close to Sheila's ears in his dangerously deep voice making her shudder. The skull ring in his left hand eye-catching.

As his threatening words fell, the man shot without any hint of remorse in his chilling gaze.

"Aaah..!! Pl.. Please.."

The bullet sinked through Sheila's chest as blood spurted out of her half-open mouth as she uttered painstakingly in her broken breath.

"Ugh!! Dirty bitch.."

Glowering at the crimson blood staining his squeaky clean shoes, the man cursed out loud, kicking Sheila's half-dead body.


Soon, the door was slammed shut as the silhouette of the man disappeared leaving the half-dead Sheila inside the staff room.

- - -

After finding her bearings, Su Yin alighted out of her car with her head lowered as she watched each step carefully. Her feet were donning high heels in black.

Exiting the carpark, Su Yin felt unsettling as though someone was constantly watching her. Her palms turned clammy.

Steeling herself, Su Yin slowly turned back to see a shadow moving in the dark, and her heart tightened. She clutched the bag in her hand like her life depended on it and hurriedly made her way to the elevator. Her back covered in cold sweat.

Once inside the elevator, Su Yin heaved a sigh of relief feeling safe, alas, her repose didn't last long.

*ring* *ring*

Goosebumps erupted on Su Yin's pale skin when the phone in her bag began ringing in the silent elevator. She sweeped a glance at the caller id. Her dark pupils shook.

It was an unknown number.

With her trembling hands, Su Yin continued glaring at the screen disconcertingly, afraid to pick the call.


Moments later, the phone in Su Yin's hand returned to peace. She held her bag, trying to stuff the device inside when suddenly a chime reverberated. The device buzzed in her clenched fist.

"I'm watching you..!"

Reading the contents of the message she'd received, Su Yin almost threw the mobile, petrified.