Morning Sunshine

"Hmm.. Yup, can't.. Sleep here.."

Nodding his head in a silly manner, Adrian hummed as he uttered incoherently raising his head to meet Su Yin's misty gaze with subtle signs of sleepiness.

His heart skipped a beat.

Entranced, Adrian peeled himself from Su Yin before wordlessly walking away. His actions sent her into a tizzy.

'What's up with this big baby?!'

Confused, Su Yin stared unblinkingly at the man's back as he walked unsteadily like a toddler learning to walk. Su Yin shook her head as she picked up Adrian's coat before following after him.

Staggering, Adrian somehow found his way to the bedroom where he'd spent countless nights with Su Yin.

"So.. Uncomfortable! So.. Hot!!"

Inside the room, Adrian haphazardly tore the white shirt covering his body as he felt hot, shocking Su Yin greatly. Her eyes went wider than globes watching the madness unfolding before her. The man's tempting pectorals, sweet washboard abs and sinful v-line was a sight far greater than a feast. So hot!

'My! Oh my!'

Turning around, Adrian's blue eyes as deep as the ocean bored a glaring hole in Su Yin with the intense look he was giving her. It was too sensual to describe.

In the quietude, Su Yin could clearly hear her own heart jumping wildly against the walls of her chest. All of her previous fears and worries vanished in thin air, their existence a joke.

'Oh no! Why.. Why do I feel like this Adrian is not my sweet Ad but the beastial, and cold boss Adrian!!'

Gulping audibly, Su Yin was unmoving as she stood at the end of the bed. Afraid to even blink, her legs had long turned to lead as Su Yin tried to step back from Adrian's ravenous gaze.

Prowling forward like a predatory tiger on a hunt, hungry and scary, Adrian yanked Su Yin into his chest, roughly. Surprised, she screamed out loud. And her head banged against his hard muscles.

"I.. I really.. Want to.. Want to.. I love.. Love.."

Sinking his face in Su Yin's swan-like neck, Adrian unintelligibly mumbled against her skin.

Feeling abashed, goosebumps appeared on her pink skin like rose silk. Although Su Yin was unable to understand Adrian's words, she felt loved and her heart warmed in that instant.

Peeling back from her soft body, Adrian crashed his mouth onto Su Yin's akin to a raging beast.

The torrid kiss took Su Yin by surprise as she tried to match Adrian's hungry pace. The man carefully picked Su Yin up by her slim waist and placed her on bed. Panting, they stared at each other's flushed faces. Their breathing erratic.

While Su Yin was still in a trance from the passionate kiss, Adrian's yearning gaze swept to her flat tummy.

Misty-eyed, Adrian envisioned Su Yin as she lovingly cradled her protruding belly with a radiant smile on her face like the beautifully bloomed yellow sunflower.

Caressing her tangled hair, Adrian pressed a chaste kiss on Su Yin's forehead, secretly thanking her for not giving up on their love. For not aborting their baby.

Yes! Adrian knew that Su Yin didn't go to the hospital to abort their child. And he was guilty for even having such thoughts. It killed him. The man couldn't believe that he was doubtful of his love, his Yinyin.

When Adrian left the hospital in a huff, he came back to see Su Yin smiling gleefully as she drove back to Su Corporation. He also saw how Su Yin's glowing face turned dim as she entered the building. It made Adrian realize how wrong he was as well as how hard it must be for Su Yin to digest this news and face the reality.

Thus, Adrian decided to be strong for Su Yin. He was willing to wait despite the butterflies kicking up a storm inside him. This time, Adrian wouldn't rush like an idiot until Su Yin is comfortable enough to share the news with him.

Adrian vowed to protect Su Yin and their baby from that instant.

- - -

Next morning when Su Yin woke up with a smile, the comforting warmth she's used to was missing. Adrian was no longer beside her. And the other side of the bed was cold just like her heart. Her lips pursed sullenly as the smile on them disappeared.

After washing up, Su Yin was in no mood to eat anything but the doctor had advised her to take care of her health and her baby. Keeping that in mind, Su Yin made her way to the kitchen to find a tray on the counter with a note.

'Good Morning Sunshine!

Hope You Slept Well. I Had Some Really Important Work, So I Left Early..

I'll See You Tonight!

Love, Adrian..'

There was a cup of fresh fruits, a bowl of sweet porridge with nuts, a glass of milk, a slice of the sticky toffee cake and the ice-cream container. There was also a lunch box. The smile on Su Yin was so big, it split her face into two.

"Aaah!! I'm so... Happy!"

Blushing, Su Yin screamed in elation as she patted her cheeks. The taste was perfect. She ate almost everything on the tray and packed whatever she couldn't finish.

With a happy mood and filled stomach, Su Yin felt refreshed as she went to work.

- - -

The morning sunlight flitted through the curtains, entering the bedroom. After an uncomfortable night's sleep, Sera woke up with a throbbing headache.

Furrowing her brows, Sera sat up with an ugly scowl as she held her head. The pain was the kind that she'd never experienced before.

"Aunt Zhou! Aunt Zhou.."

Shrieking aloud, Sera buried her face in her knees, trembling like a brittle leaf in agony.

"Young Miss..!!!"

Distressed by the sight, Aunt Zhou cried out loud as she tried to touch Sera's frail shoulder. She raised her head.

"Aunt Zhou, please do something! This headache is killing me.."

Shaking her head, Sera hoarsely mumbled as she pleaded to Aunt Zhou with watery eyes.

Recalling Lu Jinan's words, Aunt Zhou flew past the bed to the wooden cabinet in the corner. She rummaged through the drawer to find a box, inside it was a bottle of white pills. Aunt Zhou heaved a sigh in relief.

"Here.. Young Master told me to give these to you!"

Grabbing the bottle, Aunt Zhou rushed to Sera's side. She poured a glass of water and took two pills out to give them to her.

Shortly after, Sera felt dizzy and her body fell limply onto the bed. Her forehead shiny with sweat. Sighing to herself, Aunt Zhou sat beside the sleeping Sera to wipe her face with a clean towel.