Sparkly Pink Heels

After spending an entire day with her lovely family, Sera's now at a high-end restaurant known for lip-smacking western cuisine, where Lucifer was also relishing his so-called romantic candlelit dinner with Zhang Lili.

The bubbly Sera's whole being brimming with happiness, warmth and positivity as she entered the establishment, smilingly. The scene, a far cry from the situation earlier in the day where she was seen crying in immense agony.

The gray clouds of gloom lifted themselves welcoming a sunshiny yellow morning sun, to light up the blues sky in Sera's life, once again.

The cute family of four - Francis Lu, Lu Shanshan, Seraphina Lu and last but not the least Lu Jinan - had a whale of a time, for the first time in these few years.

They first visited the Aquarium along with the Amusement Park bustling with cheery laughs and shrieks of joy, youthful and full of life. Followed by Lu Jinan and Sera's old school to reminisce their childhood. It was a very heartwarming day filled with endless love, delicious treats and rib-tickling anecdotes.

Having lost her way back, Sera accidentally caught sight of a highly familiar figure. And her expression changed.


Dashing as ever, Lucifer's towering figure strode past Sera, like she was air. As usual, he exuded the imposingly noble and cold aura that pressured people around him into a dead silence.

Although nothing obvious was seen from Lucifer's expression, the subtle hints of agitation streaking his gorgeous features were crystal clear to Sera.

"Was.. Was that a look of trouble on his face?"

The man walked right past Sera, ignoring her presence. Thereafter, Sera was dead sure that something was troubling Lucifer for him to appear so restless. Her straight brows knit together into a frown.


Turning around, Sera caught a glimpse of the floor number the elevator was ready for descent, just before the shiny metal doors slid close.

- - -

A flurry of robust emotions surged through Lucifer as he stared at the golden numbers - 1808, on the door.

As expected, the door was left unlocked for him. Lucifer had no idea what was up for him once he walks through this mahogany polished obstacle in front of him.

Slowly but surely, Lucifer pushed the door open. His heartbeat calm yet chaotic. In a flash, he found his way into the lavish suite room.

Running his vigilant eye's around the dim living hall, Lucifer instantly felt something amiss. He continued to make his way to the bedroom which was also quiet dark. Although, there wasn't a squeak, the man constantly had his guard up like a soldier on a battlefield.

Sudden, Lucifer's gray orbs darkened as a chill emanated his entire being, truly like the devil from the hell.

'Zh.. Zhang Lili?!!'

On the cabinet, by the bedside, an antique looking bed lamp illuminated the lump of flesh sprawled on the huge bed. It's vague features in the dim light highly resembling Zhang Lili.

Before Lucifer could react, a shadow flitted from the corner like an arrow and darted towards him. On guard, Lucifer's stance changed drastically, his gaze narrowed as he struck the man coming onto him with force.

Instead of retreating, the shadow bravely faced Lucifer's fierce attacks, no matter how painful. His fists and feet in perfect coordination as he tried to defend, giving his best.

All of a sudden, a sharp and stinging pain in Lucifer's neck caught him off-guard, and his eyes widened. He sounded hoarse due to the painful constrictions in his throat.

"You.. You...."

Behind Lucifer, a similar looking shadow had stabbed a needle on the side of his neck. The effects of the drug soon made him succumb to it.

'Wh.. What is happening to me...'

Somehow, Lucifer managed to turn around only to find a slender figure smiling at him devilishly with a seductive charm. His eyesight blurred, and he fell limply on his knees with a thud. His head falling straight on the sparkly pink heels adorned with crystals.

- - -

Few hours ago.

Jade Manor.

"The Big Boss is rushing us! We have to create a buzz.. As long as Lucifer's name is embroiled in a scandal Big Boss can take care of his company..!"

Fuming, Liu Chenmin glared at Liu Li as he tried to make her understand the situation. She was, as usual throwing tantrums after eavesdropping on their wonderful plan to take advantage of Lucifer by drugging him.

"Dad! You really want to use that bitch Zhang Lili to defile my Lucifer?!!"

Red-faced, Liu Li as usual loudly snapped back at her father. The sound grating to one's ears.

"Oh shut up Lili..! You just have to watch silently.. I can't afford to make any errors nor I can risk your life.."

Losing his cool, Liu Chenmin hollered back agitatedly, afraid of the dire consequences he'd be facing thanks to Liu Li's actions. He was clearly fed up of his bull-headed daughter.

"Remember.. The Big Boss is ruthless!!"

Lowering his voice, Liu Chenmin glowered menacingly as he emphasized for Liu Li to engrave in her mind.

"But Dad.."

Puffing her cheeks, Liu Li stood up as she started but was interrupted.

Frowning hard, Liu Chenmin abruptly raised his hand, stopping Liu Li midsentence and strode to the door.

"Stay in your room and reflect on your thoughts!!"

Turning around, Liu Chenmin barked at her before locking Liu Li inside her room, lest she creates any immutable mess. When it comes to Lucifer, Liu Li was bound to rebel and he didn't want her to go against the big boss's orders.


Furious, Liu Li swiped all the things off the table while screaming like a banshee. Her eyes red with fury.

"You.. You just wait! I'll never let you guys trick Lucifer, only I.. Only I, Liu Li deserves Lucifer!"

And like a broken record, Liu Li reiterated the same old lines that she'd scream out loud every time. She looked extremely ugly with the dark expression on her like a true witch.