A Good Teacher

With his back pressed against the couch, Lucifer easily pulled Sera into his lap as he glanced at her. He looked like an aggrieved child pleading punishment.

Feigning ignorance, Sera nonchalantly sat straddling him. Her luscious hair gathered on one side revealing her swan neck and frail shoulders under the sleeveless crop top.

The pose was extremely intimate yet the expressions on their faces were a stark contrast.

One was pale with shock and horror, in fear of the upcoming onslaught.

While the other was smiling like the devil from hell. There was a tinge of frustration coupled with mirth floating in her obsidian-dark orbs.

"What? You don't want to eat my cooking?!"

Glaring sinisterly at the man, Sera tilted her head as she asked with an evil smile. Her tone alarmingly cold.

"I do! I do.. How can I not.."

Laughing nervously, Lucifer could only nod to save himself from her wrath. He's seen her send various men flying in the air with her superb kicks. The mere thought of him getting beat up by his girlfriend was scary to Lucifer.

His head bobbed up and down like a doll while his palm on her upper arm turned clammy disclosing his inner trepidation.

"That's better.. Wash up, I'll set the plates and the dishes on the table!"

Unfolding her hands around her bust, Sera gave a small nod and she got down from his lap. Her breezy voice graced his ears.

In a trance, Lucifer stared stupidly at the petite woman's receding back as she made her way to the kitchen. A foolish grin crept up his handsome face making him appear like the kid with the largest piece of cake in the room.

As Sera's voice fell, Lucifer's insides stirred with an unknown emotion. Her words were like a melodious piece of music to his ears. Warmth pooled in the deep recesses of his wildly throbbing heart.

The demeanor in which Lucifer was low-key commanded by Sera was just like a wife authoritatively ordering around her husband. It was a different feeling, yet incredibly sweet.

Forgetting all about the venomous porridge she'd once cooked for him, Lucifer happily went upstairs where his bedroom was.

Just as Lucifer was about to push the door open, Sera's urgent voice echoed. Halting in his steps, he pulled back his hand and turned to glance at her.

Holding a casserole, Sera smiled brightly at him. She looked cute and homely with her hair tied up into a ponytail and his apron hanging on her small frame.

"Come on now, it's not going to taste good if it isn't hot!"

Slightly raising the casserole, Sera called him to come down quickly.


Not letting him speak, Sera interjected with a radiant smile. Her gaze twinkling akin to stars.

"You can wash up downstairs.. It's nearer to the table also!"

Sighing in defeat, Lucifer descended the stairs as he said.

"Fine, as you say milady.."

Having been addressed as 'milady' after a long time, you could see a faint pink blush on her plump cheeks.

Upon reaching Sera's side, Lucifer pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead before going on his way.

Glancing at his back, Sera heaved a heavy sigh as though holding a lot inside her. She then swiftly moved to place the dishes on the table.

Shortly after Sera had arranged the table, Lucifer emerged out of the bathroom with his hair slightly wet and face damp. Like an Adonis in the modern world.

Water droplets trickled down from Lucifer's chiseled chin to his throat seductively. The top two buttons of his thin white shirt had come undone, and his blue blazer was long thrown onto the couch. His unruly wet hair giving his whole appearance an untamed, wild streak.

"Take, wipe yourself first!"

A hand came in front of Lucifer, stopping him in his track. Quirking his brow, the man looked down at the towel handed to him in amusement.

"Thank you, milady.."

Accepting the towel with one hand, Lucifer wiped his face while he reached to grasp her wrist with the other.

Letting Lucifer hold her, Sera simply stood across him appearing unbothered by his actions. Her gaze never leaving her man.

Bringing Sera's palm to his mouth, Lucifer gently planted a kiss on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

"Let's eat.."

Yanking her hand, Sera let out a couple of awkward coughs before muttering softly.

Shaking his head in resignation, Lucifer's thin lips curled into an amused smile as he followed after Sera. Not another word was spoken between the couple along the way to the dining table.

When the man heard Sera say that she's cooked for him, his pallid expression was that of dread. Soon, it turned into a beaming grin for Lucifer absolutely loved how his girl was willing to put in efforts for his sake. It was a great feeling.

In his head, Lucifer made a firm resolve to finish every morsel of whatever special dish Sera's prepared without a frown. And only sing praises, unlike last time where he had messed up big time.

To Lucifer's surprise, the dining table's face was fully transformed. It was meticulously decorated with a romantic setting, there were red roses, candles and a chilled bottle of champagne resting between the petals. It looked better than what the hotel people had arranged last night.

"Do you like it?"

Satisfied with Lucifer's reaction, Sera had a wide smile on her face. Stupefied, he only nodded his head unable to utter a word in response.

"Great! Sit down.."

Beaming like a lightbulb, Sera nodded her head and pulled his hand to sit.

After the couple were seated, Sera served him a special dish which neither of them could ever forget - Ravioli Stuffed with Butternut Squash in Sage Sauce - Lucifer's gaze flashed with light of surprise and anticipation.

"Did you really.."

Taking a bite, Lucifer was struck dumb as the flavors hit him where it should. It was unbelievable how Sera could recreate this dish so perfectly even after not knowing the culinary basics.

"Uh-huh.. I've improved, haven't I?"

Interjecting him, Sera showcased a smug smile as bright as the sun that reflected her inner happiness. Her straight eyebrows raised inquisitively.

"It's delicious.. That's what a good teacher does, right?!"

Chuckling merrily, Lucifer nodded his head in agreement before sporting a complacent grin.

It was no secret that Lucifer was the one who'd taught Sera this recipe, taking all of his sweet time and effort. So, his question is definitely a self praise.

Seeing through the man's sly intentions, Sera pursed her lips and gave a thoughtful nod.

"Yup, my teacher is just as brilliant as my cooking!"

With a serious tone, Sera started softly before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

Calling Lucifer the same as her cooking was a blatant insult, as Sera's her skills are complete nonsense!


Laughing and joking, the couple had their dinner date after a long time. Their faces blissed out with huge smiles.