It Was Her Lipstick!

Sneakily glancing in the direction of his bedroom, Lucifer looked at Donal Wen's back as he followed after him.

"What about you.. Uncle Don? How are you here.."

Furrowing his brows in confusion, Lucifer stared at Donal Wen's back and hesitantly put forth the question bugging him.

Not many knew about Lucifer's penthouse in B city, apart from Ethan Lee, Adrian and Sera. So, it wouldn't be surprising to say that Donal Wen's appearance at Lucifer's doorstep was a shocker. But, that was not the true reason behind Lucifer's confusion.

Many years ago, Lucifer was badly injured in an ambush. Fortunately, Alberto Chung and Donal Wen happened to be at the sight who assisted Lucifer back. And that's how they came to know about this penthouse.

Slowly walking out of the living hall to the door, Donal Wen turned to smile, returning Lucifer's distracted gaze.

"Well.. Me and your Uncle Bert were in the vicinity for a dinner party and decided to deliver these to you!"

Pulling out a couple of envelopes from his pocket, Donal Wen said, passing them to Lucifer.


Staring at the exclusive passes in his hand, Lucifer was entranced. He was planning to go there, the global underground auction to obtain something highly valuable and vital. The way Alberto Chung had anticipated his visit to the auction in advance, left Lucifer in shock.

'These passes..'

Watching Lucifer lost in the train of his thoughts, Donal Wen smiled to himself before striding to the door.

"Yes, he's waiting in the car. I better rush.."

Opening the door to exit, Donal Wen replied as a mysterious gleam danced about his dark gaze.

"Um.. Bye!"

In a daze, Lucifer gave a nod of his head and watched Donal Wen disappear from his sight.

Closing the door, Lucifer once again looked at the envelopes handed by Donal Wen in complete bafflement.

'How.. How did he know?!'

Although Alberto Chung had quite a lot of connections, he wouldn't possibly be able to dive into Lucifer's brain?! It's ridiculous to even think about it..

Absentminded, Lucifer took off his blazer and threw it onto the couch before wiping the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. He froze like a statue. He was shell shocked to see a clear pink hue on his skin.

It was Sera's lipstick!!

"Damn! He must've seen it.."

Touching his forehead in embarrassment, red-faced, Lucifer cursed under his breath. He'd ruined his image frm a ruthless leader to a frivolous bastard!

Shaking his head, Lucifer slowly turned to glance at the empty staircase with a mix of emotions in his gaze. Keeping all the other things distracting him at bay, Lucifer's only concern now was the petite woman inside.

Worried, the man decided to go inside and take a look.

Keeping the passes away, Lucifer leisurely made his way upstairs, to his bedroom. He had his long fingers through his messy hair as he rearranged them, for his head almost looked like a bird's nest.

'Adrian had brought some dresses last time, so Sera should be fine..'

Lucifer thought inwardly while his fingers worked on his hair, abstractedly.

The moment the door flung open, Lucifer's gray eyes flickered with surprise. His face changed, and his heartbeat ricocheted like anything.

Contrary to what Lucifer was expecting, his bland and minimalistic style bedroom was decorated beautifully making him doubt if he'd entered the wrong place.

There were heart-shaped aromatic candles, delicate flowers like roses, lillies, satiny red-white curtains, heart-shaped red and white balloons and what not. His eyes twitched uncontrollably.

The beguiling sight no lesser than a deluxe honeymoon suite of a high-class five star hotel.

In the dazzling moonlight, a silhouette in white appeared in front of Lucifer, taking his breath away. His pupils dilating.

Like the resplendently shining moon out at the balcony, Sera smiled charmingly as she stood across the jaw-slacked Lucifer. Her obsidian-dark orbs twinkling like a million stars.

Attired in a pristine white dress reaching her ankles, Sera looked everything sexy and amazingly gorgeous, like an ethereal goddess.

'What the..!'

The man gulped heavily, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, the expression on his face comical.

The dress was neither too revealing nor too modest. The flowy fabric hugging her voluptuous body in all the right places was a feast for the eyes. Sera's long midnight black tresses fell gently on her shoulders, partly covering them while her creamy skin peeked through it temptingly.

'Calm down, calm down, calm down....'

'It's a dream.. Just a dream, calm down..!'

Clenching his fists, Lucifer chanted in his head to keep his cool. His eyes popping out of his skull in awe of the enchanting sight before him.

It was hilarious to see 'The Devil' behaving like an excited and awed child in the face of a chocolate mountain!

"Sera, you.."

Bewitched by the goddess like beauty, the man's throat ran dry. His words coming out in a stutter.


Satisfied by Lucifer's reaction, Sera closed their distance as she hummed raising her straight brows inquisitively. A faint crimson hue coloring her plump cheeks.