The Debt Of Life

Turning to Liu Chenmin with a subtle smirk on his lips, Bai Yong pushed back the gold spectacles on his nose.

"Mr Liu..!"

The bespectacled man's voice as light as the refreshing cool breeze albeit the clear loathing in his gaze.

"BAI YONG!! What.. What the hell is going on?"

Stumbling to stand up with much difficulty, Liu Chenmin roared aggressively. His bulging eyes seeing red.

"Hah! What do you think Mr Liu?"

Stepping down from the elevated platform, Bai Yong glared contemptuously at the old man and guffawed. His gaze akin to fire lit daggers.

"You.. I'll kill you!"

Berserk, Liu Chenmin dashed towards the coldly glaring Bai Yong like a crazed man thirsting for blood. His actions abrupt and alarming.

At Adrian's prompt instructions, two burly shadows immediately rushed forward and grabbed Liu Chenmin. The men managed to restrict him successfully.

"Release me! Release me.. I'm going to rip him to pieces, bastard.. Let me go!!"

In a dirty tattered suit, Liu Chenmin was no less than a penniless beggar from streets as he struggled wildly to free himself.

"Tsk tsk tsk.. Mr Liu, how can you say that I betrayed you?"

Clicking his tongue disapprovingly, Bai Yong couldn't help but sneer derisively. He pulled his lips into a grin before glaring venomously at the man responsible for his family's doom, his cute little sister's death. Her murderer!

"Did you forget? My surname is Bai.. I'm Bai Yong! Bai Yong.. Bai Yue.. Yueyue?"

Caught on the hop from the taunting words spouted carelessly by Bai Yong, stripping the gild concealing his unspeakable dark past Liu Chenmin was benumbed.

"Bai.. Bai Yu.. Yue!!"

As Liu Chenmin tried to speak, he felt the lump in his throat increasing, and soon his mouth was filled with the coppery taste of blood.

A dull ache slowly spread all over his left chest like a hammer being rammed hard on his heart, his breath slackening. Beads of sweat covered his forehead and messy face that was as white as a sheet.

"Yes, Bai Yue.. My sister who was pregnant with your child! Bai Yue whom you killed.."

Taking out a shiny glock, Bai Yong smiled before aiming the head of the muzzle towards Liu Chenmin who was still in daze.

"Liu Chenmin, you have to pay the debt of life..!"

Towering above the dirty and pale old man, Bai Yong resembled a grim reaper from hell as he enunciated each word chillingly.

Like a petrified little bunny, Liu Chenmin tried to hide himself from Bai Yong's gaze and crawled backwards, cowering in fright. He'd truly lost his mind at this point.

"No..! No.. Noo!!"

Clutching his unkempt hair, Liu Chenmin shook his head while shouting derangedly.

He knew he was trapped but he never thought the other party to be Zhang Lili..

He knew he was betrayed but he never thought it would be his most trusted subordinate, Bai Yong!

He knew he'd die today but he never thought it'd be like this, betrayed and outsmarted by his own people..

Disappointed and disgusted beyond words, Zhang Lili glowered darkly at the powerless man on the floor who was also her biological father.

The man who Zhang Lili hated more than her father Zhang Hongmin and her half-sister and bestfriend, Liu Li. The vile man who forced himself on her mother. The man who was simply using her for his own gains and benefits, who never truly cared for her or valued her, and only thought of her as a chess piece, a tool, easily dispensable!

Curling his lips devilishly, Lucifer stood up from his throne, and straightened his suit jacket. His pair of long legs wrapped in black trousers leisurely prowled towards the crazily shouting Liu Chenmin, unaffected.

"Your downfall was brought upon your own arrogance Old Liu.. If only you knew how to behave!"

Waving at Bai Yong to return to his seat, Lucifer continued. The bespectacled man respectfully bowed his head before stepping back without a word of defiance.

"Forget about how you tricked my father.. And plotted against him, you still planned to eliminate me?! You wanted to usurp my throne?.. This.."

Opening his eyes and mechanically raising his head, Liu Chenmin wordlessly gawked Lucifer's mighty figure.

At the last thread of his sanity, the man was no less than a rag doll, lifeless and unmoving.

"Ignorant! Truly ignorant.."

Bending lightly, Lucifer viciously stared at his ashen face and held the his jaw in a grip so strong as if intending to break it.

"An ingrate like you.. Deserves to.. Die a painful death!"

Roughly pushing Liu Chenmin from his bruised jaw, Lucifer smirked darkly. He gripped old Liu's collar mottled with dirt and blood, wanting to strangle him to death.

Each word from Lucifer's mouth was as though soaked in acid through and through.

"But before that.. Tell me Old Liu.. Whose puppet are you?!"

Holding Liu Chenmin's shoulder in a vice like grip, Lucifer questioned with a tilt of his head. His icy stare enough to send one straight to his grave.

Alas, before Liu Chenmin could answer the devil, a gunshot resounded out of nowhere. The bullet shot through Liu Chenmin's head.

Rolling his eyes, Liu Chenmin let out a muffled groan and fell limp on the floor. His mouth hung open like a dead dog struggling on his last breath.


Cursing out loud, Adrian dashed forward, blocking Lucifer and making sure he was safe. His gaze akin to a pair of sapphires darkened and a terrifying aura enveloped his entire being.

Without waiting for instructions, Xiao Bo and others hurried in the direction of the gun shot at breakneck speed.


Helping Lucifer whose body swayed lightly in dismay, Adrian was worried.

"Mr Lucifer.."

Even Zhang Lili and Bai Yong who came running were scared, both their voices in chorus as they called out.

Although the light in his eyes was now dimmed, Lucifer shook his head and waved without a care at the concerned trio.

"It's alright.. Take him away, Adrian!"

Staring at the dead Liu Chenmin before his eyes, Lucifer spat his instructions to Adrian

"Yes boss!"

Nodding his head, Adrian gestured the men who were waiting outside to clear the area. He then followed after Lucifer, his forehead creased into a frown.

Striding ahead, Lucifer turned to Zhang Lili and Bai Yong who were following him as well. His gaze no longer cold and detached but had a streak of never seen gentleness.

"You guys.. You can go celebrate tonight. After all, tomorrow is a big day for you..."

Wiping his hand with a clean wet wipe handed by Adrian, Lucifer smiled kindly at the duo in red and black respectively.

"Yes, thank you.. And you have to attend the celebration party, please bring Ms Lu along!"

Sporting a grateful expression, Zhang Lili curled her wine red lips into a smile that was neither ingratiating nor unkind. Her black orbs held all the stars from the night sky.

"Hmm, I will.."

With an indifferent sounding hum, Lucifer threw the wet wipe in the bin. His expression imperceptibly brightened at the mention of his beloved Sera.