Panaceae Revolution

"The third to add the forming of Newtonian knowledge system of the Global Era was the creation of the Panaceae.

"The origin of the Panaceae is a very interesting story, you know.

"Although the medicine field of early Global Era was quite advanced, they originally didn't think of creating a medicine to cure all diseases, that's what the name Panacea come from by the way. Many actually laughed at the idea, thinking it as just fantasy or wishful thinking of the fools.

"At that time there was a particular disease, a lethal and uncurable disease that defy all doctor's attempt to cure it. It's called AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This particular disease attack our immunity system, and nothing the doctors of the time can do about it.

"Fortunately, a brilliant doctor, Doctor X hailed from a research to develop AIDS' vaccine found a circuitous way to deal with the HIV, the cause of the AIDS.

"Doctor X himself is more of a researcher than a doctor, and in his quest to solve AIDS problem, at some point he cast away his focus from the HIV themselves and into our own immunity system. Particularly on how our immunity system identifies the substances that harm our bodies.

"Our Immunity system's Identification Foe or Friend Instrumentation.

"By that time the main point of the research was to get clearer picture on how to make our immunity system identifies HIV better, but then Doctor X get the brilliant idea of transplanting HIV's identification, and only its identification without any other, into another virus that's relatively harmless so that our immunity system identifies it as HIV and attack the HIV when it's found.

"You can liken ancient vaccines as constables recognising criminals by dealing with other criminals with the same characteristics, while the panacea as a way for constables recognising criminals by printing the likeness of the criminals on wanted posters instead of criminals of the same characteristics. It's a lot more effective.

"To make story short, Doctor X's new vaccine for AIDS succeded not only to prevent them, but also to cure them since injecting a lot of those fake HIV make our immunity system strive harder to eliminate the real HIV, kind of making our immunity system dialed up on their emergency.

"So Doctor X et al turned to the identification of other lethal and uncurable viruses like the Ebola. It doesn't take them long before they realise that if identification is all it needs for the immunity system to work, what if you can provide the identification of all known diseases?

"A vaccine for all diseases.

"A cure for all diseases.

"So begin the Panacea Revolution. All medical research facilities around the world turn their research into the identification of diseases and the transplanting of those identifications into fake viruses and the likes. And a global foundation was found to contain all the result to create the one vaccines to cure them all. The Panacea Project.

"We succeeded. We created the one vaccines to cure them all. We created Panaceae.