The Content:
I dreamed of the following items:
1. Breakfast
2. School Canteen
3. School Uniform
4. Blood Letting
The meaning of these following items according to Dreammoods Website:
1. Breakfast - To dream about breakfast indicates the start of a new project or the beginning of a new stage in your life. Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to make for breakfast in the morning. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to be incorporated into your dream.
2. Canteen - To see or use a canteen in your dream suggests that you are looking to easily and conveniently satisfy your emotional needs
3. Uniform - To dream that you or someone is in uniform signifies your need to belong or be part of a group. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you are conforming too much to the beliefs of others. Learn to think for yourself and be your own person
4. Blood Donation - To dream that you are giving or donating blood suggests that you are feeling physically drained due to stress. If blood is squirting everywhere, then the dream implies that you are experiencing some deep emotional stress. You are literally bursting.