Session 69




Saturday, December 14, 2019

Today's Lesson: Revelation 6

* The Seals

- In what time period of the tribulation is the opening of the of the seals? Is it during the first 31/2 or second 31/2 years? Why?

- List down your observation on what transpired as the Lamb open each seal:


- who spoke

- who came

- what did they do/what happened

- what does this mean to you?

What verse made an impact to you today?


Topic: The Seals

Date: 12/14/2019


1. A. First 31/2 - Plague. B. Second 31/3 - War

2. First Seals

A. Who spoke: one of four creatures with the voice of Thunder

B. what came: white horse, the rider has a bow with a crown, win some victories

Second Seals:

A. Who Spoke: Second Living Creature

B. What Came: Fiery Red Horse and the rider will take all peace on earth.

Third Seal:

a. Who Spoke: Third Living Creature

b. What Came: Black Horse with the rider has a balance scale on his hand

c. What they do: one of four living creatures says, a liter of wheat will cost you a whole day's wages. Three liter of barley will cost you a day's wages. But don't ruin the olive oil and wine.''

Fourth Seal:

a. Who Spoke: Fourth living creature

b. What came: pale green horse and it's rider is Death

c. What they do: they ruled one fourth of the earth

3. What does this mean to me, it gives me signs and wonders and synchronized of what happened in the past since I started to write Blogspot or Wattpad.

4. What verse made an impact to me, the verse 6b says, "a liter of wheat will cost you a whole day's wages. Three liters of barley will cost you a day's wages. But don'T ruin the olive oil or the wine''


