Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today's Lesson: Revelation 9
* The Fifth Trumpet
- Describe what happened when the fifth angel sounded his trumpet?
A. What kind of creature came out of the Abyss? What power do they have?
B. Who are they allowed to torment and for how long? Are they allowed to kill?
C. How hard will it be for those w/o the sealed of God during those days?
D. What is the name of the angel of the Abyss in Hebrew and Greek?
* The Sixth Trumpet
- Describe what happened when the sixth angel sounded his trumpet.
A. Who were turned loosed? What is their purpose?
B. What was the size of the mounted troops? Describe their appearance.
C. What was their power to kill?
D. What happened to those who survived this plague?
What lesson did you learn today?
Topic: The Fifth Trumpet
Date: 12/18/2019
Scripture Reading: Revelation 9
1. a - Locusts came out of the smoke and covered the earth. They were given the same power that scorpions have.
b - They were to punish only those people who did not have God's mark on their foreheads. The locusts were allowed to make them suffer for five months, but not to kill them.
c - In those days people will want to die, but they will not be able to. They will hope for death, but it will escape from them.
d - In Hebrew his name was Abaddon, and in Greek it was Apollyon
Topic: The Sixth Trumpet
Date: December 17,2019
Scripture Reading: Revelation 9
1. a - Release the four angels who are tied up beside the great Euphrates River." The four angels had been prepared for this very hour and day and month and year. Now they were set free to kill a third of all people.
b - there were more than two hundred million of these war horses. 17 In my vision their riders wore fiery-red, dark-blue, and yellow armor on their chests. The heads of the horses looked like lions, with fire and smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths.
c - The horses had powerful mouths, and their tails were like poisonous snakes that bite and hurt.
d - The people who lived through these terrible troubles did not turn away from the idols they had made, and they did not stop worshiping demons. They kept on worshiping idols that were made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood. Not one of these idols could see, hear, or walk. No one stopped murdering or practicing witchcraft or being immoral or stealing
2. I learned from the lesson today that there are powerful creatures hidden by God from us and they would set free if the end times come.