Session 75




Saturday, December 21, 2019

Today's Lesson: Revelation 13

* The Beast Out of the Sea

- Describe the beast that came out of the sea:

1. What is his appearance? [13:1-3] [you can draw or research his appearance]

2. What power was given to the beast by the dragon? [13:4-7]

3. What is the result of this power? [13:8-10]

4. Who do you think is this beast?

- Describe the beast that came out of the earth:

1. What is his appearance?

2. What power and authority was given to this beast? [13:12-15]

3. What was the result of this power? [13:16-18]

4. Who do you think is this beast?


Topic: The Beast Out of the Sea

Date: `12/21/2019



A. I looked and saw a beast coming up from the sea. This one had ten horns and seven heads, and a crown was on each of its ten horns. On each of its heads were names that were an insult to God. 2 The beast that I saw had the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion. The dragon handed over its own power and throne and great authority to this beast.

B. The beast was allowed to brag and claim to be God, and for forty-two months it was allowed to rule. 6 The beast cursed God, and it cursed the name of God. It even cursed the place where God lives, as well as everyone who lives in heaven with God. 7 It was allowed to fight against God's people and defeat them. It was also given authority over the people of every tribe, nation, language, and race. 8 The beast was worshiped by everyone whose name wasn't written before the time of creation in the book of the Lamb who was killed

C. If you have ears,

then listen!

10 If you are doomed

to be captured,

you will be captured.

If you are doomed

to be killed by a sword,

you will be killed

by a sword.

This means that God's people must learn to endure and be faithful!

D. The AntiChrist


A. This one came out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12 It worked for the beast whose fatal wound had been healed. And it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship that beast. 13 It worked mighty miracles, and while people watched, it even made fire come down from the sky.

B. This second beast fooled people on earth by working miracles for the first one. Then it talked them into making an idol in the form of the beast that did not die after being wounded by a sword. 15 It was allowed to put breath into the idol, so that it could speak. Everyone who refused to worship the idol of the beast was put to death. 16 All people were forced to put a mark on their right hand or forehead. Whether they were powerful or weak, rich or poor, free people or slaves, 17 they all had to have this mark, or else they could not buy or sell anything. This mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name.

C. It was allowed to put breath into the idol, so that it could speak. Everyone who refused to worship the idol of the beast was put to death. 16 All people were forced to put a mark on their right hand or forehead. Whether they were powerful or weak, rich or poor, free people or slaves, 17 they all had to have this mark, or else they could not buy or sell anything. This mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name.

D. The AntiChrist

3. I learned from the Bible Reading For Today is God's people must learn to endure and be faithful!


