Session 78




Friday, December 27, 2019

Today's Lesson: Revelation 19:10

* Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's Fall


1. What was the 3-fold Hallelujah the great multitude in heaven is shouting?

Answer: the body of the Great Prostitute is burning

2. Why did God condemn the great prostitute?

Answer: The Great Prostitute murdered God's servant that is why God made her pay

3. What characteristic of God was described in verse 1?

Answer: God's judgement is honest and fair.

4. What given the bride to wear?

Answer: A wedding dress made of pure shining linen.

5. What does fine linen stand for?

Answer: Fine linen stands for good thing that God's people had done.

6. Who is the bride?

Answer: Angel or God's servant.

7. Read verse 9-10, what lesson can you learn from this verses?

Answer: We should not worship God's servant because we are all God's servants. We should worship one God.

8. What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: The verse, "Everyone who tells about Jesus does it by the power of Holy Spirit."


