I’m burned

When they come to Lou mansion nobody meet them. while seeing it they go directly to grandfather office. when they come close they could feel tension from there. while coming inside all of them been surprised and when doors have been closed words come from old master Lou "what happened there you are missing and only thanks to your PA we know where you been and we send people there with your sisters"

"Grandpa I will tell you what happened and I hope you will let me deal with shamming people"

"Ok talk," he said while calming a little. Hearing him Linai start telling what happened yesterday. She only skips the part that she and Zhihao have sex. While she almost finishes she could see that her grandfather is red as a tomato and before he could explode her mother said

"She is telling truth father-in-law," mother Lou said

"I hope you aren't lying to us"

"No," she said and she looks at her daughters. Linai wake up from traumatic experience and she said with hate in her voice "mother you said you will never use this power on us you promise"

"I know baby but I needed to know it now tell us who you marry"

"Zhihao Tian," Linai said while looking at her family.

"Impossible little Zhihao he is still missing and we can't tell his family they are after your father and his mother dead"

"Why mother," triples said at the same time

"You know new matriarch of Tian family"


"She has a strong background and we still don't know who they are and who is there," mother Lou said while looking at her daughters then she adds "please don't be reckless we need at first find him and see if he is really little Zhihao"

"Ok mom I will start searching for him," Linai said while looking at mother eyes full of hate.


When Zhihao run away from the hotel he starts jumping by roofs. while doing it he few times almost fall from them but luckily he finally goes to stairs and starts running around the city.

After a few minutes of doing it, he could hear that nobody is following him. Feeling it he could finally calm down and throw out food that he eats earlier. When he does this he knows that he needs to call. While going around he finally found a public phone and him dialect number

When persona finally answers he only said "they found me. we need to talk immediately" and he hangs out. While looking around he knows he needs to walk to another part of the city. He has now been in districts fifteen and he needed to walk to ten. He needed to walk close to the center of the city. knowing that it will take him a few hours he starts doing it slowly and by side roads to not let being caught by cameras. While walking slowly he passes by eight and fifth district.

While he passes of the fifth he comes close to fight of the green dragon and blue dragon gang's war. A few years ago they have been one of the biggest gangs in the city but two brothers start an argument which should take lead and they split up

Seeing it he turns and walks another street. His walk has been lucky and after only two and help hour he comes to the bar. When he enters it he goes directly to back. While being there he open doors using code only for him and he could meet with the leader of the mantis.

It's been small gang only ruling in ten districts and don't knowing why nobody comes to take the territory.

When he sits a cross of fifty years old man Zhihao said "ok uncle I'm burned"

"What happened" Zhao Wei ask him

"Oh you see uncle Wei I help one beautiful girl and they probably track my thanks to her" Zhihao answer while hiding who he helps.

"Ok kid I will help move to another home and find job" Zhao answer him.

"Thanks could you take all my things from my old apartment they probably don't know where I live so it should be safe"

"Ok I will send my right hand to do this he knows your situation"

"Thanks oh before I forgot could you give me more this medicine I have only three pills left," Zhihao said while showing package of pills

"Ok you will have this with your new home take nap and I will find a place with all things here"

"Oh, thanks" Zhihao answer while going to bed and falling asleep.