Should wear some too

While Linai Jianhou and Yaling come inside of the bathroom they go directly to the bath. While they sit inside of it water comes and while bath been filled Linai still has in mind what she saw earlier.

While Jianhou and Yaling been looking at her sister reaction Jianhou first break the silence and she asks "what happened"

"Oh nothing," Linai said while lying more on bath

"Oh we know that something happened so tell us now," Yaling said while coming closer to Linai

"Oh come one I just saw one thing and now I try to think what to do," Linai said while lying on Jianhou shoulder

"Ok sis I will not ask more questions but what you want to do," Yaling said while lying on Linai

"Oh I don't know yet but I will need to talk to my PA" Linai said

"Oh she calls and Zhihao answer," Jianhou said while remembering what happened a few minutes ago

"Oh really what she said" Linai ask

"oh you see she talk about how much she bought and now we have from Li and Mo we have twenty percent and from Tian five," Jianhou said while making shorter and not talking from who they bought as Linai PA said in her call.

"That good" Linai said while looking at Jianhou. While they were talking Yaling take gel and while having it she starts showering herself.

"So good," she said while cleaning her body. While seeing her Linai and Jianhou do the same and they spend most of the time talking about their bodies and how Linai change.

While girls been inside of bathroom Zhihao been waiting for them for a long time while being dresses. While he was doing it someone phone ring and while looking around it's not been any of girls phone. While listening to it Zhihao starts walking around of house and he finds out a phone that hasn't been there yesterday.

While seeing it he answers and said "hello"

While waiting few seconds voice of madam Lou come "oh my son-in-law how are my daughters"

"Good," Zhihao said while sitting on the floor

"Oh that good and don't ask any of them to come I want to talk with you," Yanyan said to Zhihao

"Oh ok what aunt want from me," Zhihao said

"Call me mom, not aunt," she said

"Ok mom what you want," Zhihao said.

"We have your building bought and we will soon make things there. Your grandfather will buy there all will be soon" madam Lou said

"Wait what building I know nothing," Zhihao said

"Oh they haven't told you we have bought one for you and it's close to Lou Corporation and each of my daughter's companies building"

"Oh that good but still I need to talk with my two friends and when I do this we will start our business. It could be hard for us but I don't know yet how it will be" Zhihao said while thinking about his future

"Oh that good" Yanyan said and before Zhihao could continue Linai come while saying "with what you talking now"

"Mom," Zhihao said while looking at her

"Give me on phone" madam Lou said to Zhihao

"Ok," he said while giving the phone to Linai

When she has it Madam Lou said "I did all and while knowing that will be hard for your husband"

"Don't worry he has us and while knowing who he will want to sign we have no worries?" Linai said while smiling

"Oh who," Yanyan said

"Oh you know someone which songs play in your car while you driving alone," Linai said

"Wait nobody should know about this. Wait you hack to my car"

"Yes mom I do this and now you know that this will be all good for Zhihao first sign," Linai said then she adds "ok I will hang out we have few things to talk about now"

"Ok child has a good time there" and after those words, Madam Lou hangs out. After a short time, Jianhou and Yaling come to Linai and Zhihao

While seeing them Yaling ask "what happened"

"mom call," Linai said then she ask Zhihao "why you have clothes on you"

"normal thing you should wear some too," he said while pointing on girls

"no you take them off and we going to pool," Yaling said while coming closer and taking his shorts.

While she been doing it Jianhou and Linai take his t-shirt. While Zhihao been necked they go to the pool.