Linai day (3)


While Linai start sleeping on Zhihao Yaling and Jianhou sit on a blanket. While they been there Yaling said "how it is"

"What" Zhihao ask while moving his head to her

"Being inside of her for so long?" Yaling said

"Good," Zhihao said and then he starts feeling pain. While it hit him he said "please could one of you go and find me my medicine"

"Ok" Jianhou gets up fast and start going to the house. While she was doing it Yaling start playing with her hair. While she been doing it she asks "I hope soon we will have little you inside of us"

"Oh that could be good but I don't think yet about having kids," Zhihao said to her.

While hearing his words she said "it's possible we have on that same day our day and its coming"

"Oh my god I could really impregnate you all" Zhihao said while looking at sky

"Don't worry we will have a big family?" Jianhou said while coming closer with Zhihao pills. While seeing them he takes one. While his pain starts becoming less he looks at two sisters. While he been doing it Jianhou said "what your plans when you will start company"

"I was planning to help renkun with his next album but what I remember you said that you wanted to have come collaboration with him"

"Yes," Jianhou said

"What you planning you could always use one of Yaling artists," Zhihao said

"I don't want to use them and we have a so-called war between our three companies." Jianhou said while lying on blanked then she continues "I plan him to sing with one of the models that been signed with my company with an exclusive contract she is working only with me"

"Oh this could be hard for him," Yaling said

"Why," Zhihao said

"He is gay," Yaling said

"Hahaha don't make me laugh this playboy is a gay it's impossible," Zhihao said to her

"What he isn't gay," Jianhou and Yaling said at the same time

"Yes, he isn't I know him too well," Zhihao said. When his words come out Linai move a little and while feeling her movements Zhihao moans a little.

While hearing him Lanai said "oh my god you become hard as rock"

"Yes it's your entire fault wife," Zhihao said while kissing her.

"Stop for now we have an important talk here," Jianhou said

"You can wait with connecting all when you will have your day now it's mine and I want more" Linai said

"You really love sex?" Zhihao ask her

"Yes it's the best thing that happened to me and I want next round," Linai said while she starts moving

"Oh my god," Zhihao said while feeling Linai

While she was moving Yaling and Jianhou look at them and they slowly start pleasuring themselves. While they start doing it Zhihao said "you too"

"Yes," Yaling and Jianhou said

'I create sex monsters how I will survive' Zhihao said to himself while going with Linai lead. While Linai was moving faster and faster and while feeling it Zhihao come inside of her. While feeling it Linai hasn't stop herself from what she been doing.

After some time she comes too and she said "I'm tired let take a break"

While hearing her words Zhihao said "it wasn't me who start it and now I start becoming hungry I will go and start making some food"

"wait here for some time," Linai said while looking at Zhihao

"oh come one you will want food soon and based on Jianhou and Yaling words we will be making today," Zhihao said while taking out Linai from his manhood. While she been taking out she moans and then she said "ok I will wait here"

"we will come and help you," Jianhou and Yaling said at the same time

"no you will wait with me," Linai said

"come, one sis," Jianhou said

"You can plan something and while today is my day I want you both to have close to me," Linai said

"ok," Jianhou and Yaling said to her.

While hearing their words Zhihao said "ok I will go now" and he gets up and starts walking to the kitchen.