Linai day (7)

When Zhihao was covered by their sister's boobs he passed at one point. While he has done this Jianhou saw it as first, and then she said "move from him".

"What has happened," Linai asked while looking at her sister, and when she was doing it she looked at her hubby, and when she was doing it she said, "we overdo it".

"Yes, I can see," Jianhou said, and while the last one moved from Zhihao was Yaling, and then she said "ok move from him".

"I have these in plans," Linai said, and when she moved from her hubby, she looked at his member, and while she was doing it she said, "so what now".

"now we need to eat something, and wait for him to get up," Jianhou said, and while hearing her words they nodded, and when they walked downstairs Linai walked to wash her body, and when she has done this she walked to her sisters, and while she was there she started helping with cooking. While this was happening they have done this after some time, and while this has happened Linai said: "so we can eat".

"Yes," Yaling said, and when she smiled at her sister, they walked outside, and while they lay they started eating. While this all was happening darker become outside, and while slowly wind started showing up Linai said: "so we need to come back".

"Oh, come on sis you want to keep your day as much as you want," Yaling said.

"Maybe," Linai said, and while she looked at her sister's eyes Jianhou said, "he passed out, and now we need to keep him keep calm".

"Why," Linai said.

"Oh, you had exhausted him too much," Yaling said while hitting a little her sister's head. When she had done this, she added after a few seconds "so now let's wait, and see what will happen next".

"So we will stay here," Linai said, and when she looked at her sisters she added, "but you know how great he is".

"We know but now you will keep watching us," Yaling said while smiling. While hearing her words Jianhou added, "yes good point sis". When she has said it Linai said "why I have agreed to it".

"Oh, we do almost everything together," Jianhou said while smiling at her, and when she looked at Linai she added, "ok let's go check on Zhihao, and when we do this, we will see what to do,".

"ok," Yaling and Linai said, and when they left plates from their food close to the pool, they walked to Zhihao, and while being there Linai checked if he is still breathing and while he was doing it she said, "so now let's move him to the bedroom".

"it will be hard to do," Yaling said while looking at Linai but while hearing her words she looked at Zhihao, and then some who in three, they move him up, and when they have done this they walked slowly to the bedroom. While being there Linai walked to the bathroom for a wet towel, and when she comes back, she started cleaning Zhihao's front. While she was doing it she smiled while she could see that his member wakes up. While seeing it she wanted to grab him but then Jianhou voice comes "sis don't".

"Ok," Linai said, and when she was done cleaning Zhihao's body she walked out, and when she left the towel to wash, she looked at her sisters, and when she was doing it she said, "so now what".

"Now nothing," Yaling said, and when she yawned, she added after some time "let's take a bath".

"I have a better idea," Jianhou said. While hearing her words Linai and Yaling looked at her, and then Jianhou added "let's go, and swim for some time".

"Oh, this is a great idea," Yaling said, and when they walked to the pool one again they jumped inside. While being there water fight has begun, and while this was happening for some time they have done this, and while they swam for some time they finally come out, and when they have done this they walked inside. While being there they dry each other, and while being their phone call. While hearing it Jianhou who was closest to it answered it, and then she said "yes".

"Oh, how is your day," mother asked.

"Good mom," she said, and while she has done this their mom said "ok I hope you will spend time there nicely".

"I hope too," Jianhou said, and then her mom ended the call. When this has happened Linai asked, "what mom wanted".

"She said to spend time here nicely," Jianhou said, and when Yaling and Linai nodded, they walked to Zhihao, and while being there they hugged him, and when this has happened they fall asleep on him.