Chapter 5 4 vs 342 part 1

At present

With Jack

The squad of 342 humans surrounded Jack, Farsight, Blob and Specs. They were armed with destabilizing bullets and in close enough range to fire.

"Hello, Jack."

"Wallop Ains!"

Specs turned into an iron ball on an iron rod and the ball part wrapped around Farsight. Farsight was now inside the Iron ball. Farsight had seen this happen with his right eye and had already curled up into a fetal position to decrease the size of the ball as much as possible.

Jack jumped up to dodge all the Destabilizing bullets and swung the iron ball with all of his strength, from his left side to his right side. When the ball had moved 90 degrees, the ball opened up and Farsight got launched over 20 meters to the left.

Farsight did a backflip and landed behind the encirclement of the containment force. Farsight ran at full speed to the weapons rack. Farsight's mission was to get the bell that was on that weapons rack.

The bell was something jack recognized and told Farsight to ring at all costs. No matter how strong the 4 monsters are, no one can fight a team of 342 highly trained soldiers, with the goal to kill.

The bell is a special artifact. It is known as the bell of chaos. Every time the bell of chaos rings, it will produce powerful shockwaves. The shockwaves won't do much physical damage, but the noise will be enough to make your ears hurt, disorient you and knock you off balance.

It is quite a powerful artifact against those without any mental shields. Normal humans would most likely die from hearing just one ring.

Farsight was about to grab the bell, but he decided against it and jumped away. Jack's eyes shot upwards in surprise and said to the group using the telepathic link "*The plan didn't work?!"

"*The guards seem to have a certain degree of knowledge in mind arts. They have a sufficiently strong mental shield to guard against the bell of chaos's effects. When I rang it, in the future, they didn't react at all and they all just shot me. The only effect from this plan would be me getting killed." Blob heard this news and he had a certain look of panic on his face and said to the group "*We need a new plan!"

jack is smart! but not smart enough to think of a plan in a single second and was forced to use his trump card. "All seeing eye, overdrive!"

The time from the moment Jack saw Ains and now was only 2 seconds. The plan didn't work, so Jack had to think of something else. Jack was forced to throw his eye into overdrive.

The ability to slow down time via increasing ones perception is an unique ability of the all seeing eye. Jack refers to the maximum increase as overdrive. His perception can be increased by a maximum of ten.

He can see, think and observe his surroundings 10 times faster. Jack normally has his eyes sped up by 2 times. The strain is great but the return is greater. Using the eyes for 1 minute will make it feel like 10 minutes.

Jack glanced around the room and started to think of a plan. "*no armor in sight, the amulets are just for gathering mana, no shields or shield generators strong enough to block bullets and from earth, I don't recognize most of these artifacts and the ones I do are worthless. Gotta think fast." Jack looked to the right and noticed something.

In a box labeled ??? There was a special bracelet. Jack instantly went through his memory and found out where he had seen that bracelet. The bracelet is known as thunder type body stimulator.

It was an extremely dangerous artifact. It had the ability to stimulate your entire body with lightning Qi. This would increase your adrenaline levels to an extremely high degree, making the speed and strength of your body go up by about 3 times.

Jack could already run 100 meters in less than 5 seconds. With the total increase of speed and strength, his unique movement technique would allow him to cover over 100 meter in a single second.

"*I got a plan. The jailers seem to have found one of the thunder type body stimulators. I need to get there and put it on. This will take about 4.3 seconds. Blob, can you tank for us?"

"*Alright. I'll distract them as much as I can and I'll clear a path for you. Don't expect much, I'm not that fast and I highly doubt these guys will take any risks."

"*Farsight, warn me of any shots coming my way 0.7 seconds before they hit. That's the best I can do. Keep yourself out of line of sight and find a way to get the magic imprint jammer. I need it at all costs!"

"*Specs, turn into a pen and hide inside of my pocket. You are a liability in this kind of fight."

"*I thought I was going to be an important factor in the battles!"

"*Stop whining and do as I say. Either we gamble and live or die from these bullets."

"*Speek for yourselves! Not even destabilizing bullets can destroy me. I will regenerate all damage instantly!"

"*Shut up and just do as your current superior says!"

Specs, reluctantly, transformed into a pen and went inside of Jack's right pocket. Jack kept his eyes at overdrive and waited. In a single second, all guns were pointed at him. Jack didn't panic. As he was about to start falling and get shot at, Blob jumped up and wrapped himself around Jack. At that moment, over 300 guns fired Destabilizing bullets at him.

All the bullets collided into the 3 meter tall, overweight guy and, instead of passing through him, they all got stuck in the outer layer of his fat skin.

"Prisoner 37, Blob. Has tough enough skin to stop bullets and not get serious wounds. An earthing who has half the DNA of a pig Orc from dimension 13C. Your lucky you were born on earth. If you weren't an earthling, you would be a fat version of Swiss cheese. No matter, you will just be recontained along with the other prisoners or killed. Not even your skin can defend you infinitely. We already have recontained more than three fourths of the escaped prisoners. The people coming here have been reduced to one fifth of the original amount and we are close to finishing them all off. If you surrender we will just recontain you and let you live."

Blob and Jack dropped down. Blob had both his hands wrapped around Jack. Jack's entire body was completely hidden by Blob. You couldn't even see a single cloth of his black suit and white undershirt.

Blob charged forwards with his top speed and broke through the Containment forces encirclement. The though of surrendering to save his life had never crossed his mind. The jailers experiment on his and didn't even allow him to die, just to keep a specimen for experiments. His life is already worse than death. He would rather kill the people who treated him like an animal and die, than surrender and let his friends die.

When he got out of the encirclement, He stopped covering Jack and Jack kicked of off his stomach and rushed out at his top speed. Blob just stood there, tanking all the bullets coming towards Jack. He was already full of holes from all around. The front of his body was full of holes and now his back was getting shot at.