Chapter Ten

Pacing back and forth for the third day in a row, General Wang became worried. His daughter was supposed to return home already and it's been three days since the divorce was announced. His wife and sons urged him to sit down and calm down but because he had lost all face, felt humiliated and disappointed but also worried he couldn't make as if nothing was wrong.

The sun almost reached its peak and he couldn't take it any longer. Ordering the guards of his household, he along with his three sons and a few guards left to escort his daughter home. Leading the men on horses they rushed to the palace.

On their way, they passed a cliff and sped past it but something caught the attention of Chushan's eldest brother that was hanging on a tree nearby. Slowing down he looked at it, staring for a moment then got off his horse and picked it off the tree.

The item was a necklace that he had seen somewhere before. He also noticed that there was blood coming off of it as he held it in his hands. Turning his head in the direction where he heard galloping from. Because he stopped and was going to be left behind, their father ordered his second son to bring him back on track.

When her second brother saw the object in his eldest brothers hand his eyes widened, then he saw the blood on his brother's hand making his heart tightened. Stammering after he jumped off his horse grabbing the necklace from his hands, "W-where did you get this?"

Frowning he answered, "It was on the tree, do you recognize it?"

Staring at his brother with a frightened look he said, "T-this was a gift to Chushan by the Emperor." His elder brother's heart dropped! Grabbing him by the collar he yelled, "WHY WOULD IT BE HERE!?!"

Pulling away from him, he rushed to the edge of the cliff. "H-Hyung t-t-there." He said as he pointed to the thing down below. His elder brother dropped to the ground when he looked over instantly feeling helpless… the multiple scenes ran through both their minds.

Being the eldest he was the first to pull back and look around. Grabbing onto his brother he said, "Joong go back and call father, I'll go around and see what's going on." Joong watched as his brother left not moving for some time before snapping out of it.

He reached his father stopping them, telling him that there's an emergency that he should return with him. General Wang frowned hearing this but followed his son. Following him around to the bank of the river he found his eldest son leaning over a body checking the right leg.

Hearing the others arrive he looked up with bloodshot eyes. Standing up he ran to his father and stopped him from approaching the bodies. "Hwa Gok! What's the meaning of this?"

Grabbing onto his father's person, hugging him tightly he said with a trembling voice, "F-father p-please don't l-look."

Seeing the bodies lay behind his son and the silk attire dressed on one of the bodies, a terrifying thought popped into his head making his blood run dry and his body freeze. A sharp sound blocked his hearing rang out.

Coming too he found himself waking up in his bedchamber with his wife's cries coming in through the windows. Slowly getting out of bed he dragged his feet over to the door opening it. The sound of his wife crying grew louder as he walked towards the back of the house.

Opening the side door he saw his wife on her knees rocking back and forth crying while holding a red and black bracelet against her lips. When she heard the door slide open she turned to her husband saying in a soft voice, "Mingsu-ah, I don't want to bury my baby."

Hearing this, Wang Mingsu couldn't help but cry. His heart felt empty and his mouth dry. Walking up to his wife he took the red and black bracelet from his wife then looked down at the same bracelet on his and his wife's arms.

This bracelet of theirs was a gift from their only daughter who said to them in a childish voice when she gifted one to each of them, "Now, wherever we go, we won't be apart."

Opening his mouth, his cries sounded, "Shan-ah, fathers sorry."


After his father fainted, Hwa Gok took the lead and ordered the guards to gather the bodies of the dead and take them back home. His two brothers were shocked and locked themselves up in their chambers.

Hwa Gok was sad and wanted to mourn like the others but he couldn't. Rubbing at the red and black bracelet on his wrist he took his father's place ordering the guards around. They searched the banks of the river and investigated but it came up inconclusive. The bastards who did this to his sister must be long gone and or taking shelter in another kingdom.

Feeling anger towards this kingdoms royal family, Hwa Gok was reluctant to tell them about his sisters' demise but still, in the end, sent someone to inform them. Since he was struggling to find the culprits he asked for help from the next kingdoms Crown Prince who had long since fallen for his sister and was a good friend of his – Crown Prince Wuji of Zhang Xie.


Emperor Qin sat there on his throne looking at the messenger who Hwa Gok sent to inform him about Chushan. Emperor Qin was left in shock and speechless.

After the messenger left he asked eunuch Song to summon everyone including the officials. They all were restless when they arrived but stopped and looked at the emperor with concern when they saw him sit on the throne with his head resting on his palm rubbing his temple.

The court was silent for a while but he didn't care. At the moment he regretted his actions and couldn't wrap his head around the death of someone who he had spoken to just the other day and ordered a dismissal for. If it had been her involved in treason then he wouldn't feel like this but because this person was his daughter-in-law before she passed on.

Eunuch Song reminded the emperor that he had called for a court summons. Raising his head he looked at everyone who seemed to be concerned. Emperor Qin didn't know how to start but spoke rather from his heart.

"As you all know by now that I have granted the Crown Prince to divorce his fourth consort, Consort Wang a few days ago… On her journey back to General Wang's home there was an attack. Consort Wang and her attendants never made it back home. The messenger sent by Commander Hwa Gok reported that they found Chushan's carriage in the Sen River. She along with her attendants' bodies were found in unrecognisable conditions and there is a possibility that Consort Wang and her female attendants were violated before death."

Sighing he continued, "I will be travelling to General Wang's home tomorrow to see how he and his family are doing although it doesn't seem like things are okay…"

Looking at the minister of defence he said, "Send help to General Wang's residence and help Commander Hwa Gok in his investigations."