Chapter Seventeen

Chushan was in bed signing to Qinghe when suddenly her water broke. Her eyes widened, Qinghe frowned confused because he felt the sheets under him turn moist.

He felt himself because he thought it was him but then Chushan grabbed his shoulder. She couldn't scream so she squeezed him until he screamed at the top of his lungs in pain.

Jae Hyun came running into the room with Ji Min behind him. Jae Hyun jumped onto the bed and removed Chushan's death grip from poor Qinghe's shoulder.

Ji Min was at Chushan's side administrating to her needs. Jae Hyun ran out with Qinghe in his arms who stared back in shock forgetting the pain in his shoulder. When Jae Hyun got downstairs he yelled that Chushan was in labour.

Qinghe was thrown at his father while Yu Na and Hye Jeong ran upstairs and Bai An with Minghao quickly helped the customers who they could.

Yifan and Qinghe were terrified hearing Chushan scream from all the way downstairs. She cursed at him for getting her pregnant and yelled that if he ever did it again to her, she'd end his life. Yifan didn't know what to say and felt wronged. As much as he wanted to plant that seed, he didn't yet he was being blamed.

After pushing over twenty minutes a cry finally sang throughout the tea house. Qinghe was so excited when her heard the cry and almost made it past his father but was grabbed, "Not so soon son, they still have to clean your mother and brother up. They'll call us when they are done."

The four of them worked quickly to change the bedsheets, cleaned both mother and baby, dressing them and making sure that Chushan and the baby was alright.

Gathering all the dirty cloths and leaving the room. The women went outside to where Bai An and Minghao were out back while Jae Hyun went to call Yifan and Qinghe. When he got downstairs he saw how pale Yifan was while Qinghe had a pissed off expression on his face, "The baby and your wife is waiting."

Yifan snapped out of his daze while Qinghe beat him to it. When he arrived upstairs his heart melted seeing his wife and two sons together.

He sat down on the bed beside Chushan and kissed her forehead praising her for her good work. Looking down at his newborn son his eyes watered.

Chushan stared at her husband then forced him to take the baby; she pulled Qinghe into her arms begging for his forgiveness. He vigorously nodded his head and slipped out of her arms.

She glared at the baby in her husband's arms regretting that she had him because he hurt her. With a yawn, her eyes softened thinking about her boys.

"Ah-Qing, look at you baby brother Changling," Yifan said emotionally.

"Papa, Ah-Ling is small," he stated.

"Yes son, after Ah-Ling sleeps enough and eats, he'll be as big as you," he said as he felt Changling's firm grip wrapping around his finger. Yifan turned to look at his wife finding that she was fast asleep. He smiled turning to Qinghe, "Let us leave your mother and Ah-Ling to rest, we'll check up on them soon when it's time to eat."

Qinghe reluctantly nodded and followed his father out of the room with a pout after his father placed Changling in his cot to rest.


Chushan's eyes fluttered open hearing a low whimper, "Wake up, Changling is up and ready to feed," she heard Jae Hyun call out. Sighing, she sat up straight on the bed and took the whimpering infant from Jae Hyun.

Pulling out her left breast she held the nipple by his mouth, he latched on suckling. She sighed as she looked down at her son. Her thoughts trailed off to Wu Yong, wondering what would have happened. She would probably be heading back to the palace at this moment to present the child before the emperor as planned.

"Even as an infant he looks like his father," Jae Hyun commented.

Her eyes shot up in a glare, "That fiend isn't his father, Yifan is!"

Jae Hyun held his hands up in mock surrender, "So after you're finally rested, will you and Mr Rong be indulging in activities to birth a child between your union?"

"Yes! And I want a daughter," she stated happily.

"You did seem to enjoy copulating with your husband than the Crown Prince," he commented.

Chushan nodded her head in agreement but frowned, her eyes glared holes into Jae Hyun, "You watched both times?"

He hummed, "Yes!"

"You insolent!" she reprimanded lowly.

Jae Hyun snickered, "It's my duty to watch you at all times."

"Well, you should stop," Yifan warned sternly as he stepped into the room along with a frustrated six-year-old.

Qinghe climbed on the bed, sitting beside his mother who placed his baby brother between his legs that were spread in a 'V'. Yifan continued, "Your priority lies with both Ah-Ling and Ah-Qing especially with Ah-Qing. He'll be entering the royal education system, so you'll prepare him while I raise Ah-Ling and my wife bare's me a third child."

Jae Hyun sighed but didn't complain, "Sure but when do we start?"

"As soon as tomorrow," Yifan stated.

"I want to give birth until we have ten children," Chushan stated as she was in her own world. Yifan looked at his wife unamused, "Why am I not surprised?" he questioned himself out loud.

Jae Hyun and Qinghe looked at the husband and wife pair who stared into each other's eyes.

Jae Hyun sneaked a glance at Qinghe who looked at him with an accusing gaze as he watched Jae Hyun slip out of the room unnoticed by his parents.

"Because you know me well my dear," Chushan winked at him.

Yifan smirked. He sat down on the opposite side of Qinghe and looked down at Changling. After a moment he returned his attention to his wife, "What do you suppose his name would have been if you stayed?"

She rolled her eyes at him, "Ah-Ling would have had an obnoxious name as the Crown Prince."

"Ah-Ling is a prince?" Qinghe abruptly asked. His parents turned their attention to their confused son. They made eye contact but Yifan frowned when he saw his wife smirk with a shrug of her shoulders.

Exasperated he explained, "Yes son, Ah-Ling is a prince, do you remember Crown Prince Wu Yong who we met?" he asked Qinghe. Qinghe nodded in remembrance, he and his father were summoned to the Imperial Palace where they met Wu Yong in Guguryeo. Wu Yong wanted Yifan to join the royal guards to train them but his offer was turned down.

"Your mother was wronged during her stay at the palace and she used to be married to the crown prince. They secretly had a child but your mother decided to stage her death, now the crown prince thinks your mother and brother are dead," he said.

"But they are not dead," Qinghe said pointing out the obvious out.

"Yes and that's why we must keep Ah-Ling and your mother a secret and safe from them," he stated sternly.

Qinghe noted the seriousness in his father's tone and nodded his head, turning his attention back to the sleeping baby between his legs dressed in a royal blue robe-like sack that covered his whole body except his head and neck.

Turning his attention back to his wife he said, "And You, once you and Ah-Ling are well-rested, we're visiting your parents!"

Chushan opened her mouth to protest but remained silent when she saw the serious look on her husband's face, nodding her head in defeat.