Is this real?

"OMG, No Way, Srsyl... Have I. Have, I mean am I in the marvel universe"

(Huuhh, Jk, no way. This must be like a marketing promotion for the new Avengers movie.. rig-)


The sound of something flying through the air, at one point extremely close to the glass, could be heard from behind my bed, which would be a huge wall of bulletproof glass covered by blinders which I promptly use to lift up the blinders. And what one could see is the peaceful streets of Queens, New York, where one could hear the chirping of birds and the joyful shouts of people. A regular normal scene one would see in the streets. NOT.

Instead one would see many construction workers driving in and out and all around the cities working on broken-down buildings. Some completely destroyed, while some wrecked with holes. Somehow, this building was luckily one of the only buildings that were left mostly unscathed if you don't pay attention to the broken chunk in the middle of the building located at its side. And you could see a sleek, machine-like figure with some skid marks on it's yellow and red skin fly through the air.


As I scream in delight, I teleport myself into space and fly all around as I continue to scream. Not forgetting to turn myself invisible using my powers, that not only makes me invisible but blends myself to my surrounding like a chameleon but not only my skin but also my temperature and everything else.

Once I had finished my happy lap, I teleport myself back into my room. Still with the biggest smile on my face where I turn on music, a random assortment of classical, rock, pop and other genres of songs. Looking around I realize that my body also experiences a change though it wasn't major. I see that my body has regressed to a younger age, probably to fit the timeline of the new world I am in, I could also see that some items I got later in my life are missing and new items that I think I had in the past were there. Though there was still not much in the room as I didn't buy much, though I did have a lot lot lot of money.

From my guesses I could see that my body is about when I was 13-15 though it didn't really matter to me, a person who could change my skin, height, eyes and anything I want about my characteristics.

"Now what should I first do HMMuM"