
In an undisclosed room, in an undisclosed area.

A black man stands up in shock and yells.

"WHat?! tch, what has she done" pulling himself back together from his outburst, he sits down and asks the female agent standing in front of him, as if his earlier outburst never existed.

"Yes sir, currently she hasn't done anything too pressing but it seems she wants to help with the reconstruction of New York City. She says that she willing to fund millions of dollars to help"

"Giving us money huh. Has she asked for anything in return"

"No sir, she hasn't"

(Tch, what is she trying to do.)

"Maria, put more attention on here. Send more agents to keep watch of her. Even though she has never done anything till now, the fact that she has so much money and is deciding to take action now, right after an alien invasion is suspicious as all hell"

"Understood sir, in addition, there's one more thing I have to report about her"

"What is it"

"It seems like she has sent her daughter to a school in New York City, should we keep watch over the daughter too"

"No leave her be, we can't put too much pressure on Diantha Rose or else she may retaliate"

"Understood sir, well then for the rest of the report..."


Africa, Wakanda

Wakanda, in its exterior is am country still in its tribal stages only with few hints of technology. In this country, hides within in a recluse kingdom ruled by five tribes led by the Panther tribe. In this hidden world, resides a city of technological advancements generations more advanced than the tech found in the outside world. In this beautiful sci-fi world, exists a warrior no a hero called the Black Panther. The Black Panther is not a singular man but instead a lineage of kings coming from the Panther tribe. Each supported by weapons made from vibranium, an 'indestructible' metal, and the Heart-shaped herb, which gave them physical attributes many times more powerful than man.

In the hall in front of the room of T'Challa, the current sole heir of the Panther tribe and prince of Wakanda stood 2 members of the Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards and Wakandan special forces. Coming from far within the hall is 2 other Dora Milaje who walks by to the front of T'Challa's room an knock on its huge double door.

"Prince T'Challa, the king asks to see you in the council room "

"I am coming," a youthful voice said with a thick African accent. Coming out of the room in his garbs was T'Challa.

"What has my father called for me now," he says under his breath and then tells the women.

"Let us go then"

Loud steps fill the hall at the sound of the marching created by the four women as their spears thud against the floor. With the prince in the middle, they reach the halls where the Wakandan Royal Guards stood protecting the halls. Upon the arrival of the prince, one of the guards announces his arrival as two others open the gate.

Sitting at the farthest seat from the door is the current king of Wakanda, T'Chanka who becomes his son to come forward.

"Haha, you have arrived come here" T'Chanka says.

"Father it's good to see you're as lively as ever" T'Challa says as he steps forward.

"Hm" as he does, T'Chanka felt his senses tingle as T'Challa approaches by himself. He scrunches his eyebrows and looks around putting his al to sense if anyone was there. But he only feels nothing other than the slight tingle he had at the beginning.

"father is something worrying you" T'Challa says as he sees the scrunched up face of his father.

"No, No, I am probably getting too old. There's no problem. Though I do need to talk to you about something"

"father what is it" as T'Challa responds, one could hear the doors close and from the outside of the room, one could not hear the further discussion of T'Challa and his father.

(It seems that the king could actually sense me even when I'm invisible)

In the halls that should only have been filled by Wakandans, stood a young man whose unique features would bring him attention no matter where he is. But it seems no one, even the Wakandan Royal guards could see him even as he stood right next to them in front of the huge door leading to the room they are guarding. Well, no one except the king who had just barely felt signs of his existence.

(I should be more careful as I continue my exploration) he thought as he started to float throughout the halls