check underground, above ground at all grounds

(Damn, it seems there some new anime to watch)

In her bedroom, Abigail looks through myanimelist, yes myanimelist still exists in this world, to see that even though most of the anime there are ones she remembers, she could see that there are tons of new anime she hasn't watched yet.

(Let's see, which should we watch first)

As she scrolls through the multitude of possible anime to watch, one of the catches her attention.

(Let's Kill Death, looks like a good watch.)

Just as her finger was about to touch the screen, knocks can be heard from her door.

(Hmm) she tried to remember if she had rung the bell again but from what she remembered she didn't. And so she called.

"Who is it"

"It Alpha" responded from behind the door.

"Oh then come in"

Opening the door comes in Alpha, looking spotless as he did before he left. Though the moment he came through his eyes scrunched up a little, to a point that no one would notice, and through his eyes pass a hint of irritation. As he sees, the slob that is Abigail who is currently doing nothing productive and just lazing there with some fruits floating to her mouth just watching the screen, even though literally everyone else is doing work. Blinking, no emotions can be seen in his eyes anymore as he goes back to tranquility, as if the previous emotions were just ripples in the ocean.

"Ms. Abigail, regarding the mission you have assigned me to, I require more clarification on what you mean a survey of the area"

"Hm, I mean, you just have to check things out"

"... I understand that miss. I am just wondering how thorough you want the check to be. It would seem that if you want to me check underground, above ground at all grounds then it would take some groun- I mean years."

"Oh sorry about that. I didn't really think really sorry about that..Hm... Well, to be honest, the thing you have to check out most for is for any MCU event and things that changed with our arrival"

"But miss, how thorough should I do the search for those matters"

"Ugg, Now that I think about it. It is kind of hard to do a search all by yourself."

As Abigail admits her faults, Alpha looks like he'd say "Now you understand" with a bothered look, though he didn't.

"Well, go to Omega and ask for some help. Tell her to get you some people good with, ugh just tell her to get you detectives or other people who could help with your search online. You don't really have to do a physical search, just look for signs of superpowers. Oh also can you tell Omega, oh and also Beta to come back tomorrow for a report on how things are going"

"Understood. Well then I shall go Omega and thereafter Beta"

Within an instant, Alpha teleports out of Abigail's room, presumably going to Omega.

"Bye, Hm What should I do now"

(WHat was I previously doing anyways. Ughh. That's it)

Abigail takes out a walkie-talkie and uses it to call Jenna, the maid that Abigail has been for the longest and also the one she interacts with the most (and is naturally the one she likes the most).

"Yes miss"

"Jenna, can you prepare me a hot bath and then also ready the theater for me to watch some anime and movies. Since I really don't know what the good ones are right now can you get someone to pick it for me"

"Of course"

"Also get me a playlist for music with a soft Asian singer that has a sad tone for the bath."

"Understood, I will notify you when the bath is ready, is there anything else you need me for"

"Na that's it for now. Bye"