I was almost late

He finally agreed and asked me to go find one from the storage room. As I left someone else walked in. Someone who didn't go to instrument checkout. Being as short as I am I had to climb on the shelves to reach the mellophones on the top shelf. I put the puppy down on the second shelf that was around eye level for me, and stepped on the bottom shelf to pull a stack of three mellophones to the edge and pulled the bottom one a little too far and ended up hitting my head with the third one on top I was lucky the second one was pushed in a little other wise I'd be napping on the floor. I pushed the two that didn't fall back in, and checked the one in the floor if it worked. It did and I breathed a sigh of relief because I didn't have to climb back up and take another one down. I felt something push down on my back. It was warm and small with four legs. I chucked and moved closer to the floor. It jumped off my back to the floor. I smiled for a moment and made my way back to the office. He asked me for the serial number and sent me on my way. But he stopped me, to walk with him so he could ask me some questions. I obliged and he asked me what my service dog's name was. I stopped to think for a moment, and looked at the dog. Sonata, I said calmly and confidently. He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. I didn't care about his reaction because it fit perfectly. The puppy barked in approval as we walked out the doors toward the band parking lot.