
While lying in his arms I watched his face.

He looks like an angel waiting to be taken away from me to go somewhere better. I held him stronger while thinking of him leaving me alone here which was rewarder with a kiss on my forehead.

"Xiu don't squeeze me so tightly I'm not running away but I may need to use the bathroom." With a quick peek on my lips he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower while I was left fishing for new clothes in my baggage which was nowhere to be found.

'Host check out the closet'

Well let's say the system was right my clothes ware put nicely on the left side while his ware on the right.

After putting on some comfortable jeans and a blue t-shirt I sat down on the bad and waited for him to come out.

"Let's go." After coming out dressed in a suit he took me down to eat breakfast.

"Xiu you will go today with my sister to work while I take care of some business we will talk later."

"Okay." Was my clever answer.

After finishing we went to the door where he quickly stoped me.

"Wife where is my good-bye kiss?"

Looking adorably like a small kid waiting for his snacks.

'Ding. Ding. Mission activated. 99 kisses of reward starting now. Divine punishment for resisting is confirmed.'

'You serious!'

No response well let's get it over with.

A quick kiss on his lips later and me running away like a scared chicken I went out with his sister for work.

Let's say the first day at work wasn't to hard. Many people ware looking at me and big sis weirdly since they waren't used seeing her while holding someone's hand and kindly showing her around the hospital.

My first patient was a 14 years old boy with asthma. Well his parents ware talking about how the treatment isn't working he currently was prescribed.

After checking out if the treatment method I wanted to use with the boy was okay for his age I quickly told them about the treatment that was recently allowed to be used that may help in almost all cases.

The working hours went quickly and soon I was back at home preparing dinner with Mom.

"You sure about working as a doctor? Your cooking is worth of being shown around."

"Yes I love working with children. And cooking is a hobby I wanted to use on my family."

Well it's true I wanted to have my family show some love when eating my food but instead I was shown disgusting faces while eating the food I prepared. Is it so hard to show your true feelings?

"Well the gears ate the herbal chicken you made yesterday while complaining to me how bad my food tastes. I'm seriously wondering if they are my daughter's."

"They always will love you the most."

"I hope so. You will know how I feel when u get your own kids complaining about how bad your food is. Well maybe not with your skills."

"I'm sorry" I apologized to her. I'm seriously confused. She complains to me while cooking together with a light smile on her face.

"You know if you waren't my daughter in law I would have exchanged you for my son." She gave me a funny face and walked away to prepare the dinning room.

After dinner with the family I was sitting in the garden looking at my old phone. I didn't throw it away like I wanted to just took the battery out of it.

After turning it on I instantly was greatest with a call from my mother.

"Hallo mother." I greatest her with a cold voice.

"You ungrateful brat how D..." Instead of listening to her ranting about my uselessness I was greatest with a ferocious look on my husband face while taking my phone away.

"Ma'am you shouldn't annoy my wife if you still want to be breathing tomorrow. Now listen if you call her again or try to reach to her in any way possible I will finish you faster then planed." He hung up and throw my phone on to the ground.

"Next time someone calls from that family you give the phone to me or my father. You may think badly of me from keeping you away from them since they are your parents but honestly you don't need them.they aren't worthy of your time."

"You! My game was saved on that phone!"

'host how about the other things he said?'

"I don't care about them since the day mom..." I stoped myself from saying it. It didn't happen yet and it won't happen again.

"Nevermind if they come locking for me you have to protect me please. They aren't your regular crazy people."