The three girls went back to their classroom. They sat at their own seats. Sophie did not hesitate to ask Henna about the girl at the canteen.

Sophie asked Henna immediately. "Hen, that girl in the cafeteria, who was she?"

"That was Alexa Wang. Everybody knew her because she is the heir of the largest mall in this city, Wang Shopping Mall." Henna detailed. "Nevertheless, not all the students here like her. Her statue in life is the only thing they are afraid to mess up. Not all of the students studying her were in the upper-class family." She added. "So, they just go with the flow kind of thing to her. The two friends who came late were in the middle class just like me. And they were pretending to be upper class because of Alexa."

"Wow, that's quite interesting." Sophie smiled.

Henna added. "I do not know why she picked on Rhianna all of the sudden. Alexa was not like that at all." She confused when looking at Rhianna whose been quietly listening to them.

Rhianna did not comment anything about Henna's with her hanging doubtful thinking. She surely that this school is not that easy for her to not cause trouble.

She can practically sure that Alexa Wang will not let her finish her Senior High in peace. The way that bratty girl, she sure will do something again to her to find fault.

In addition, she will just be alert all the time. She thanked God that her best friend is right here with her and the found new friend like Henna.

Section Silver:

Some of his classmates came back from the lunch break. Some girls were chatting about the incidents in the cafeteria after Ocean and friends left.

"Wow, that new student really has the guts to talk back to Alexa." One of their classmates said.

"In fairness to her she was not even scared looking at Alexa eye to eye. I like her." The other one added.

Ocean could hear them loud and clear. That the new student was really something that she can make Alexa boiled her blood.

He even heard that the new student really had the guts to level Alexa without even scared with the statues of the campus beauty. She seems did not even care who Alexa is.

Ocean smirked. The first he saw that nerd girl; he knew that there is something in her that he could not describe. That was the first he talked to a stranger in Bright. Most of the time, he ignores girls who were head over heels when they saw him.

As Alexa walked back to the classroom with her friends, he knew that her mood is not good. Her face shows the results. He just could not help but laughed silently which his friends turned their heads to him.

*Cough, cough*

"What are you laughing at?" Jenson curiosity strikes.

"What? I am not laughing. You are just crazy." Ocean replied.

"We think you are. Are you hiding secrets from us now?" Henley pats his shoulder.

"You both are nothing to do now. So, stop pestering me okay." Both of his friends did not believe him. Ocean takes out his math book and start answering his assignment just to ignore his crazy friends.

It is dismissal time. Everyone was happy that on the first day of school it was over. Aside from that, they found new friends but at the same time, another difficult lessons too. On their first day, they have giving many assignments to take home. That is the life of being a student.

Rhianna, Sophie and Henna were still in the classroom. They were all busy jotting down their homework to done. Some of their classmates are also there but not as the whole class. Rhianna finished first all the assignments, writing it in her notebook. She waited for the two girls. She stood up looking outside the window. She can see students going home laughing, talking and even playing like kids. She smiled; she wishes they could be just like first year. Those students were a long way to go just like her. Senior High is not the end of her education; it is the beginning of the future.

A pair of eyes were watching over Rhianna very far from the window while she was busy looking down the students. He was look fixedly with her so quite sometimes. He was sitting under the tree killing the time while waiting for his friends to come down.

Ocean did not take her eyes off to that new student from Q City, Rhianna. Her beauty is something more than the naked eye. He does not understand why her looks were different from the other girls in this generation.

It seems that it was not her style. The angelic face, long eyelashes, nice nose and lips with flawless skin to think it is perfect. He knew this because when she was staring at him first thing this morning. He glanced at her even just for seconds. This girl has a unique beauty, but only were just cover like an unmarried woman.

Ocean cut off the staring thing to her when he realized that the girl was not there in the window anymore. Just in his friends already coming towards him. He stood up walking towards the parking lot with his friends.

Henna Wu suddenly called them. "Hey brothers, wait for me."

The boys turned their heads to the voice calling them. Ocean saw Rhianna and the girls approaching them.

"Twin bro, are you going home now." Henna asked Henley. Her brother nodded. "I am going with you."

"Okay, Mom will really love you." Henley was raising his both hands for surrender. It means that Henley will go home early with his twin sister Henna.

Henna ignored his complaining attitude. She faced both Rhianna and Sophie.

"What about you two? How will you two going home? You have cars or someone will pick you."

Rhianna did not talk. She was conscious facing Ocean right at the moment. She still cannot change the fact about what she did to him this morning. Sophie noticed her face turned red.

Sophie answered Henna, "It's okay. Do not mind us. Rhianna and I can take care of ourselves. So, see you tomorrow then." She hugged Henna goodbye.

Rhianna did the same with Henna. Both of them waved as they walked towards the gate. While Ocean and Jenson rode together in his car. They passed by Rhianna who was still talking to her friend walking towards the exit gate. He still looking the side mirror until her reflection was farther and farther away.


Rhianna and Sophie agreed to walk towards Rhianna's new home. It is just few minutes away from their school if you take shortcuts.

Sophie suddenly asked Rhianna. "Ice, when the boys were in front of us, why are you not even talking? Is there something that I do not know about? Your face was even redder."

Rhianna cannot hide something to her best friend. She knew that no matter how much she keeps it to herself, her best friend would detect.

"Well, for starter, you know… I have done stupidity this morning with that person." She said rolling her eyes.

Sophie got baffle by her words. "Huh! I do not get it. Can you elaborate please?"

Rhianna chuckled. "It goes like this. I was standing in front of the bulletin board in Registrar Office to find my name and my section. It was quite abruptly when some girls in our school started screaming this person's name. I looked around whom they were screaming at someone. I just realized that person was beside him. I got killing curiosity in me. I stared at him without knowledge for quite long. He caught me you know, so it really awkward."

Sophie Liu could not hold his laughter any longer. This was the first time her best friend Rhianna seen like this in their entire friendship. They were both laughing thinking about it and walking to her house.