Henley Wu and Sophie Liu seems entirely close. They were both talkative in some aspects. They have same humor that is why they chitchat all the way.

The first thing Henley asked to Sophie was… "Hey, are you a tomboy?"

Sophie was laughing so loud that she cannot stop until Henley joined her. Her tears were fallen not because of hurt or sadness but because she could not stop laughing.

Her mouth really hurts too much of laughing. "Of all the questions you need to ask me were… am I a tomboy? Hahaha…" She laughed again then seriously stops. "Well, you should answer your question."

Henley stopped laughing too. "Okay, why are you always with Rhianna?"

"Then why are you always with Jenson Lee. Are you gay?" Sophie asked teasingly.

"Of course not, we grew up together. I am a man I do not like liking same sex." He defended himself.

"Then, that is my answer to your question too. We also grew up together. Moreover, why are you saying that I am a tomboy? Do I look like one?"

"Well, no, maybe you two were just too close." He said grinning.

"Hahaha! Because we were like sisters and know each other's secrets." She told him.

"Maybe, maybe I was used to my sister Henna that always act very girly and you, and then Rhianna were just simple."

"Hahahaha, do not underestimate the appearance of a person you see in the outer looks. You might be shock once it will come the right time it blooms." Sophie grinned.

"I really like talking to you. There is no dull moment since we are seatmate and doing this activity." Henley frankly confessed to her.

"Hahaha, I am one of the boys, my friend." Sophie even put her arms to Henley's shoulder as if it was nothing.

Henley realized that he likes Sophie to be his close girl-friend friend. There was no malice at all. They were still talking like a longtime friend. This is his first time being comfortable with opposite sex. No hidden agenda.

He stopped when he saw Jenson taking out his phone from his pocket. He seems to picture something or someone. He did not see whom he was taking pictures but Sophie noticed him.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Sophie also looked at the direction Henley staring.

"I was looking at Jenson; it seems that he was busy taking pictures. Is he with Henna?" She snapped him.

"Knock it off, will you? You should not mind others; maybe he was not taking pictures at all." Sophie answered. "You know what; I have some questions for you then."

Henley faced Sophie with curiosity about the question she will ask. "Okay, fire it out."

Sophie decided to ask him about her sister Henna.

"Well, I know that Henna is my friend. One of my closest friends in this school. As a brother to her, what will you do if your sister falls for your friend?"

Henley was speechless. He does not think about it. Not even in his dream about that question. What would he feel when his sister Henna and one of his friends will be in a relationship? He does not know how to answer actually that question.

Sophie Liu analyzed Henley Wu. This is going to be a very hard one. She can sense that Henna will going to be crying hard for love.

What a long activity day they did! It was fond with all of them. The awkwardness was deleting, making new improvement with each other's company. The six of them became close friends in an instant. Being friends with the boys is not too bad.

Rhianna was not fond of being friends with boys even in Q City. Why? Well, most of them will court her. It is okay for her if they like her but Rhianna do not have feelings at all. It is a distraction to her studies.

She has big dreams to achieve. That is why she loves spending time with Sophie and some other girls than with the boys.

Now, it is definitely something new. She thinks that they will start with some kind of beautiful friendship this school year.

Education is very important to achieve our dreams and goals in life. That is what Rhianna always thinking all her life.

She studied hard in everything she does even they said that she does not need it. For her it is everything.

The bell rang for the last period. It is time to end the session for this day. It was not actually boring with the activity that the homeroom teacher given to them.

Rhianna had fun with Ocean for the last few hours they were just chatting. They shared some point of views with dreams he wished to achieve and vice versa.

She did not feel awkward anymore. The only thing she did not answer his question was her appearance. He said that it was okay if she will not answer, he respects her.

Yeah, who would have thoughts that living in the big city, a girl like her still could not adapt the trending beauty and fashion in this era. Even a little girl can dress and copy their favorite girl group appearance nowadays.

The truth behind her appearance was something to do about her life. She cannot reveal it to anyone because she wants to know her own capabilities not any way around.

Rhianna is very secretive about her family background in S City. It is better to live a simple life than being chase without privacy.

Ocean Huang insists on sending Rhianna to her house. Sophie Liu and Rhianna looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Rhianna did not say a thing. Henley and Jenson were also soundless.

It was rare to witness Ocean offered a ride to a girl, they thought. Rhianna muted but still glance at Sophie Liu.

Henley gets the idea. "Okay, bro, how about this. I will ride with Sophie since she has a car and Jenson take my car and send Henna home."

Sophie hastily agreed. "Yes, besides this is the start of our friendship. Right, buddy?" She even gives Henley a high five.

Of course, Henna was pleased to hear the suggestion of her twin brother. This is the only chance she can experience with Jenson alone in the car. It might not happen again.

So, they agreed all along. Rhianna was troubled when she was alone in his car. Her heartbeat was thundering in her ears.

'What is wrong again with me?' She almost says it loud.

Ocean began to turn on the engine of his car. "Where do you live?"

"I live at the Frost St., just few blocks away from our school. Actually, a walking distance, 20 minutes maximum."

Ocean peeks at her. "You want to walk than to ride with me."

"No, no, that's not what I meant." She spoke.

Ocean laughed. "I am just kidding. Relax I won't eat you."

"Extremely funny," Rhianna said. Then they rolled out from the school.