It was a very fun week to all the students of Bright Private School during Foundation Day. Today is the last day of the event. They were gathering around inside the Auditorium for the awarding ceremony.

Those winning teams received an award one to another when the last game to be was the swimming winners from 3rd to 1st. Alexa Wang was enraged knowing she was just 2nd place for this year's Foundation Day.

However, she almost loses her temper but she still manages to smile while receiving her award. Her fist clenched tightly as she walked towards the 3rd place student.

It was time for the 1st place; Rhianna Park stepped up as the emcee mentioned her name. Her friends and classmates were cheering her loudly.

Alexa was burning to get annoyed. Rhianna Park became instantly famous among the newcomers in the school.

She did not imagine that Rhianna would be notable to many. She even gained her popularity when she won her 1st place in swimming competition. But Rhianna became known since the result of their Prelim exam. Then now she even excessed her remarkable for being the 1st in swimming.

'Rhianna is getting on my nerve. I will definitely tear you into piece. Alexa swears herself.'

The emcee continues to talk. "Now for the last speech, I will give you to your school director."

The school director grabbed the microphone as soon the emcee handed it to him.

"Thank you, beloved students for the funny and enjoyable event for this year. It was always awesome to have a great bonding once every year. Therefore, in addition to our overall winners, every grader will spend their weekends together in expenses by the school management. You can discuss this with your designated section adviser. After you, all decided when and where, your adviser would set the date and notify us."

Those students who were going to. As for the winners were jumping for excitement hearing what the school director said. The school director smiled as he continues, "So now, to end this program I will let you enjoy the afternoon off and see you beloved student on Monday. Have a nice weekend."

Ocean and friends gathered in their classroom after the program. Their classroom adviser, Ms. Xi was in front of them. "Ok, class, have you thought about where should we celebrate our weekend?"

Some of them were suggested to have a beach outing and others in the mountain like camping. The choices where two so Ms. Xi would make a voting process for those who votes higher will be the choice of the place for their outing.

'Beach outing is nice. We can even take a dip into the water while in the mountain we can only do is camping which is we can do it at the beach.'

Murmuring everyone inside the classroom until it will finalize the voting.



Ms. Xi announced their final choices for the weekend. "So, it is a majority wins. We will go for a beach outing and I will tell the director and set the date. I am so proud of you all for giving all your efforts for winning the overall for the Senior High. Keep it up and always do your best especially to your studies. You are graduating in high school and colleges will definitely another level. Thank you and have a nice weekend spend. Bye and see you on Monday."

Their teacher waved goodbye to her students. Some were still there discussing what they would do for the rest afternoon. Chatting here, chatting there and chatting everywhere. Those were the lives of students.

Meanwhile, Jensen suggested hanging out to his music bar. They were thinking that all of them were already adult.

"How about that I mentioned a while ago. Besides, it is weekend tomorrow and let us enjoys the moment of spending time together."

"Well, that is fine with me." Henna agreed. "And the Foundation Day was tiring and now we are resting for the weekend. We, girls have not yet gone to your bar."

"Oh, we forgot Rhianna; you have been working during weekends." Henley asked.

"I love to go to. I have not been to that kind of place and about my working schedule I will ask my manager to change it to night shift." Rhianna explained.

Ocean asked, "Is it okay with your manager to swap your assigned time to others?"

Rhianna nodded. "As long as I will inform my manager ahead of time so that they will exchange it to other staff."

"Yes, what are we waiting for? Let's go and enjoy this Friday night fever." Sophie said almost jumping for joy.

They went home to change their outfits. Ocean Huang told Rhianna that he would pick him up on the way to the Music & Lyrics Bar.

Since her place is just two blocks away from his home. Henna and Henley will fetch Sophie on the way too because they can pass by to her street.

Jenson Lee goes straight to the pub after taking a bath and changed new clothes; he is the owner of that pub Music & Lyrics Bar. It was recently open it was less than a year.

Jensen's business is still his parents too. They will endorse it to him when he reaches 21 as the contract stated. They are still the one monitoring the flows.

Nevertheless, this music bar was his sole proprietorship. Music makes him feel relieve when he feels difficulties in a situation. He was busy talking the manager with some sales last night. His own trusted manager has been his companion long way before when he was still younger.

Donald, the manager. He was very grateful to Jenson Lee and to his parents. He is five years older than Jenson. When he was 12 years old, his parents died. His aunt left him to an orphanage. Jenson Lee and his parents were one of the guests who attended Christmas Program for the abandon children.