It was Saturday morning; Ocean was in front of his old school. He received a call from his former classmate Rod in Bright Primary who was now a teacher in sports on the said school.

He invited him if he had free time on Saturday because some of the students were having sports activities like those that they used to during their time.

Since he grew up being an athlete of course, he missed being one of them. The school changed a lot better. They have more high technology than their time.

He saw Rod as he walked at the ground floor. "Hey, long time no see." He smiled as he extended his arm to his for a shake.

"Yeah, yeah you have been busy since we last saw each other after graduation." He replied.

"I did not know you were into this kind of profession." Ocean said.

"Well, I did not expect it either. But it just happens and I love teaching and guiding young kids." Rod replied. "You know, I miss being in school and admire our coach ever since."

"Good for you and thank you for inviting me here. I am bored being in the house and office routine." Ocean smiled. "Yeah, I know the feeling Coach Riley really the best coach in our time."

"Yes, I know that is why I called you because you have a keen for some students who are potentials in sports." Rod spoke. "True Coach Riley, our mentor even when we are not kids anymore. He keeps visiting me once in a while too."

They continued talking as they reach the basketball court. They were already students gathering and wearing jerseys too. They were too cute and adorable.

"You are going to love these kids and spend time with your Saturdays. Kids nowadays were different from our time." Rod said proudly to his students.

"Really, I bet! I cannot wait to see them play." Ocean smirked.

"Yeah, I have my number one this year that you will love him too. That is one of the main reasons I remember you." Rod said.

The Coach teaches them to shoot 3 points, dribble and everything about basketball. They sat at the bench watching some kids playing.

Ocean was impressed with the young boy who played so well than the others did. He caught his attention to him. The way he played and passed the ball and even shoots 3 points was very powerful. He may not always but practicing more. He will definitely be the best player.

At the young age, he can do that than he was before. Rod was telling the truth; kids nowadays were remarkable.

When they had a break, Rod called the boy, he sensed that was his favorite player. Well, that boy really played notable and he, he was splendid.

As the young boy run towards them. Ocean mouth dropped open when the kid came closer. He did not take his eyes off to that kid.

Rod introduced him to Ocean but he did not hear anything from his friend at all. His mind was pre occupied at that moment.

'Was he in a dream? This kid is looks like him when he was in this age.'

"Ocean, Ocean. Are you alright?" Rod asked as he tapped his shoulder.

Ocean came to his senses. "Yeah, yeah, oh I am sorry."

"This is my number one player, Rayden Park. He is born talent for the basketball." Rod proudly said. "If you were married maybe, it might mistake this is your kid. He looks definitely like you."

Rayden Park was a shocked as Ocean when he came closer to their head coach and the other person with him.

When the head coach mentioned the man's name. Now he is definitely sure that this is his father in front of him. He once saw his mommy looking at the old photo in the side bed drawer. His siblings pretend that they did not see that photo. There is a name of that photo of him and his mom. They knew that her mommy changed the topic if they asked further questions about their dad.

Their looks were the same he is definitely his daddy. He smiled happily at him.

"Hi, I am Rayden, nice to meet you." He said then hugged him.

Ocean's heart melts when he shook his hand to that kid. The voltage was unexplainable. But what more shocking was, the boy hugged him.

They continued playing as Ocean watched it until the end. He will absolutely spend his Saturdays more often here. Rod waved goodbye to him as he attends his students briefing.

Ocean looked around the other part of the school. He ended up to the music room. He also used to play drums when he was 10 years old. It was another hobby of his if he was not playing basketball.

Sounds of the drum played, he stopped. It was a song from A1, Rhianna's favorite band. Since she left, he bought some CD albums of A1 that is why he was so familiar of the tune played with drums.

He opened the door and saw a young boy played it so well. He was the soul on what he does. He was impressed again. He watched him silently as he finished it. He could not help himself he clapped aloud. People turned their head to him. They were six young kids and a music teacher.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I got carried away." Ocean apologized.

The music teacher smiled. "It's okay you are welcome to stay."

A young boy who played drums rushed towards him. "Hi, we meet again."

Ocean looked so confused. "Hmm"

The boy smiled genuinely, "You don't remember me? I bumped into you with my sister at the bookstore long ago."

Ocean stared longer. "Oh, oh I remember the one who with a twin sister then you actually had another brother."

"Yes, yes, that was me." Owen nodded.

"Oh, you study here. I graduated this school too." Ocean said.

"Please stay here and watch me as I play again." Owen requested.

The music teacher walked towards them. "Owen, is this your dad?"

Owen looked at Ocean. "Yes teacher, this is my dad." He answered and winked at him with a smiling face then walked back to the drum set.

Ocean could not say a thing leaving him dumbfounded. The music teacher was very accommodating. She even offered him a seat to watch Owen that was he heard the music teacher called him.

He almost forgot that incident when they first met at the bookstore. He could not believe that young boy remembered him.

He watched him again as he played the drum very well and even did with some other instrument like piano inside the room.

This kid is very talented; he has a good voice too.

He could not believe that he waited him until he was off to his session. He feels like he was the dad of this kid.

If only he has a kid with Rhianna, maybe if they got married after graduation. He could be this like Owen.

Owen saw him again and could not believe that he was inside the music room clapping his hands after he played drum. It was unexpected situation but he was delighted to see him.

He wished to meet him after their first encounter at the bookstore. He could not forget about him that night as they went home. When her mom was at work the next day. Because of his face was familiar. He sneaked out to her room.

He looked the photo that her mom always stared at; Rayden caught him too sneaking at their mother's room.

He told him about that incident but hide it from their mom. Now, that he saw him again. He will not waste any moment not to talk to him longer.

He was glad that he stayed and watched him until the end.