Unleash The Void

As John awoke, he was determined to train till his body went numb. After reading the Egyptian hieroglyphics, he had figured out a very plausable idea on the mechanics of dark energy. He then began to focus on the latent void energy in the area around him. Luckily there were no heat sources, so he had a much easier time to focus. Using his "thermal" vision mixed with no heat around, he was able to change it to see the flowing colors of the void. As he focused and concentrated, he saw that like in the hieroglyphics, the energy flowed in a string like manner. It expanded out in all directions, usually keeping itself in bands of power. The bands of purple and black were constantly moving, while the white and blue ones kept mostly stable, only changing when the purple of the black interacted with it. As he reached out to the bands of energy, his perception faded away back to normal reality. He kept on trying to reach out for them, but noticed that using normal methods had no effect on grasping them. So instead of reaching out physically, he reached out with his own energy. When the two energy's interacted with one another, his strand acted like a cable that fed power directly into him. He had a sudden adrenaline like rush, along with the same feeling when he maxed out his own personally generated energy. He kept on practicing for the whole day, and continued to do so for the next two days. He was now six days into his isolation, and he was now at the point where he could tap into the natural void energy at will. By taking the laws of how the void energy worked, he used his own energy in white form to use as a cable, and surrounded the outside of it with purple and black energy to act as the current that would then go back into him. After he figured this out, he went to using his new found energy source and tried seeing the extent it could work. Unlike using his powers to block or defend himself, he began using it offensively. He began drilling through concrete, eventually going through it and into the rock. For over an hour, he punched, banged, and battered his fists and legs until he had no energy left to give. He realized after a short amount of time , his concentration would deteriorate and fail due to mental exhaustion. This was his last day before he had to rise out of his tomb, and made sure to get plenty of sleep. After over 10 hours of rest, and scoffing down the remaining food scraps he had left, he gathered his belongings and made way for the door. As he ascended the thirty foot incline, he could feel the area getting much warmer. In a week's time, he was able to grow much faster than before, completely shrouded in darkness. As he was about to open the door, he felt the sudden pressure change. He knew that it was likely due to his brother or sister waiting outside for a fight, which he was prepared for. He placed down his bag on the steps, and opened the door. As the light flushed in from all directions, so did the intense feeling of warmth. The sun never felt so good, but never was it so blinding. As his eyes finally adjusted to the change, he could see his sister staring him down like a lion to it's prey. Her green eyes burning like flames, as her long red hair fluttered by her heat. While feeling quite threatened, his appearance remained the same. As she tried to intimidate him more, the more he seemed be blank in expression. But after she began to dile down her flames and try to add in a snarky remark, he closed his eyes. Before he closed them, he could see his brother and father standing on the outside of the fence. As her comments kept spouting out like the wildfire she resembled, his eyes flashed with a deep purple. Just the sight alone made her gasp halfway through a rant, and then made her take a few steps back. His eyes now staring intently at her, he could see her jaw begin to tremble. He knew by sheer experience and training he didn't have great odds fighting her one on one, even with his recent power boost. So instead of fighting, he decided to use fear tactics. He then made his outer power skyrocket, sending out large amounts of sound as the void energy conjugated and interacted with the air. The sound reverberated through her chest like a heavy base, leaving behind the sense of fight or flight. While he knew he could have stopped their, he had to really sell it. In all his years of fighting and watching, he knew humans fear most what they don't understand. People mark what they don't understand as monsters, demons, or whatever word they can fathom. That was the thing that he had to become. Incarnate of fear itself. As he extended out his reach of power, he made sure to make it extensive and elaborate. Seemingly to him, he thought he was reaching out to grab at more power, but the his sister saw something very different. Looking like dripping veins of sheer darkness, they extended out from his back outwards. The veins looked like black wings had sprung from either side of him, making him look like a devil. Dark, lightless eyes. A body shrouded in darkness, and wings that looked like dripping veins of tar and smoke. As he then used his added power to send another sound shockwave outwards, the fear combined with the sound was enough to knock his sister out. She fell to the floors, still standing their completely blank in expression.