Getting Bullied...Kinda

I woke up in a hospital bed with a hospital gown covering me. "Doctor! He's awake!" a nurse called. I asked, "Where am I?" Checking the monitors, the nurse turned to answer me. "You are in the Nova Kin Institute of Healthcare. You are quite a fortunate man. Your injuries could have killed you," she said. My brain was trying to process what she said and what had happened last night, and then I remembered the car crash and the girl. "There was a woman there... is she alright?" I asked. "A woman?" She replied quizzically. "Sir, I'm pretty sure the accident may have scrambled your memories a bit because nobody was there but you." "What…?" I vividly remembered someone in a supercar crashing into me, throwing us into the ditch. "Karen!" Barked a middle-aged man in a doctor's attire. "Mr. Dagon, please ignore whatever the nurse told you. There are a couple of people here who wish to speak with you about the accident." The doctor told me. As he told me this information, two men in business suits appeared. One of them looked like an actual businessman, while the other guy looked like a buff bodybuilder who could snap me in half like a twig. "Whatup punk let's get this show on the road so we can get outta here," the bodybuilder said. I already hated him as soon as he said that. He had a gruff voice with a smirk smile, and when he spoke, he would try to puff out his chest to try and intimidate me. Not going to lie, it was pretty intimidating. I was tempted to reply to him, but I kept my anger in check. Me getting angry wouldn't help the situation; the bodybuilder would just try and provoke me more than he already is doing. "Mr. Dagon, we have some forms here that you need to sign," the businessman said. "What am I signing here?" I asked. This just didn't sound right. I mean first, they are in business suits and one of them was a bodybuilder and secondly, they were trying to get me to sign some strange form. "Nothing much, we just need you to sign indicating that you were the only one involved in this incident," the businessman replied. "Wait, what!?" This obviously had to be some sort of rich group, and they were trying to pass me on all the charges or blame so it wouldn't go against them. I was angry, but I knew I couldn't do anything. This was just another example of the rich bullying the weak, and if the weak person dared to fight back, they wouldn't be properly taken care of. I could only grit my teeth and bite the bullet. "Oh, you're not admitting to guilt, no charges, no misdemeanors, no nothing. As a matter of fact, we are willing to donate twenty grand to your name. We even went as far as dealing with the hospital and repair fees for your car the towing." I was honestly quite shocked; I pretty much just made a free twenty grand through this accident. However, this still didn't change the fact that I still probably wouldn't be able to recover from my injuries, meaning I pretty much lost my job. All I could do was sigh while he handed me the forms for me to sign. I took the pen and wrote my signature at the end of the paper. At this moment, I really didn't feel any emotions except hopelessness, since I could no longer work at labor jobs. And since I didn't have a college degree, I couldn't get a desk job either. "Well, Mr. Dagon, it was nice meeting you. My associate and I will now take our leave," the businessman said. The businessman then said goodbye to the doctor before heading out the door. In an attempt to try and provoke me again, the bodybuilder flashed me a smug smile and puffed out his chest once again. Although I had been trying to hide my anger towards him from the start, I couldn't help but let some of the anger show up on my face. "Hah, the punk is angry now." The bodybuilder started to laugh and flashed me one last smirk before leaving the room. When they finally left, I was able to sigh in relief that they were gone. Even though I was angry, admittedly, this was the first time I had to deal with such a group of people. Since they were able to overturn official government issues, they had to belong to some group of rich or powerful people. "Sir, although they have covered your medical fees, they have not paid for the surgery required to fix your spine," the doctor said. I could only laugh in my sorrow. Despite them having all the money in the world, they couldn't even pay for my surgery. Although I sounded a bit selfish because they did pay for everything else, it was more of my past that fueled this thinking. My parents had served in the military and fought for their nation. While these people sat on their asses raking in millions of dollars a year. Yet, in the orphanage, countless children like me were just barely fed. I shook my head to get rid of these foolish thoughts. In reality, humans are greedy, the strong live prosperous, while the weak are left to rot at the bottom. "Sir, since those men paid for everything, you are free to go," the doctor said. The nurse proceeded to put my clothes and accessories on the table and then exited the room. Before the doctor left, he told me the directions to exit the building and followed the nurse out of the room. I put on my clothes and placed my phone and wallet in my pocket and exited the building. Realizing I didn't have a ride, I proceeded to take out my phone and call Whatsacar, to get a ride home. As I sat in the passenger seat, I started to wonder: how was I going to use the twenty grand?