Gone... Just Like That

What puzzled me the most was some of my stats were missing. Normally the screen displayed various other stats such as an attack, defense, and etc. However, my stats only showed my basic ones, such as health, and mana. I know for sure that I'm not retarded because I had done research on gameplay, and for the other players, it showed their other stats. I thought that this must be a bug or something? Honestly, I really don't know, I'll just file a complaint later to the devs. As I spawned in I heard a piercing scream. I looked over to my left and saw a small boy no older than 6 looking up at me. "Tall man is scary,'' he said while cowering behind what appears to be his mother."Kazue, that is no way to treat a person, I'm sorry stranger he just hasn't seen different people before," she replied apologetically. "That's alright I understand." She hurriedly took her son's hand and walked away. Looking around I noticed that I was the only white person there, and I got a couple odd stares. 'Hmm, that's interesting, I heard that Eliatrope and the northern area of the Divine Light Empire had Asian characteristics. But, I didn't expect there would be that much of a discrepancy. Well, it's not like they are going to attack me or anything so I should be fine. Looking around me once again I saw that the buildings had a unique design. All of the buildings either had a dome or cone shape for the roof. While some looked like they took the top part of a barn and smacked it right down on top of a building. What amazed me the most was the colors, the buildings were mostly green in color, with countless paned windows everywhere. The building that stood out the most was the church which doubled the size of the Vatican church. It was clear that churches were the most focused on since there was a church as big as this on the outskirts of the empire. I could only imagine the size of the church in the capital of the Divine Light Empire. Despite doing my research, I still didn't glance at the capital, since I was mainly just briefly looking over the information of the game. Plus, I didn't really care about churches, maybe if it was like a castle I would be more interested. I then began walking towards a dark magic user hidden in the poor area of the city. Even if they were the 'Divine Light Empire' they still couldn't help everyone. No matter what city you go to, no matter how small it is, there is always a 'slum area' of the city. Now I know I'm going against the honor of protecting the light or whatever, but I needed to get a boost out of the early game stage. I wasn't going to do it a good honorable way because those people are the ones who end up at the bottom. I don't want to get stuck with all those losers at the bottom who barely make any money. I want to get hooked up by Chung Zhang or get in the guild. Then I slowly build my way up in the ranks, and right before we migrate to the game; I ask for a transfer to a desk job. Boom, easy life, with decent pay and I, don't even have to get in harm's way. Truly a win-win situation if you ask me. You see, although I played a warrior class in gladiator games, and was like cool as fuck…. Yeah, I'm a pussy in reality. If there is any chance that I'll get hurt then you bet that I'm outta there. I know, quite the loser right, well I'm fine that way. I might be a wussy and a coward, but at least I can acknowledge that. Anyways, as I was approaching the area the dark magic user was in, I saw a drastic change in scenery. It went from beautiful houses and churches to buildings that looked like they were nearing the end of their lifetime. Unfazed by the scenery, I continued on the onward to the dark magician. Although I'm going to be a paladin, I still need to use the ability that the dark magician has. Nearing where he was, I saw what looked to be a worn-down bookstore with books scattered everywhere. However, there was one area of the store where everything was clean and tidy. Which was where a man in a shroud cloak was sitting on a chair. Walking closer I saw that his facial features were not exactly like a human. His face had a shade of red, and upon closer inspection, you could see a small horn on top of his head. He looked at me with an expression void of features. However, his face began to distort into confusion upon seeing my face longer. He quickly got rid of this expression and straightened up and said, "So, what you are you looking for my dear customer." "Dark Transformation Scroll," I replied unhesitantly. "Ahh, so you want to become stronger," he said in a mysterious voice. "Well, I certainly have it, but it's going to cost quite a bit," As he finished his last sentence his face began to smile. "Yes, and I believe cash isn't quite enough for it, am I right?" "Hahaha, you sure catch on quickly, yes if you want it I need you to fetch something for me," he said with a smile. "Alright then, what would like me to fetch you?" "I need two bloodstones for an experiment I'm working on." My mind began to ponder what he might be trying to brew, but it wasn't like I cared or anything. It was just a bit curious since he wasn't an alchemist, but a magician.

New Quest: Obtain the Dark Magicians two bloodstones

Difficulty: D

Awards: Dark Transformation Scroll

Failure: Unable to get Dark Transformation

Hmm, the mission doesn't seem too hard. The difficult part was supposed to be located where the dark magician was, so the hardest part was already done. I began to walk away from the dark magician as he picked stood up and entered the back room. Taking out the map that I acquired at the start, I saw a location on the map called Blood Cave. To confirm if the bloodstones were located there, I walked around the city until I found a library. Talking to the librarian, I confirmed that the bloodstones were indeed there. I then began to make my way to Blood Cave.

The goblin's head crunched as I threw him at the wall. Kinda brutal, but I honestly couldn't care for empty-headed goblins who only cared for their desires. Looking around the cave I was in I saw a treasure chest blending in with the moss. I saw a rock laying right next to me so I picked it up, and threw it at the chest. It made a scraping noise and fell to the ground. I waited for 10 seconds, but nothing happened, so it's not a trap. Thinking it was fine, I begin to walk forward-BANG! An arrow soared through the air and went through where I head would have been. I watched as the arrow struck against a wall and fell to the floor. A cold chill went up to my spine if I had taken two more steps that I would have died instantly. 'Too scary, although it's still a game, and you won't die, the fear is still there'. It's the same thing with a haunted house, you know the purpose is to scare you, but you still end up getting scared. The same thing with the game, you know that you'll respawn, but that fear of getting killed is still there. Calming down my adrenaline run, I walked to the chest and began to open it. Looking inside I saw two stones that were colored red. The stone's glimmered and gave off an eerie feeling. I quickly took them and put them in my leather satchel. I quickly made my back to the dark magician's shop.

We shared no words, I simply showed him the stones, and he gave me the Dark Transformation Scroll. 'Haha,' my face lit with joy once I received the item, with this scroll my leveling speed will increase. Looking on the map I saw an area called the

'boundary', where I assumed monsters probably were lurking. When I reached the boundary I saw a boar and two rabbits resting. I stealthy made my way over and quickly ripped the scroll. "AHHHHHHHHH", "FUCK!" I didn't think I would feel any pain, but I was clearly wrong. It felt like my insides were being forcibly moved around, and I felt like my entire body was on fire. The boar and the rabbit were too scared to even attack the human who dared to disturb them. Horns slowly rose out of my head, but it felt like two big needles coming out. For the next minute, I was just laying down in a curled position, waiting until the transformation was over. As I was trying to stand up, I felt a weird sensation. When I got up, I felt like I was pulling up more mass. I looked downwards and realized that I had grown taller. Before, I was exactly 6 feet tall, but now I had grown to 6 feet, 6 inches. That's comparable to the average height of a basketball player. I frowned, being tall was cool and all, but it had more disadvantages than most people realize. When you walk into a room, you won't be able to blend in the background, because everyone will be glancing at you. Essitintly, it made you more noticeable than the average person. This type of appearance doesn't suit a person like me who enjoys blending in the background and being noticeable. However, I'm being ridiculous, it's not like this is a permanent appearance. It would wear off over a certain amount of time… oh, that's right, I haven't seen any sort of notification since activating the ability. Normally, the game would provide at least a notification or display that you activated something, but I got nothing. 'This game will one day be our new home, so maybe they designed it this way on purpose?' Honestly, I really didn't care, I was a person who earned experience and knowledge of game mechanics while I play. Looking forward, I noticed that the 3 animals were laying on the ground not even looking at me. I frowned, "Am I really that ugly?" I asked myself. I mean, in my opinion, I thought I would look pretty handsome as a demon; don't know whether to feel ashamed or proud of that one. Little did Daigon know, the animals were actually paralyzed in fear of the human who just morphed into a demon. I began to get upset over the animals who continued to look away from me. 'Hmmph, how disrespectful I will end these pitiful creatures then.' The animals looked up only to see the human, no demon, who's smile was growing larger. The animals wanted to run away, but they couldn't they were frozen in fear. Just as the demon was about to slaughter them a bright, glimmering light shined down on their location. I looked up at the sky and saw what appeared to be being with wings that were colored gold. '......... an angel.' "It's a godamn angle what the fuck is that shit!" I cursed loudly. 'Wasn't I out of the boundary, why is there an angel here. Taking out the map, I looked down at the marker that showed where I was. I...…..I was......I wanted to scream in anger, and I was angry with my own stupidity. I was 1 step in the boundary. Yes, that's right, I was 1 step within the boundary. Well at least, I now know that angels exist. I knew that demons would be eliminated if they were within a certain distance of a city in the Divine Light Empire. But, never did I think an angle would get rid of them. I always had bragged about being a great researcher and acting as a smart person. But, here I was, making a mistake that even a retard wouldn't make. "Welp, guess I'm a fucking dumbass, there goes my dark transformation," I told myself. "FOUL DEMON WHO LURKS IN THE TERRITORY, PREPARE TO BE THOU SMITED UPON." 'Ew, he's cringy as fuck." Even though I was going to die, I couldn't help but cringe at that comment. Since I have been an avid league player my entire life, I decided that I would let loose all my knowledge that I had been collecting for my life. "Shut the fuck up you wannabe Shakespeare, looking like you could be shreks cousin!" Unfortunately, the angle wasn't really listening, but I still continued valiantly to unleash as many curses as I could. I kept cursing until a blinding light came down and wiped me out instantly, leaving nothing behind.

System Error

System Error

System Error

System Error

System Error

I couldn't care less about the system error the game was fucked anyway, I was going to ask for a replacement. Since it already had been having errors at the beginning. Plus it will give me a new start, so I won't mess up again. But before I could do anything something flashed across my screen.

Demon Lord Daigon, CrossField has been properly reset

"Wtf," before I could say anything else I respawned in what appeared to be a castle!?