Uh, What Are You Doing?

"Uh, what the hell was that?!" "Demon Lord Dagon?" Honestly, I had no idea what the hell was going on. But, feeling around me I could tell that I was laying down a bed that was even comfier than mine. The bed was so comfy that I almost fell asleep. Fortunately, I didn't let the bed kidnap me and I forced myself to get up. Thankfully, it wasn't like one of those animes cliches where you wake up with a girl sleeping next to you. However, I was a bit disappointed at the same time. Anyways, I sat up and started looking around. It wasn't exactly your stereotypical demon castle, however, it definitely had them. Overall, the room resembled something out of a sophisticated demon castle. The best way to describe it would just be imagining a royal human castle, except with a dark vibe. The real noticeable detail that I noticed was that wherever I was located had a reddish hue around the entire room. Although I hoped that this only applied to my room or the castle itself, however, I had a sinking feeling that 'everywhere' would have this reddish hue. Though I hadn't confirmed it yet, I had a feeling that I was in some sort of demon area or realm. Considering that the system had said that 'Demon Lord Dagon had been reset' and plus the room itself had a demonish vibe to it. Taking a look around I saw a mirror in the corner of my room, and

I walked up to it to check out my new appearance. Looking in the mirror I almost gasped in shock. I was expecting that this Dagon was going to look ugly since my luck was horrible. But, looking back at me was what at first glance appeared to a female. I almost looked like Lucifer if he had a sister and was less muscular. I couldn't really get a good grasp of my strength, but just from feeling my body, I could tell that my strength was weaker than even my original self. The part that stood out of my body the most had to be the horns on top of my head. Though they were quite small and if you were to look at me from a farther distance you probably wouldn't be able to see them unless you had good vision. I could also see that I still had blond hair, however, there were some streaks of black running through it as well. It looked a bit odd, but it somehow looked pretty nice. At least to me. And unfortunately, the tan skin that I once used to have was completely gone, my skin had become almost deathly pale. My skin was so pale I wouldn't be surprised if people assumed I was dead if I got any whiter. Atlas, there was nothing I could do about it, however, taking a look at my face; it could easily triumph over my pale skin. My face seemed to resemble someone carefree, and simply just didn't care for anything that happened around them. And I had one side of my eye that was blue, while the other eye was green. Making me a bit puzzled for a second, but I quickly recovered and decided that I liked the uniqueness of my eyes. 'Wait, why don't I feel anything around me?' "Oh, Shit!' Looking more clearly in the mirror, I realized that I was completely naked. I had been so fascinated with my new face and my body that I didn't even realize that I was naked the whole time. Although I doubted that someone would appear at the door, I still didn't want to test that theory out! I frantically searched around the room for a dresser or any type of clothing I could wear, until I finally saw a wardrobe tucked away in the corner of the room. I dashed to the dresser and pulled out a drawer to only see a pair of undergarments. I got scared for a moment until as I pulled out more drawers, but thankfully I saw what appeared to be pants, they were entirely black. As I searched more I found a black garment and black coat to go with it. "Dang, do demons only wear black?" I asked myself. After putting on all my clothing and looked into a mirror, I felt like I was nobility. Then again, considering where I was and the things that I had in the room displayed that this Dagon probably was part of the nobility. 'But, do demons even have nobility?' Unfortunately, I didn't inherit any memories from the original host of this Dagon meaning that I don't know anything about this realm or the way that the original host acted. This would be quite bad if this Dagon had been a social butterfly. I could only hope that the original host had little interactions with other demons. Taking a moment to think about it I decided that although I didn't know anything about their society; most likely since their demons, they probably decide most things by strength. And based on the way my character appeared, I made an assumption that I was probably one of the weaker demons in wherever I was. So I decided that I would act lower and treat everyone with proper respect unless my interactions with the demons proved otherwise.

After figuring out how I would interact with the other demons I took a moment to properly check out my room. I made my way over to the window where I took a peek out of. And when I looked down, I saw a gigantic castle. And by Gigantic castle, I actually mean a wuxia size castle. For example, the Burj Khalifa has a height of about 828m or 829.8m if you count the tip. However, looking out the window I saw a turret easily beating its height by at least 100 meters. And the part that made it even scarier, was uh, remember how I said I was looking down on it? Yeah, I was at least 200 meters higher than the turret. I remember when I was in 8th grade where we went on a class trip and we went to the top of the Freedom Tower. Looking down from that height already frightened the living hell out of me. So looking down out of a window that was about 1100m in the sky caused me to jump away from the window where I promptly fell on my ass. "Holy shit man, who the hell designed this castle?" I really started to freak out about how high our height was, like how would we even get up and down this damn castle!? After a couple of minutes of me going through a mental breakdown over how high we were, I began to think about how this building was built. At first, I assumed that there was no way in hell that these demons had the proper technology or knowledge to build a castle this big. However, I once again realized that I had no knowledge of this realm whatsoever, meaning I couldn't really say anything. But, if you were to look from a modern human's perspective, and see that these demons had built a structure about 300-400 meters taller than the Burj Khalifa; it quite baffled me. I made a guess that most of it had to do with magic and certain types of materials that were special to the demon realm. In the end, though, I really can't be certain, and I would have to find out the answers to my questions by interacting and learning about the demon realm. As I was thinking to myself I heard a knock and a voice at the door.

"Sire, the mistress has requested you." I was thinking of which tone I should respond in when the person at the door suddenly opened it. As the person opened the door I saw a man in a butler attire with white gloves standing by the door. However, the man like me could be easily be mistaken as a female. He had a slender body frame and soft facial features. The most interesting thing I noticed about him was his blue hair that had purple streaks running through it, and his eyes which were violet color. I began to question whether if all demons had feminine features or were it just coincidental? For now I hoped it would be the latter, otherwise, this place would get boring and weird for me real quick. "Sire, what are you wearing!?" "This is an unacceptable attire to be presented in front of the mistress." Before I could say anything else the butler had dashed to my wardrobe and began to take certain clothes out. I was too puzzled on what was going on when he grumbled to himself, "You know that the mistress likes the color red, and hates black, why must you always try and irritate her?" Dang, it, I'm already messing up and it hasn't been longer than 7 minutes! I then saw him take out a red suit with a blue tie on it and a pair of grey pants. As I finally recovered from my shock, I tried to say something to him before he once again caused me to become shocked. He had walked over to me and began to undress me. I was about to yelp in fright before I realized that if I did that it might make me look suspicious. Considering that the butler obviously didn't see anything wrong with what he's doing then that must mean this is a normal thing that they do. I kept my jaws clamped and let the butler proceed to undress me. Thankfully, he stopped at my underwear, otherwise, I might have blown my cover. After undressing me the butler put on the clothes he had brought out, and then placed my other clothes back in the dresser. Just when I thought he was done with everything the butler said, "Oh, that hair won't do either sire, we must go fix it." By the way, during this entire process, I hadn't once said a single word. I followed behind the butler where he led us to the bathroom where he began his task on fixing up my hair. Once he had finished I focused in on the mirror and I saw that my hair has been combed to the right. Admittedly, I thought it looked pretty handsome, but I guess that's just my opinion. "Sire now is time to see the mistress, we are late." He hurriedly told me. The butler waved his hand for me to follow and I followed him out of the room. I didn't really get to have a good luck around the castle since I had to rush to keep up with the butler. But, I managed to catch a few glimpses of the hall we were going down. Surprisingly it looked similar to human designs, except everyone there was some form of a demonic humanoid creature. There were also many paintings of what appeared to be important demons from either the past or present. As we rounded the corner I saw a circular-shaped room down the hall. The butler led us to the room, and I saw a few symbols written on the circular floor. And before I could study the room more the butler started pronouncing words in a language I didn't recognize, which the floor began to light up in a reddish color. Although I became startled, I still managed to not let my facial expression change. Before I could even react the color became too bright and the next thing I knew I was teleported to a different floor. Holy shit! Now I see why these demons are not even concerned at all dealing with this massive building. The speed of these things is even quicker than some of the fastest elevators made on earth. Although I don't know yet whether these arrays could teleport you to any floor or if it worked similar to an elevator. However, if it could then that means the Burji Khalifa's elevator would be easily trumped by this array. But, even if it can't the speed that it can go is still crazy. I also assume the array works by getting energy from magic. Because the castle, and what it contained inside clearly displayed that their technology was no greater than the 16th century. This also got me worrying, this world has clearly shown that they aren't even at the steam-powered age yet, and were still way far off. I assume this has to do with magic, in our world we needed to constantly develop technology to improve our lives. However, this world has magic, meaning that they don't have to research into technology as much as we did. Thus making this world being nowhere close to ours. Now, the reason why this pertains to me is that if these guys aren't even close to the steam age, then that means I will probably not be able to use the internet. And any other source of modern technology that we will be unable to use in a year for that matter. Thankfully, I'm into books so as long as I have them I should be alright in the entertainment department. Getting out of my daze the butler was motioning me to follow him.

As we walked further down a wide corridor I saw a massive door that extended up to the ceiling. In my mind, I was telling myself how much of a ridiculous flex this is, but I kept those thoughts to myself. Before we got to the door two guards halted us. These guys put tall basketball players to shame. These guys were at least 3 meters and a half tall. They were also pretty imitating, they both had two spears that were longer than them; most noticeably was that they looked like cows that had way too many hormones. The butler saved me from getting more frightened by pulling my attention to him. "Sire, please do not anger the mistress again, I don't want us to suffer again like last time." Judging from what he said, this Dagon doesn't seem to be all that bright. Or, maybe he holds a grudge or possibly hates the mistress? I simply just don't have enough information to go off of, so all I could do was play it by ear and don't mess up. As I was dozing off the guards both huffed in unison and slowly began to open the doors. When the giant doors finally opened, I saw a huge chamber with a red carpet leading to a throne laying in the middle of the room. The butler bid me farewell and walked away and the guards closed the door. Just looking around the chamber gave me goosebumps, there were small pools of red liquid, pictures of what appeared to be demons in military attire lined the walls. The chamber looked similar to a royal vampire's room. The one thing that threw me off though were cages that hung from the ceiling where I saw men and women alike in them. They all looked like they could have been beautiful or handsome, however, they all had lost their color. And looked no better than a homeless person on the street. This scene caused my expression to slightly shape in the form of disgust until I quickly changed back to my neutral expression immediately. As I walked closer to the throne I focused my eyes on the demon sitting on the throne. "Succubus." I softly said to myself. Although I don't know for sure, I had a 90% guess that she is a succubus. She had overly exaggerated breasts, provocative clothing, and a tail that slowly went right back and forth. Her eyes, her horns, her clothing, were all red. She interrupted my thoughts by saying, "So, Dagon you haven't forgotten your promise, right? "Of course I haven't" I bluffed. "Ah, well that's good because I've been waiting to have my way with you for a while." Yes, thank god my bluff worked, otherwise who would know what the outcome could have been? Also, did I hear that correctly? 'She wants to do what with me now!? I wasn't an idiot who couldn't pick up on cues like that. She clearly wants to have sex with this Dagon. I don't know the reason, maybe for a baby, power, or my best guess, pleasure. I got worried though, I mean I'm always down for a good time if you know what I mean. But, this wasn't it. Recalling those people hanging from the walls I feared I could become just like them. Who knows, we could start going at it, and she might never stop. And not to mention, I heard from many stories that succubi tend to normally absorb your power or cause something to become their slave. There are simply too many variables that I don't know about yet, to participate in sex with her. My best bet would try and delay it for at least a day until I can learn more information about this world. The succubi pulled me out of my thoughts by calling out to me, "My Dagon, you normally aren't this quiet what happened to you?" "Oh, sorry, I just started daydreaming a bit about your remarkable beauty." I replied back smoothly. The succubus's face turned into a sly grin, "Oh, my Dagon you seem more flirty today" "It's just that I feel happy today to you see you," I replied with a smile on my face. I was buttering her up like bread on butter until I finally saw a chance. "Unfortunately, I don't feel well today, and I feel like I won't be good enough to provide you a pleasurable experience. So may you please give a day to rest before, we procreate?" "Hmm, you have pleased me today with your attitude, I will give you a single day to rest before I have my way with you. Oh, and if you don't appear then"- her face once again formed into a sly expression. "You know what the consequences will be." I suddenly gulped, before I could say anything else she said I was dismissed and the guards led me out.

Waiting outside the door was the butler. At this point, I figured that he was my butler since earlier he had mentioned, "I don't want us to suffer again." And also because he's kept calling me "sire" and has displayed other actions as of a servant. "Greetings sire, did the meeting go well?" The butler asked. "Well, I didn't anger the mistress at least." The butler quickly flashed a grin and asked, "That's great sire, shall I lead you back to the room?" "Ah, yes please," I replied. Now that the summoning was out of the way the butler seemed less worried, and treated me more like a servant would. This also meant that we were able to walk slowly, allowing me to take in more of the interior in the castle. There were many servants of different demonic forms, countless rooms, dining halls, ballrooms, and countless other areas located in the castle. Before I knew it the butler had already led me back to the room. When we were just about to enter my room, I realized that I still didn't know the name of my butler. "Uh, sorry, but my mind is just completely out of it today, what is your name again?" "Sire, frankly I'm not surprised you've forgotten, since its the 3rd time this week, but once again it's Verial." Wow, I won the lottery right there, thankfully it seems this Dagon's memory was quite bad. "Ah, I remember now, sorry." Just as I was going to close the door, Verial suddenly had walked in and said, "Master you have forgotten again, remember that we have to do it every single day?" I was baffled on what he could possibly mean when he suddenly and went in and pulled me into a kiss. What...the fuck. I had been trying to hold in all my emotions and things I saw today until finally, I reached my breaking point. "What the fuck are you doing Verial?!"