Land of Exile

Thankfully, Verial's incubus method didn't require him doing some sort of sexual activity, but I felt like there would possibly be repercussions for him committing the action he's about to do.

"Release the first seal!" Verial shouted. At first, I felt like I was watching a chuunibyou in action, but a few seconds later I felt massive amounts of power surging through Verial due to his servant bond. This allowed for the master and servant to become connected to each other through a contract. "Sire you're going to want to hold to me tightly and never lose grip for a second or else you'll go flying right off the horse." I could only nod in reply and allow Verial to take control of the situation. As the two horsemen got closer I was able to get a better description of them. They were comparable to some of the strongest bodybuilders on Earth. Except instead of outright exposing their muscles, thick plated armor covered their bodies. Although Verial was oozing with unprecedented power I still didn't know if he could take them on in a frontal confrontation. Verial was still riding out our average pace even though the horsemen were almost upon us causing me to get more anxious. "Uh, Verial if you plan on doing something, I suggest doing it now!" I shouted in fright. Verial, unfortunately, didn't seem bothered with my complaint and continued at our original pace. I closed my eyes as the last thing I saw was the horsemen bringing down their ax on us...…. "I'm not dead?" Glancing around I saw that I was still on the horse hanging on too Verial. "Sire, I've managed to escape them and they'll no longer be able to catch up to us." My mind was still confused when I turned around and noticed that I couldn't even see the horsemen anymore. "Sire I used an ability that's called 'Haste'. It increases your speed and agility, however, it comes at a cost. It uses a large sum of energy that taxes the entire body, I would have been heavily injured even if I used it for a second longer." "I'm assuming to help to replenish this energy you require it from me don't you?" I asked. Verial gave me a sloppy grin, "Yes sire, but since I only released my first seal, pride, it shouldn't take too much energy from you." "What do you mean by saying you only released the first seal?" Verial sighed and judging from his expression, I knew it would take a while. "I'll tell you about later when we set up some shelter and have some food." I nodded and let Verial take us to a safe location.

Crunch! The maid who had been serving the mistress could be seen spasming as the succubus's finger destroyed her skull and brain matter soon flew everywhere in the chamber. Her officers couldn't have cared less for what happened to the women since she was a nobody. They only feared what the mistress would do to them. Fortunately for them, the succubus was able to relieve some of her anger on the maid which stopped her from relieving any more pain by murdering her officers. Taking a deep breath her cold gaze wandered over her officers who were all stricken with fear, "How did you let him get away, not only did he escape from us ruining our reputation, that message completely destroyed my image!" One of the officers gulped but bravely stepped forward to answer, "Mistress we found evidence that they used Fallen to wear similar masks that they adorned earlier. We were able to lock all of them down in the marketplace, but they escaped. We believe that they used the sewers to get to the gate." The officer immediately stepped back within his ranks in the hope that she didn't take any actions towards him. The mistress's expression turned sour, but she didn't take any action and her shoulders slumped down in helplessness. As she was about to dismiss them a lone officer stepped forward kneeled towards the mistress. "Rise." Said the mistress with a depressing tone. Looking upwards, the officer was revealed to be Commander Argan. "Mistress I believe that we can capture Lord Dagon if you would please give me one last chance."

Inside a forest, two figures could be seen around a campfire waiting for their meal to be cooked. "So Verial, are you going to talk to me about those seals now?" Verial glanced at me for a second before staring back to the fire. "The Demon Realm isn't exactly like the Surface or Underworld, it's more like layers stacked upon each other, but they aren't stacked at the same time." In response, I confusingly started at Verial, "Imagine a tree and picture that in your mind. This is the first circle of the Demon Realm, Pride. This represents all Demon's, including myself for we all contain pride. Now zoom in and picture the branches extending from the tree, these represent the second circle of the Demon Realm, Lust, this is where I am from. These branches represent everything after it wouldn't have been possible without lust. Looking in closer you can see the smaller branches that are almost like sticks extending from the branches. These are the third circle of the Demon Realm, for they represent Envy who wish that they had thick branches like those of the second circle. As you zoom in closer you can see leaves that hang off from the small branches. They are the fourth circle of the Demon Realm, which represents Gluttony, for they in the background feed off the small branches who are too full of envy to notice the leaves sucking off of them. As you zoom in down to the roots of the tree you can see roots fighting each other for space. This represents Wrath and it's the fifth circle of the Demon Realm, for they only hate and feel no other. Zooming out once again, you can see the sap, which represents greed. This is the sixth circle of the Demon Realm. For greed is like a thick liquid that once trapped within its clutches there is no escape. Finally zooming back out to your original picture of the tree, you can see it move or sway once or twice in a span of possibly hundreds of years. This is the seventh circle of the Demon Realm, Sloth, for it exists within all beings." My mind was still in complete awe and still couldn't get over what Verial explained to me. It sounded similar to Dante's inferno mixed with the seven deadly sins, which created an entirely different concept. "Sire, this is all the information I can provide you with for now, but at the moment our food seems to be done." Verial was clearly wanting to shift our conversation away from our topic, which I let him and looked at the food Verial had been preparing.

Verial had prepared some cooked wolf meat admittedly it smelled pretty appetizing as I reached with my hand to grab the meat, Verial though, stopped me before I could and told me with a serious expression, "Sire though nobody is around myself you should never lower yourself to such standards. Here I'll serve you myself." I wanted to complain, however, I decided to keep my mouth shut, less he did anything else. I shifted my legs uncomfortably as he brought the food to my mouth, but as soon as the meat reached my tongue I completely forgot about what he was doing. The meat was tender and cooked medium-well, I expected the food to be low quality, but this food clearly changed my mind instantly. "I see you enjoy your food sire, when I was in the Demon Realm I spent a decent amount of time cooking, it allowed me to maintain some of my sanity in there." In my head I was frowning at that statement, assuming he was born in the Demon Realm as he claimed, shouldn't he be immune to such things as that? Keeping quiet, I replied to Verial, "Yes, indeed this really is great food Verial, thank you for this great dish." Verial grinned and replied, "It's good to see you still like my cooking sire. Though I do enjoy this moment, I do believe you know what happened earlier right?"

I knew instantly what incident he was referring to, the release of his first seal. "You are talking about when you released your first seal I believe." Verial gave me a helpless grin, sire, I know you hate transferring energy to me, but I require it to function. Without it, my powers will shrink less and less including my mental stability." "Mental stability?" I questionably replied back. Verial sighed and began to speak once again, "By mental stability, I'm referring to the control of my body, I require energy for my mental state that allows me to control my body. If I don't have enough my instincts or my body will turn my thoughts and I'll start displaying the definition of my species." Verial was trying to frame it with different words to not seem as bad, but I knew exactly what he meant. In other words, he'll become more sexual and start to perform actions that are of course sexual to satisfy his desire. I hope this meant he would target females since he's an incubus, but I'm not too sure since he does serve me and I am a male. Shaking my head, I asked Verial, "What do you require Verial?" "I need more energy from you, meaning you must transfer energy to me." I nodded hopelessly and waved him over to just get the process over with.

When we finished I actually felt pretty empty and tired. It was like I had spent the entire day exercising and my body was about to collapse. "I'm sorry sire, but I had lost a lot of energy during our escape, and I needed more than I usually would, I promise we won't have to do this again unless it is necessary." I was too weak to reply back so I just nodded instead. My eyes began to droop and the last thing I saw was Verial placing me down inside a tent and him laying down next to me.

My dreams were surprisingly peaceful, however, I felt my shoulders being shaken and I opened my eyes to see Verial looking down on me. "Sorry sire as much as I would like you to enjoy your sleep we have to go soon before they catch up to us." Remembering last night's memories I suddenly realized there was a chance we were still going to be hunted for. I got up and looked around our camp, Verial had already taken care of mostly everything, except the tent I was sleeping in, which he already started to work on storing it into the special ring. I must say, although having an incubus as a butler was quite odd it still was nice to have a servant take care of everything for you. "Verial, where exactly are we heading?" Verial stopped what he was doing and glanced at me before resuming his task, "There is a town located to the east of the castle called Rogmire, we'll pick up some necessities there where we will then head to the Land of Exile. I frowned, "The Land of Exile sounds pretty bad, must we really head there?" Verial looked at me sadly, "Once again, I'm sorry sire, the mistress holds much power within the Underworld, she is part of the Nocturnal Council, which means with one word the entire Underworld will be looking to capture you. My shoulders slumped back, just when I was thinking I'd be free and get to monopolize the entire Underworld to myself this problem came along. "I truly am an unlucky man," I said to myself while shaking my head.

"It's alright sire, plenty of other people who are in the exact same boat as you are hiding out in the Land of Exile, but I must say that in the Land of Exile nobody is an ally. Most people there are willing to stab each other in the back in a moment notice over something small as a loaf of bread." My expression widened in shock, I thought the Underworld couldn't get any worse than what it already was, but I guess I was wrong. "Don't worry sire, there is an area I know that's similar to a safe zone, we can hide there and train you up to contend with people and monsters that lurk in the Land of Exile." I couldn't help but shudder at how he would train me. I decided to put that at the back of my mind and focus on what lay before us, which was to make it to Rogmire. "Verial how far is Rogmire?" I asked. Verial was setting up the skeleton horse and looked towards me. "It should only take us a couple hours by horse, hop on." I nodded and reached out towards Verial's hand who helped let me up on the horse.

Just as I thought that I was going to lean back and relax for the rest of the ride a notification appeared right in front of me.

S Class Mission Triggered: You are wanted by the

Nocturnal Council, a powerful organization in the Underworld that still remains supreme. If you destroy them or conquer them you'll become a respected figure in the Underworld. While if you fail you'll simply be one of many specks of dust that attempted to change history.

Award: Pinnacle Chaos Flame, and 3 Options of Ultimate Classes, Favorability will increase with Fallen, including an unknown entity

Failure: Nothing, you'll just be part of the countless nobody's who attempted to go against the Nocturnal Council