Chapter 3 New life

*Sound of a woman in labor* (A/N I don't know to explain this better)

"Come on honey, push!" a man cried, "A little more, you can do it!"

"Would you SHUT UP!?" The mid-wife exclaimed, "Come on, last push...come on... that's it... THERE!!!" sounds of a new born cried to its new world. "Hey there little one, congratulation is a boy, a healthy baby boy."

"You did it! Our baby boy is here!" the father was crying with joy. Until the mid-wife pushed him out of the way to get to the mother, completely ignoring the father. Nearly knocking him to the ground. "What was that for Mel?"

"You were in the way," the mid-wife known as Mel said, "Here you go Carmeli, your boy all cleaned up. And I must say, he has most of your features. I can guarantee he will be a looker, but for now , he's a bundle of cuteness."

Mel handed the baby to the Carmeli, the mother, who was panting after a hard labor. Even though she was breathing heavily, she is a gorgeous woman. Her rich caramel colored hair billowed out past her shoulders. Her face is angular with soft soft curves, with sharp pointed eyebrows. She could have been a model if it wasn't for her one down fall. Her eyes. Her right eye is a rich deep almond color that blends with her hair. The left is a unnatural metallic blue, and around it showed a faint burn mark covering the eye.

"Thank you, Melodia," her voice, soft, rich, and full of life; " and please, I know you and Aurum don't get along. But please, put up with each other." Carmeli asked polity.

"Alright, fine. I still don't how my idiotic brother managed to get you to say yes." Mel agreed after messing with Aurum one last time.

Aurum finally managed to regain himself and walk beside Carmeli. Even though they didn't look like they were related, they're twins. While Aurum has short dark-brown, almost black hair; Melodia has fire red hair that flowed down to the middle of her back with a braided center. Were Aurum was tall ( 6ft 4in{ 193centameters}) and muscular, Melodia was thin and a little shorter than average height (5ft 2in {157centameters}). Aurum looked and was hard working, while Melodia looked frail and weak. The only way you could tell they have relation to each other was to look at their faces. They have similar structure and eyes. They have round faces, wavy eyebrows, and sharp noses, along with bright shining gold eyes.

(For Melodia, think of Rory Mercury from Gate. Yes she will have a big F***off ax/halberd.)

"First things first, his name. What are you two going to name him?" Melodia eagerly asked.

" I have a few ideas, but a name came to mind when I saw him." Carmeli said as she looked at her child. "How about...."


10 Years later

"LOGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOU!!!!" Melodia's voice could be heard throughout that woods, and laughing could be heard as the response. The voice belonged to a child of no more than 10. As a small figure hopped from branch to branch away from the rage filled woman.

'Man its fun to play with auntie. To bad that ax of hers is to heavy to climb with for her to catch me. " The figure said. Suddenly, a pleasant voice was heard through out the trees, singing a song that hypnotized the small figure.

"Come to me, Come to me." The voice rang beautifully. "Bring me you smile, bring me your warmth. You. are. my. only. solace! in this hellish night." As the voice sang, it drew in the small figure, closer and closer. "You are my dream, you are my light. You are what makes me complete." the small figure now stood in front of Melodia who was singing in to her giant halberd. The figure was a boy that was at least 10 years old. The boy was average height for his age. He had short dark-brown almost black hair, a sharp face with soft curves and sharp eyebrows. His eyes were golden and seem to shine with an intelligent glow. This is Logan Tenebris, Carmeli's and Aurum's Son, as well as Melodia's lovable pain in the neck.

Melodia quickly grabbed Logan by the scruff of his shirt. Proceed to bend him over her knee and deliver three quick cracks to Logan's backside with the flat of her halberd. "That's what you get for playing around in the shop. Your lucky nothing fell down and hurt you. Your father my not want to spank you, but me and your mother don't mind one bit." She said picking the young Logan up in her right hand. "Lets go. Its time for lunch." She said as she walks home with Logan under her right arm while spinning her halberd "lullaby" in her left using the tips of her fingers.

'How is she able to spin such a large weapon!?' Logan thought as he watched her. "Seriously, that thing weighs at least 150 pounds! Dad grunts when he picks that thing up, yet she plays with that thing as if it were a stick!' Logan screamed in his head.

"By the way, you sure you haven't unlocked you aura yet?" Melodia asked. "You were bouncing from tree to tree like a monkey. No kid your age can do that sort of thing and few hunters can as well! My colleges would have a hard time keeping up with you like that." Melodia said.

"No... I've been trying with no luck; but doing that seems natural to me." Logan explained.

"What do you mean, monkey? Melodia ask, as well as giving him the nickname of monkey.

"When I'm anywhere, be it the woods, shop, the pier, or in the plains nearby; I feel something giving me strength. The woods for example, I just know which branch to jump to, and if its father out then what I can jump to, I can feel the wing push me as I jump and the branch sway to me so I can land on it easier." Logan explained.

'Could the "wind" he means be his aura?' Melodia thought. 'And I seen him at the shop, Its almost as if he has the ability to tell were everything is. Also the forge there,I never seen him sweat when he helps his father there. And the pier, I never seen him once be tired while swimming, if anything, he gets more energetic while he swims.' these thoughts flooded the mind of Melodia as they arrived in a clearing and saw a house.